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- DNA damage and lipid peroxidation vs. protection responses in the gill of Dicentrarchus labrax L. from a contaminated coastal lagoon (Ria de Aveiro, Portugal)Publication . Ahmad, I.; Maria, Vera L.; Oliveira, M.; Serafim, Angela; Bebianno, Maria João; Pacheco, M.; Santos, M.A.The present research work aimed to investigate the damage vs. protection responses in gill of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) captured at a polluted coastal lagoon, Ria de Aveiro (Portugal), as a tool to evaluate the human impacts on environmental health. Damage was assessed as DNA strand breakage and lipid peroxidation (LPO) whereas protection was evaluated by measuring catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione S-transferase (GST), total glutathione (GSHt), thiols and metallothioneins (MT). Fish were caught at five locations: Gafanha (GAF), Rio Novo do Príncipe (RIO), Laranjo (LAR) and Vagos (VAG) presenting each a different recognized source of contamination, and Torreira (TOR), assumed as reference site. Among the surveyed sites, gill damage was observed only at GAF, as measured by DNA integrity loss and LPO increase. An overall induction in enzymatic antioxidant protection was perceptible in fish from GAF and VAG, expressed as higher GPX, GR and GST activities. In addition, LAR fish showed elevated GST and CAT activities. Thiols content was higher in all study sites irrespective to the pollution spectrum, whereas GSHt increase was only observed at GAF and VAG. The highest MT level was detected in fish from VAG and the lowest level from RIO suggesting a low contamination degree on this particular site. Globally, the results expressed site-specific response patterns, signalling two critical areas - GAF and VAG. Additionally, a joint analysis (damage vs. protection) allowed the following ordering of surveyed sites according to the contamination degree and risk to fish health; GAF>VAG>LAR>RIO>TOR. D. labrax gill responses demonstrated their efficacy as early warning signals of the contaminants presence. Moreover, the adopted approach, considering simultaneously protection responses and damaging effects, also revealed its usefulness on the pollution extent assessment.
- Sub-lethal effects of cadmium on the antioxidant defence system of the hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricusPublication . Company, Rui; Serafim, M.A.; Cosson, Richard P.; Fiala-Médioni, Aline; Camus, Lionel; Serrão-Santos, Ricardo; Bebianno, Maria JoãoThe mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus is one of the most abundant species in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vents and is continually exposed to the high-temperature venting fluids containing high metal concentrations and enriched in sulphides and methane, which constitute a potential toxic environment for marine species. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of a sub-lethal Cd concentration on the antioxidant defence system of this mussel. B. azoricus were collected at Menez Gwen vent site (37 degrees 51'N, 32 degrees 31'W) and exposed to Cd (50 microg l(-1)) during 24 days, followed by a depuration period of six days. A battery of stress related biomarkers including antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase-SOD, catalase-CAT; glutathione peroxidases-GPx), metallothioneins (MT), lipid peroxidation (LPO) and total oxyradical scavenging capacity (TOSC) were measured in the gills and mantle of B. azoricus. Cd was accumulated linearly during the exposure period in both tissues and no significant elimination occurred after the 6 days of depuration. Antioxidant enzymes activities were significantly higher in the gills. Cyt-SOD, T-GPx and Se-GPx were induced during the experiment but this was also observed in control organisms. Mit-SOD and CAT activities remained relatively unchanged. MT levels increased linearly in the gills of exposed mussels in the first 18 days of exposure. No significant differences were observed between LPO levels of control and exposed mussels. TOSC levels remained unchanged in control and exposed mussels. This suggests that although Cd is being accumulated in the tissues of exposed mussels, MT defence system is enough to detoxify the effect of Cd accumulated in the tissues. Furthermore, other factors besides the presence of Cd are influencing the antioxidant defence system in B. azoricus.
- A multibiomarker approach in Mytilus galloprovincialis to assess environmental qualityPublication . Cravo, Alexandra; Lopes, Belisandra; Serafim, M.A.; Company, Rui; Barreira, Luísa; Gomes, Tânia; Bebianno, Maria JoãoA multibiomarker approach was carried out for the first time in the South Portuguese Coast using Mytilus galloprovincialis, to assess environmental quality, establish if there are adverse biological responses associated to different sources of anthropogenic contamination and to determine spatial and seasonal trends. For this purpose the battery of biomarkers selected was: superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidases (GPx total and Se dependent), Cytochrome P450 component system, Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE), metallothionein (MT) and lead-delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD), lipid peroxidation (LPO) and Condition Index (CI) along with the determination of PAHs and metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn). Results show that despite the levels of both organic and metallic contaminants in these eight spots in the South Coast of Portugal not being particularly high compared with other contaminated/polluted sites worldwide, the selected battery of biomarkers responded efficiently to the environmental changes and allowed an environmental assessment between seasons and sites. Different spatial and seasonal responses were evident along the South Coast of Portugal, meaning that the contamination is not homogeneous. This does not only reflect different competition, origin and intensity of contamination, but also different environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, salinity). Along the South Portuguese Coast site 8 was the most contaminated, while site 2 was considered the least contaminated. Despite environmental factors possibly causing difficulties in the general interpretation of biomarker data, those that better responded to environmental contamination were CYP450, SOD-mit and T-GPx for the summation SigmaPAHs, MT (digestive gland) for metals (especially Cu), ALAD for Pb and LPO for both organic and metallic contamination. These biomarkers were also positively correlated with temperature in summer, revealing this as a more stressful/critical season. In future environmental contamination assessments there is no need to analyse the components b5, P418, NADH and NADPH of phase I MFO system, and MT in the gills, since their responses are not evident.
- Response of antioxidant systems to copper in the gills of the clam Ruditapes decussatusPublication . Geret, Florence; Serafim, Angela; Barreira, Luísa; Bebianno, Maria JoãoCopper (Cu) is an essential element for biological systems, however, when present in excess, is toxic. Metallothioneins can play an important role in Cu homeostasis and detoxification. Moreover, Cu can catalyse the production of toxic hydroxyl radicals that cause lipid peroxidation but defence systems in the cells can limit the oxidative damage. The present study was performed to investigate the effect of three Cu concentrations (0.5, 2.5 and 25 mug l(-1)) on the response of antioxidant enzyme activities (superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), selenium-dependent glutathion peroxidase and total glutathion peroxidase), total proteins, metallothioneins (MT), malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations in the gills of the clam, Ruditapes decussatus. The activity of antioxidant enzymes and total proteins, MT and MDA concentrations were measured in the gills of the clams after 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of Cu exposure. Results indicate that Cu only induces an imbalance in the oxygen metabolism during the first week of Cu exposure due to a decrease in mitochondrial SOD and CAT, selenium-dependent and total glutathion peroxidase activities. Cu also causes lipid peroxidation, measured by the MDA formation, that was Cu dependent. In the gills of clams exposed to 25 mug Cu/l, the excess of Cu triggers the induction of MT synthesis after 3 days. of exposure.
- Effect of cadmium, copper and mercury on antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation in the gills of the hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricusPublication . Company, Rui; Serafim, Angela; Bebianno, Maria João; Cosson, R.; Shillito, B.; Fiala-Médioni, A.Metals are known to influence lipid peroxidation and oxidative status of marine organisms. Hydrothermal vent mussels Bathymodiolus azoricus live in deep-sea environments with anomalous conditions, including high metal concentrations. Although B. azoricus are aerobic organisms they possess abundant methano and thioautotrophic symbiotic bacteria in the gills. The enzymatic defences (superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), total glutathione peroxidase (Total GPx) and selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase (Se-GPx)) and lipid peroxidation were determined in the gills of B. azoricus exposed to Cd (0.9 microM), Cu (0.4 microM) and Hg (0.1 microM) with different times of exposure. The experiments were performed in pressurized containers at 9+/-1 degrees C and 85 bars. Results show that vent mussels possess antioxidant enzymatic protection in the gills. Cd and Cu had an inhibitory effect in the enzymatic defence system, contrarily to Hg. These enzymatic systems are not completely understood in the B. azoricus, since reactive oxygen species might be produced through other processes than natural redox cycling, due to hydrogen sulphide and oxygen content present. Also the symbiotic bacteria may play an important contribution in the antioxidant protection of the gills.
- Adaptation of the antioxidant defence system in hydrothermal-vent mussels (Bathymodiolus azoricus) transplanted between two Mid-Atlantic Ridge sitesPublication . Company, Rui; Serafim, Angela; Cosson, Richard; Fiala-Medioni, Aline; Dixon, David R.; Bebianno, Maria JoãoThe vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus is the dominant member of the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) hydrothermal megafauna, and lives in an environment characterized by temporal and spatial variations in the levels of heavy metals, methane and hydrogen sulphide, substances which are known to increase reactive oxygen species levels in the tissues of exposed organisms. To evaluate the effects of two contrasting hydrothermal environments on the antioxidant defence system of this vent mussel species, a 2-week transplant experiment was carried out involving mussels collected from the relatively deep (2300 m), and chemical rich, Rainbow vent field. These were transplanted to the shallower (1700 m), and relatively less toxic, Lucky Strike vent field. To achieve this objective, levels of superoxide dismutase, catalase (CAT), total glutathione peroxidase (GPx), selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase and lipid peroxidation (LPO) were measured in the gills and mantle tissues of resident and transplant mussels before and after the transplant experiment. With the exception of CAT, the gills of the transplanted mussels had significantly higher antioxidant enzyme activity compared with the basal levels in the donor (Rainbow) and recipient (Lucky Strike) populations; whereas the antioxidant enzyme levels in the mantle tissues of the transplants reflected the baseline levels of activity in the native Lucky Strike mussels after 2 weeks. In contrast, LPO levels were significantly higher in both tissue types in the transplants than in either the source or the recipient populations, which suggested a response to hydrostatic pressure change (note, the transplant animals were brought to the surface for transportation between the two vent fields). The fact that the Rainbow mussels survived the transplant experience indicates that B. azoricus has a very robust constitution, which enables it to cope behaviourally, physiologically and genetically with the extreme conditions found in its naturally contaminated deep-sea environment.
- Biomarkers in Ruditapes decussatus: a potential bioindicator speciesPublication . Bebianno, Maria João; Géret, F.; Hoarau, P.; Serafim, Angela; Coelho, M. R.; Gnassia-barelli, M.; Roméo, M.The clam Ruditapes decussatus is distributed worldwide and due to its ecological and economical interest has been proposed as a bioindicator in areas where mussels are not available. The accumulation of several anthropogenic compounds in their tissues suggests that they possess mechanisms that allow them to cope with the toxic effects of these contaminants. Besides pollutant uptake, the use of biomarkers is pointed out in this paper since it is a promising approach to monitor the effect of these contaminants in the marine environment. Biomarkers complement the information of the direct chemical characterization of different types of contaminants. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to review the role of several biomarkers: (metallothioneins (MT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidases (GPx) (total and selenium-dependent), lipid peroxidation (measured as MDA, one of the final products of lipid peroxidation), glutathione S-transferase (GST) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE), measured in different tissues of the clam R. decussatus, in laboratory conditions and under various environmental stresses, in two ecosystems (Ria Formosa lagoon- Portugal) and Bizerta lagoon (Tunisia) in a perspective of a multibiomarker approach to assess environmental changes. Experiment and field studies are in good agreement since MT levels, especially in the gills, the first target tissue of these contaminants, can be used as biomarker of exposure to Cd. GPx and MDA may also be determined in this respect. AChE activity is inhibited by pesticide and, to a less extent, by metal exposure in the gills and whole soft body of clams. However, the induction of GST isoforms experimentally demonstrated is not observed in the field because only global GST activity was determined. The whole set of results opens new research perspectives for the use of this species to assess the effect of mixtures of pollutants in the aquatic environment.
- Antioxidant systems and lipid peroxidation in from Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vent fieldsPublication . Bebianno, Maria João; Company, Rui; Serafim, Angela; Camus, L.; Cosson, R.; Fialamedoni, A.Enzymatic defenses involved in protection from oxygen radical damage were determined in gills and mantle of Bathymodiolus azoricus collected from three contrasting Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) hydrothermal vent fields (Menez-Gwen, Lucky Strike and Rainbow). The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidases (GPx) (total and Se-dependent), and levels of total oxyradical scavenging capacity (TOSC), metallothioneins (MT) and lipid peroxidation (LPO) were determined in B. azoricus tissues and the impact of metal concentrations on these antioxidant systems and lipid peroxidation assessed. SOD, CAT, TOSC, MTs and LPO levels were higher in B. azoricus gills while glutathione peroxidases (total and Se-dependent) were higher in the mantle, and with the exception of CAT, were of the same order of magnitude as in other molluscs. TOSC levels from Menez-Gwen indicate that the vent environment at this site is less stressful and the formation of ROS in mussels is effectively counteracted by the antioxidant defense system. TOSC depletion indicates an elevated ROS production in molluscs at the other two vent sites. Cytosolic SOD, GPx and LPO were more relevant at Lucky Strike (Bairro Alto) where levels of essential (Cu and Zn) and toxic metals (Cd and Ag) were highest in the organisms. CAT activity and LPO were predominant at the Rainbow vent site, where an excess of Fe in mussel tissues and in vent fluids (the highest of all three vent sites) may have contributed to increased LPO. Therefore, three distinct pathways for antioxidant enzyme systems and LPO based on environmental metal speciation of MAR vent fields are proposed for Bathymodiolus gills. At Menez-Gwen, TOSC towards peroxyl and hydroxyl radicals and peroxynitrite are predominant, while at Lucky Strike cytosolic SOD activity and GPx are the main antioxidant mechanisms. Finally at Rainbow, catalase and lipid peroxidation are dominant, suggesting that resistance of mussels to metal toxicity at these vent fields decreases in the sequence Menez-Gwen > Lucky Strike and Rainbow.
- Antioxidant biochemical responses to long-term copper exposure in Bathymodiolus azoricus from Menez-Gwen hydrothermal ventPublication . Company, Rui; Serafim, Angela; Cosson, Richard P.; Fiala-Médioni, Aline; Camus, Lionel; Colaço, Ana; Serrão-Santos, Ricardo; Bebianno, Maria JoãoCopper (Cu) is essential to various physiological processes in marine organisms. However, at high concentrations this redox-active transition metal may enhance the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and subsequently initiate oxidative damage. High concentrations of Cu may increase oxidative damage to lipids, proteins and DNA. Bathymodiolus azoricus is a Mytilid bivalve very common in hydrothermal environments near the Azores Triple Junction continuously exposed to high metal concentrations, including Cu, emanating from the vent fluids. The knowledge of antioxidant defence system and other stress related biomarkers in these organisms is still scarce. The aim of this work was to study the effect of Cu (25 microg l(-1); 24 days exposure; 6 days depuration) on the antioxidant stress biomarkers in the gills and mantle of B. azoricus. The expression of stress related biomarkers was tissue-dependent and results suggest that other factors than metal exposure may influence stress biomarkers, since little variation in antioxidant enzymes activities, MT concentrations, LPO and total oxyradical scavenging capacity (TOSC) occurred in both control and Cu-exposed mussels. Moreover, there is a general tendency for these parameters to increase with time, in both control and Cu-exposed mussels, suggesting that reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation is not metal dependent, and may be related with poor physiological conditions of the animals after long periods in adverse conditions compared to those in hydrothermal environments.
- A multi-biomarker approach in cross-transplanted mussels Mytilus galloprovincialisPublication . Serafim, M.A.; Lopes, Belisandra; Company, Rui; Cravo, Alexandra; Gomes, Tânia; Serrão Sousa, Vânia; Bebianno, Maria JoãoThe present work integrates the active biomonitoring (ABM) concept in mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis from the South coast of Portugal transplanted during 28 days between two sites with different sources of contamination, and vice versa, in order to assess biological effects in these mussels. For that purpose a multibiomarker approach was used. The suit of biomarkers indicative of metal contamination were metallothioneins (MT) and the enzyme δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD), for organic contamination mixed function oxidase system (MFO), glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE), as oxidative stress biomarkers superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and lipid peroxidation (LPO). These biomarkers were used to determine an index to evaluate the stress levels in these two sites. Site A is strongly influenced by metallic contamination, with higher Cu, Cr and Pb in M. galloprovincialis, as well as higher MT levels, antioxidant enzymes activities and LPO concentrations, and lower ALAD activity. In site B organic compounds (PAHs) are prevalent and native mussels show higher activities of the MFO system components and GST. Transplanted mussels had significant alterations in some biomarkers that reflect the type of contaminants present in each site, which demonstrates the primary role of the environment in determining the physiological characteristics of resident mussels. Therefore the application of ABM using a battery of biomarkers turns out to be a useful approach in sites where usually complex mixtures of contaminants occurs. In this study the biomarkers that better differentiate the impact of different contaminants at each site were MT, CYP450, SOD and CAT.