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Sepp Neves, Antonio Augusto

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  • Improving the response to operational pollution in the South Iberian coast A Super-Ensemble backtracking approach
    Publication . Janeiro, João; Sepp Neves, Antonio Augusto; Martins, Flávio; Campuzano, Francisco
    Although for the general public marine oil pollution happens when an oil tanker sinks in the ocean or an accident occurs in an oil platform, most of the oil entering the world ocean does it along less obvious paths. This research work focus on operational spills. It provides a first indication of the uncertainty associated to backtracking simulations using solutions from several operational models available on the internet for the South Iberia region. The suitability of using a Super-Ensemble approach as a way of minimizing the uncertainty was also investigated. The methodology was validated using drifting buoys available for the region. Results show the advantages of using the Super-Ensemble while pointing out for the importance of the atmospheric forcing in this region due to its characteristic mesoscale activity. The absence of more trajectories sparse in time and geographic coverage was a limitation found.
  • The impact of Sea level rise in the guadiana estuary
    Publication . Mills, Lara; Janeiro, João; Sepp Neves, Antonio Augusto; Martins, Flávio
    Understanding the impact of sea level rise on coastal areas is crucial as a large percentage of the population live on the coast. This study uses computational tools to examine how two major consequences of sea level rise: salt intrusion and an increase in water volume affect the hydrodynamics and flooding areas of a major estuary in the Iberian Peninsula. A 2D numerical model created with the software MOHID was used to simulate the Guadiana Estuary in different scenarios of sea level rise combined with different freshwater flow rates considering varying tidal amplitudes. An increase in salinity was found in response to an increase in mean sea level in both high and low freshwater flow rates at all areas around the estuary. An increase in flooding areas around the estuary was also positively correlated with an increase in mean sea level. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.