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- Amino acid metabolism in gilthead seabream is affected by the dietary protein to energy ratiosPublication . Teodósio, Rita; Aragão, Cláudia; Conceicao, Luis; Dias, Jorge; Engrola, SofiaThe dietary protein to energy ratio (P/E) has proven to influence protein utilization and/or growth in several fish species. This study intended to unravel the bioavailability and metabolic fate of lysine and methionine in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) juveniles fed plant diets with different P/E ratios. Seabream juveniles were fed two isonitrogenous diets (45% crude protein) differing in crude lipids (20 and 14%): LowP/E (P/E ratio=20.0 mg protein kJ-1) and HighP/E (P/E ratio=21.4 mg protein kJ-1). After three weeks, fish (11.6 +/- 4.3 g) were tube-fed the respective diet labelled with C-14-protein (L-amino acid mixture), C-14-lysine, or C-14-methionine. Protein, lysine, and methionine utilization were determined based on the proportion of C-14-amino acid evacuated, retained in the free or protein-bound fraction of liver and muscle, or catabolized. This study revealed that a decrease in P/E ratio resulted in lower amino acid evacuation (p < 0.05), contributing to a more efficient amino acid uptake. Results indicate that amino acids are retained as protein in the liver and not only temporarily available in the free pool. The amount of free amino acids retained in the muscle of LowP/E fed fish was significantly higher than in HighP/E fish (p < 0.05) due to a simultaneous higher retention of lysine and methionine, without affecting the overall protein retention. Methionine catabolism was significantly lower than lysine or protein independently of the P/E ratio (p < 0.05), reinforcing that this amino acid is preferentially spared for metabolic functions and not used as energy source. In contrast, increasing the dietary P/E ratio decreased lysine catabolism and increased its availability for growth. The bioavailability and metabolism of individual amino acids should be considered when optimizing P/E ratios in diets for gilthead seabream juveniles. Formulating diets with optimum P/E ratios will improve diet utilization and fish performance.
- A nutritional strategy to promote gilthead seabream performance under low temperaturesPublication . Teodósio, Rita; Aragão, Cláudia; Colen, R.; Carrilho, Raquel; Dias, Jorge; Engrola, SofiaGilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) is vulnerable to low water temperature, which may occur in the Southern Europe and Mediterranean region during Winter. Fish are poikilothermic animals, therefore feed intake, digestion, metabolism and ultimately growth are affected by water temperature. This study aimed to evaluate growth performance, feed utilisation, nutrient apparent digestibility, and nitrogen losses to the environment in gilthead seabream juveniles reared under low temperature (similar to 13 degrees C). Three isolipid and isoenergetic diets were formulated: a diet similar to a commercial feed (COM) that contained 44% crude protein and 27.5% fishmeal, and two experimental diets with a lower protein content of 42% (ECO and ECOSup). In both ECO diets fishmeal inclusion was reduced (10% in ECO and 7.5% in ECOSup diet) and 15% poultry meal was included. Additionally, the ECOSup diet was supplemented with a mix of feed additives intended to promote fish growth performance and feed intake. The ECO diets presented lower production costs than the COM diet, whilst incorporating more sustainable ingredients. Gilthead seabream juveniles (+/- 154.5 g initial body weight) were randomly assigned to triplicate tanks and fed the diets for 84 days. Fish fed the ECOSup diet attained a similar final body weight than fish fed the COM diet, significantly higher than fish fed the ECO diet. ECOSup fed fish presented significantly higher hepatosomatic index than COM fed fish, most likely due to higher hepatic glycogen reserves. The viscerosomatic index of ECOSup fed fish were significantly lower compared to COM fed fish, which is a positive achievement from a consumer's point of view. ECOSup diet exhibited similar nutrient digestibility than the COM diet. Moreover, feeding fish with the ECO diets resulted in lower faecal nitrogen losses when compared to COM fed fish. The results suggest that feeding gilthead seabream with an eco-friendly diet with a mix of feed additives such as the ECOSup diet, promoted growth and minimised nitrogen losses to the environment. Nutritional strategies that ultimately promote feed intake and diet utilisation are valuable tools that may help conditioning fish to sustain growth even under low temperatures.
- Taurine supplementation to Plant-Based Diets improves lipid metabolism in Senegalese SolePublication . Raquel Cêa de Aragão Teixeira, Cláudia; Teodósio, Rita; Colen, R.; Richard, Nadège; Rønnestad, Ivar; Dias, Jorge; Conceição, Luís E. C.; Ribeiro, LauraTaurine is a sulphur-containing amino acid with important physiological roles and a key compound for the synthesis of bile salts, which are essential for the emulsion and absorption of dietary lipids. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of taurine supplementation to low-fishmeal diets on the metabolism of taurine, bile acids, and lipids of Senegalese sole. A fishmeal (FM) and a plant-protein-based (PP0) diet were formulated, and the latter was supplemented with taurine at 0.5 and 1.5% (diets PP0.5 and PP1.5). Diets were assigned to triplicate tanks containing 35 fish (initial weight ~14 g) for 6 weeks. Fish from the PP0 treatment presented lower taurine and bile-acid concentrations compared with the FM treatment, and a downregulation of cyp7a1 and abcb11 was observed. Triolein catabolism decreased in PP0-fed fish, resulting in increased hepatic fat content and plasma triglycerides, while no effects on plasma cholesterol were observed. Taurine supplementation to plant-based diets resulted in a higher taurine accumulation in fish tissues, increased bile-acid concentration, and upregulation of cyp7a1 and abcb11. Hepatic fat content and plasma triglycerides decreased with increasing dietary taurine supplementation. Taurine supplementation mitigated part of the negative effects of plant-based diets, leading to better lipid utilisation.
- Modulation of dietary protein to lipid ratios for gilthead seabream on-growing during summer temperature conditionsPublication . Aragão, Cláudia; Cabano, Miguel; Colen, R.; Teodósio, Rita; Gisbert, Enric; Dias, Jorge; Engrola, SofiaGilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) tend to increase fat deposition during summer farming conditions in the Mediterranean, which may negatively affect productive performance and consumers' quality perception of the final product. Therefore, this study evaluated the impacts of protein to lipid ratios in low fishmeal/fish oil diets on growth performance, body composition, feed conversion and nutrient utilization of seabream on-grown during summer temperature conditions. The experimental diets contained low levels of fishmeal, fish oil, and crude protein (39%), differing in crude lipid content: 16% (MF diet) or 12% (LF diet). A growth trial was per-formed with seabream (initial weight: 100 & PLUSMN; 7 g) from August to October (water temperature: 23.1 & PLUSMN; 2.2 & DEG;C). A digestibility trial was also performed (at 23 & DEG;C). Key performance indicators, whole-body composition and ac-tivities of digestive enzymes were evaluated at the end of the experiment (64 days). Low dietary lipid levels negatively affected lipid, energy, and amino acid digestibility, and as a result, fish fed the LF diet presented higher nitrogen faecal losses. Still, the decrease in nutrient digestibility was not related to dietary effects on the digestive enzyme activities. The experimental diets did not compromise the activity of pancreatic, gastric, and intestinal digestive enzymes nor feed utilization, but a slight growth impairment was observed in fish fed the LF diet, probably due to the lower amino acid and lipid digestibility. However, a potential benefit of this dietary treatment towards reducing fat accumulation in seabream during summer was observed. Nevertheless, the environmental impact of the nitrogen losses during seabream on-growing should be considered when estimating the sustainability of the production. This study demonstrated that the optimisation of diet formulations should account for the environmental conditions, especially in Mediterranean aquaculture, so the economic and envi-ronmental impacts may be correctly evaluated towards a more sustainable fish production.
- Metabolic fate is defined by amino acid nature in gilthead seabream fed different diet formulationsPublication . Teodósio, Rita; Aragão, Cláudia; Conceição, Luís E. C.; Dias, Jorge; Engrola, SofiaThe sustainability of the Aquaculture industry relies on optimising diets to promote nitrogen retention and maximise fish growth. The aim of this study was to assess how different dietary formulations influence the bioavailability and metabolic fate of distinct amino acids in gilthead seabream juveniles. Amino acids (lysine, tryptophan, and methionine) were selected based on their ketogenic and/or glucogenic nature. Seabream were fed practical diets with different protein (44 and 40%) and lipid contents (21 and 18%): 44P21L, 44P18L, 40P21L, and 40P18L. After three weeks of feeding, the fish were tube-fed the correspondent diet labelled with 14C-lysine, 14C-tryptophan, or 14C-methionine. The amino acid utilisation was determined based on the evacuation, retention in gut, liver, and muscle, and the catabolism of the tracer. The metabolic fate of amino acids was mainly determined by their nature. Tryptophan was significantly more evacuated than lysine or methionine, indicating a lower availability for metabolic purposes. Methionine was more retained in muscle, indicating its higher availability. Lysine was mainly catabolised, suggesting that catabolism is preferentially ketogenic, even when this amino acid is deficient in diets. This study underpins the importance of optimising diets considering the amino acids’ bioavailability and metabolic fate to maximise protein retention in fish.
- Socially acceptable feed formulations may impact the voluntary feed intake and growth, but not robustness of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)Publication . Mendes, Rodrigo; Rena, Paulo; Dias, Jorge; Fachadas Gato Coelho Gonçalves, Ana Teresa; Teodósio, Rita; Engrola, Sofia; Sánchez-Vázquez, Francisco J.; Conceição, Luís E. C.Society is becoming more demanding with aquaculture’s environmental footprint and animal wellbeing. In order to potentially mitigate these concerns, feed formulations could be based on eco-efficient (circular economy-driven) or organic ingredients. This study aimed to investigate the growth performance, feed utilization, and health status of juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) when fed with such feeds. The growth trial lasted for 8 weeks, and fish had an initial weight of 31.0 ± 0.5 g (mean ± SD). Fish were fed until visual satiation, in quadruplicate, with one of three isonitrogenous and isoenergetic experimental feeds: a commercial-like feed without fishmeal (PD), a diet based on ingredients compatible with organic certification (ORG), or a feed formulated using circular economy-driven subproducts and emergent ingredients (ECO). Fish fed ECO showed a tendency for decreased feed intake, while ORG fish significantly reduced their intake compared to those fed PD. Consequently, fish fed ECO (62.7 ± 5.4 g) exhibited almost half the growth than those fed PD (107.8 ± 6.1 g), while ORG fish almost did not increase their weight (32.7 ± 1.3 g). ECO and ORG diets had a lower digestibility for protein, lipid, and energy when compared to PD. Feed utilization of fish fed ECO or ORG was also lower than those fed PD. From the health-related genes analyzed, only glutathione reductase (gsr) showed statistically significant differences, being more expressed in fish-fed ECO than those fed PD. Thus, even when such novel formulations induced extreme effects on voluntary feed intake, their impact was noted only in fish growth, but not in robustness.