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- Psychometric properties of Basic Empathy Scale among female juvenile delinquents and school youthsPublication . Pechorro, Pedro; Kahn, Rachel E.; Gonçalves, Rui Abrunhosa; Ray, James V.Research on empathy often distinguishes between affective and cognitive empathy, but there is limited knowledge regarding the application or measurement of these two dimensions of empathy among female youth, especially forensic samples of female youth. The main aim of the present study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Basic Empathy Scale (BES) among a Portuguese sample of female youths (N = 377), composed of incarcerated female juvenile offenders (n = 103) and school youths (n = 274). The two-factor structure of the BES obtained a good fit among the school sample, but the fit among the forensic sample was poor. Both samples demonstrated adequate psychometric properties in terms of Cronbach's alpha, omega coefficient, mean inter item correlations, corrected item-total correlation range, and criterion validity. However, some caution is advised when using the BES with female youth involved in the juvenile justice system, particularly with incarcerated female youth. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
- Confirmatory analysis of the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ) short form in a portuguese samplePublication . Martins, Cátia; Ayala Nunes, Lara; Nunes, Cristina; Pechorro, Pedro; Costa, Emília; Matos, FilomenaAn important research field in family studies relates to the role parenting practices can have on several domains of children's development. Regarding to parenting styles, it was Baumrind's conceptualization that was responsible for a relevant research boost in this area. She proposed a model contemplating three different styles: authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. The aim of our study was to examine the factor structure, internal consistency and others psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ). The participants were 424 parents (mainly mothers, 81.2%) from Algarve (South of Portugal), that answered to PSDQ and a sociodemographic questionnaire. The instrument comprises 32 items: 12 questions regarding the authoritative style, 15 questions regarding the authoritarian style, and 5 questions regarding the permissive style. Several competing models (i.e., one and three-factorial, and another where latent variables were organized in a 1st and 2nd order factors) were tested in regards to PSDQ factor structure using confirmatory factor analysis. A fourth model, contemplating inter-correlations between item 7 and 8 was also proposed, which showed adequate fit and internal consistency. These findings support the PSDQ original structure. Implications concerning the use and contributes to social and emotional child' adjustment are discussed.
- The sexual pleasure scalePublication . Pascoal, Patricia M.; Sanchez, Diana; Fonseca Raposo, Catarina; Pechorro, PedroSexual pleasure is a central aspect of human sexuality, however no validated measures exist that assess sexual pleasure. We present a preliminary validation study of the psychometric properties of a Sexual Pleasure Scale (SPS), based on the three items developed by Sanchez, Crocker and Boike1 to measure sexual pleasure.
- Validation of the Portuguese version of the Female Sexual Function Index-6Publication . Pechorro, Pedro; Pascoal, Patricia Monteiro; Pereira, Nuno Monteiro; Poiares, Carlos; Jesus, Saúl; Vieira, Rui XavierIntroduction: The measurement of sexual function constitutes an essential basis in the study of female sexuality. Objective: The purpose of the present study was to validate a Portuguese version of the Female Sexual Function Index-6 (FSFI-6), a short scale that assesses female sexual function. Material and methods: A total of 375 women, subdivided in a community sample (n = 307) and in a clinical sample (n = 68), participated in this study by completing the Portuguese version of the questionnaire. Results: The main psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the FSFI-6 were demonstrated. Discussion: The original unidimensional structure of the FSFI-6 was replicated and good values were also obtained in terms of internal consistency, convergent validity, divergent validity, and known-groups validity. Conclusions: The use of the Portuguese version of the FSFI-6 is justified since it has sound psychometric properties. (C) 2016 Asociacion Espanola de Andrologia, Medicina Sexual y Reproductiva. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
- Análise psicométrica das escalas de defensividade e validade do Weinberger Adjustment InventoryPublication . Pechorro, Pedro; Nunes, Cristina; Paulino, Mauro; R. Simões, MárioO presente artigo tem como principal objetivo examinar as propriedades psicométricas das escalas de defensividade e de validade do Inventário de Ajustamento de Weinberger (Weinberger Adjustment Inventory - WAI) numa amostra de jovens adultos portugueses (N=610, M=21.33 anos, DP=3.09) provenientes de meio universitário. Os resultados da análise fatorial confirmatória indicaram a presença de uma estrutura tridimensional com um bom ajustamento. As escalas de defensividade e de validade do WAI demonstraram propriedades psicométricas adequadas, nomeadamente ao nível de fiabilidade e de validade convergente, discriminante e de critério. Tais resultados apoiam a utilização das escalas de defensividade e validade do WAI na investigação e avaliação psicológica de jovens adultos portugueses.
- Dark triad psychopathy outperforms self-control in predicting antisocial outcomes: a structural equation modeling approachseabreamPublication . Pechorro, Pedro; Curtis, Shelby; DeLisi, Matt; Maroco, João; Nunes, CristinaDark Triad traits and self-control are considered viable causal precursors to antisocial and criminal outcomes in youth. The purpose of the present study is to concurrently compare how Dark Triad traits and self-control differ in terms of predicting self-reported juvenile delinquency, CD symptoms, proactive overt aggression, and crime seriousness. The sample consisted of 567 (M = 15.91 years, SD = 0.99 years, age range = 14–18 years) Southern European youth from Portugal. Structural-equation-modelling procedures revealed that the psychopathy factor of Dark Triad traits presented the strongest significant hypothetical causal associations with the antisocial/criminal outcomes, followed by self-control. Machiavellianism and narcissism presented the lowest causal associations. Our findings indicate that psychopathy, as operationalized in the Dark Triad, concurrently surpasses self-control and the remaining factors of the Dark Triad in terms of predicting antisocial/criminal outcomes in youth. This suggests that behavioral disinhibition, or a core incapacity to regulate one’s conduct, is central for understanding delinquency and externalizing psychopathology. Comparatively, the interpersonal component of dark personality features, such as Machiavellianism and narcissism, are secondary for understanding crime.
- Weinberger adjustment inventory Portuguese version: a study of cross-cultural adaptation and measurement invariancePublication . Pechorro, Pedro; Shircliff, Katie; DeLisi, Matt; Simões, Mário R.; Cyders, Melissa A.We examine the psychometric properties of the Weinberger Adjustment Inventory (WAI) from a modern psychometric perspective, including second-order models, better estimation of reliability, and measurement invariance, among a sample of young adults (N = 610, M = 21.33 years, SD = 3.09 years) from Portugal. Results indicated that only the four-factor intercorrelated confirmatory models of the WAI Distress and Restraint scales, and the two-factor intercorrelated confirmatory models of the WAI Defensiveness scales showed adequate fits. The WAI showed good reliability and distinctive correlates with other psychometric measures and criterion variables. Cross-gender measurement invariance was established. Our findings support the WAI as a valid and reliable measure.