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- Improved production of lutein and β-carotene by thermal and light intensity upshifts in the marine microalga Tetraselmis sp. CTP4Publication . Schüler, Lisa Maylin; Santos, Tamara; Pereira, Hugo; Duarte, Paulo; Katkam, Dr. Gangadhar N.; Florindo, Claudia; Schulze, Peter S.C.; Barreira, Luísa; Varela, JoãoThe industrial microalga Tetraselmis sp. CTP4 is a promising candidate for aquaculture feed, novel food, cosmeceutical and nutraceutical due to its balanced biochemical profile. To further upgrade its biomass value, carotenogenesis was investigated by testing four environmental factors, namely temperature, light intensity, salinity and nutrient availability over different growth stages. The most important factor for carotenoid induction in this species is a sufficient supply of nitrates leading to an exponential growth of the cells. Furthermore, high temperatures of over 30 degrees C compared to lower temperatures (10 and 20 degrees C) induced the accumulation of carotenoids in this species. Remarkably, the two different branches of carotenoid synthesis were regulated depending on different light intensities. Contents of beta-carotene were 3-fold higher under low light intensities (33 mu mol m(-2) s(-1)) while lutein contents increased 1.5-fold under higher light intensities (170 and 280 mu mol m(-2) s(-1)). Nevertheless, highest contents of carotenoids (8.48 +/- 0.47 mg g(-1) DW) were found upon a thermal upshift from 20 degrees C to 35 degrees C after only two days at a light intensity of 170 mu mol m(-2) s(-1). Under these conditions, high contents of both lutein and beta-carotene were reached accounting for 3.17 +/- 0.18 and 3.21 +/- 0.18 mg g(-1) DW, respectively. This study indicates that Tetraselmis sp. CTP4 could be a sustainable source of lutein and beta-carotene at locations where a robust, euryhaline, thermotolerant microalgal strain is required.
- Urban wastewater treatment by Tetraselmis sp CTP4 (Chlorophyta)Publication . Schulze, Peter S.C.; Carvalho, Carolina F. M.; H., Pereira; Gangadhar, Katkam N.; Lisa Schueler, Lisa M. Schueler; Santos, Tamara; Varela, J.; Barreira, LuísaThe ability of a recent isolate, Tetraselmis sp. CTP4, for nutrient removal from sewage effluents before and after the nitrification process under batch and continuous cultivation was studied. Biomass productivities in both wastewaters were similar under continuous conditions ( 0.343 +/- 0.053 g L-1 d(-1)) and nutrient uptake rates were maximal 31.4 +/- 0.4 mg N L-1 d(-1) and 6.66 +/- 1.57 mg P-PO43 L- 1 d(-1) in WW before nitrification when cultivated in batch. Among batch treatments, cellular protein, carbohydrate and lipid levels shifted with aging cultures from 71.7 +/- 6.3 to 29.2 +/- 1.2%, 17.4 +/- 7.2 to 57.2 +/- 3.9% and 10.9 +/- 1.7 to 13.7 +/- 4.7%, respectively. In contrast, CTP4 cultivated continuously in Algal medium (control) showed lower biomass productivities ( 0.282 g VSS L-1 d(-1)) although improved lipid content (up to 20% lipids) in batch cultivation. Overall, Tetraselmis sp. CTP4 is promising for WW treatment as a replacement of the costly nitrification process, fixating more nutrients and providing a protein and carbohydrate-rich biomass as by-product. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
- The osteogenic and mineralogenic potential of the microalgae Skeletonema costatum and Tetraselmis striata CTP4 in fish modelsPublication . Carletti, Alessio; Rosa, Joana; Pes, Katia; Borges, Inês; Santos, Tamara; Barreira, Luísa; Varela, João; Pereira, Hugo; Cancela, M. Leonor; J. Gavaia, Paulo; Laizé, VincentSkeletal disorders are problematic aspects for the aquaculture industry as skeletal deformities, which affect most species of farmed fish, increase production costs and affect fish welfare. Following recent findings that show the presence of osteoactive compounds in marine organisms, we evaluated the osteogenic and mineralogenic potential of commercially available microalgae strains Skeletonema costatum and Tetraselmis striata CTP4 in several fish systems. Ethanolic extracts increased extracellular matrix mineralization in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) bone-derived cell cultures and promoted osteoblastic differentiation in zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae. Long-term dietary exposure to both extracts increased bone mineralization in zebrafish and upregulated the expression of genes involved in bone formation (sp7, col1a1a, oc1, and oc2), bone remodeling (acp5a), and antioxidant defenses (cat, sod1). Extracts also improved the skeletal status of zebrafish juveniles by reducing the incidence of skeletal anomalies. Our results indicate that both strains of microalgae contain osteogenic and mineralogenic compounds, and that ethanolic extracts have the potential for an application in the aquaculture sector as dietary supplements to support fish bone health. Future studies should also identify osteoactive compounds and establish whether they can be used in human health to broaden the therapeutic options for bone erosive disorders such as osteoporosis.