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- Artificial intelligence applications and innovations: day-to-day life impactPublication . Rodrigues, João; Cardoso, Pedro; Chinnici, MartaThe idea of an intelligent machine has fascinated humans for centuries. But what is intelligence? Some define it as the capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding or, from a different perspective, the aptitude to grasp truths, relationships, facts, or meanings. All these perspectives require the capacity to acquire data from the surrounding world and, possibly, act over that environment. In short, the building of more or less autonomous agents, served with sensors and actuators, capable of learning and producing educated answers has been long foreseen. New trends in intelligente systems comprise, among other aspects, pervasive robotization, ubiquitous online data access, empowered edge computing, smart spaces, and digital ethics. These trends build the research on “Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovation”, impacting our day-to-day life, our cities, and even our free time. Nevertheless, artificial intelligence (AI) is still closely associated with some popular misconceptions that cause the public to either have unrealistic fears about it or to have unrealistic expectations about how it will change our workplace and life in general. It is important to show that such fears are unfounded and that new trends, innovations, technologies, and smart systems will be able to improve the way we live, benefiting society without replacing humans in their core activities.
- Mobile five senses augmented reality system: technology acceptance studyPublication . Rodrigues, João; Ramos, Celia; Pereira, Joao A. R.; Sardo, Joao D. P.; Cardoso, PedroThe application of the most recent technologies is fundamental to add value to tourism experiences, as well as in other economic sectors. Mobile Five Senses Augmented Reality (M5SAR) system is a mobile guide instrument for cultural, historical, and museum events. In order to realize the proclaimed five senses, the system has two main modules: a (i) mobile application which deals mainly with the senses of sight and hearing, using for that the mobile device camera to recognize and track on-the-fly (museum's) objects and give related information about them; and a (ii) portable device capable of enhancing the augmented reality (AR) experience to the full five senses through the stimulus of touch, taste, and smell, by associating itself to the users' smartphone or tablet. This paper briefly presents the system's architecture but, the main focus is on the analysis of the users' acceptance for this technology, namely the AR (software) application, and its integration with the (hardware) device to achieve the five senses AR. Results show that social influence, effort expectancy, and facilitating conditions are the key constructs that drive the users to accept and M5SAR's technology.
- Anomaly detection of consumption in Hotel Units: A case study comparing isolation forest and variational autoencoder algorithmsPublication . Mendes, Tomás; Cardoso, Pedro; Monteiro, Jânio; Raposo, JoãoBuildings are responsible for a high percentage of global energy consumption, and thus, the improvement of their efficiency can positively impact not only the costs to the companies they house, but also at a global level. One way to reduce that impact is to constantly monitor the consumption levels of these buildings and to quickly act when unjustified levels are detected. Currently, a variety of sensor networks can be deployed to constantly monitor many variables associated with these buildings, including distinct types of meters, air temperature, solar radiation, etc. However, as consumption is highly dependent on occupancy and environmental variables, the identification of anomalous consumption levels is a challenging task. This study focuses on the implementation of an intelligent system, capable of performing the early detection of anomalous sequences of values in consumption time series applied to distinct hotel unit meters. The development of the system was performed in several steps, which resulted in the implementation of several modules. An initial (i) Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) phase was made to analyze the data, including the consumption datasets of electricity, water, and gas, obtained over several years. The results of the EDA were used to implement a (ii) data correction module, capable of dealing with the transmission losses and erroneous values identified during the EDA’s phase. Then, a (iii) comparative study was performed between a machine learning (ML) algorithm and a deep learning (DL) one, respectively, the isolation forest (IF) and a variational autoencoder (VAE). The study was made, taking into consideration a (iv) proposed performance metric for anomaly detection algorithms in unsupervised time series, also considering computational requirements and adaptability to different types of data. (v) The results show that the IF algorithm is a better solution for the presented problem, since it is easily adaptable to different sources of data, to different combinations of features, and has lower computational complexity. This allows its deployment without major computational requirements, high knowledge, and data history, whilst also being less prone to problems with missing data. As a global outcome, an architecture of a platform is proposed that encompasses the mentioned modules. The platform represents a running system, performing continuous detection and quickly alerting hotel managers about possible anomalous consumption levels, allowing them to take more timely measures to investigate and solve the associated causes.
- A decision-support system to Analyse Customer Satisfaction Applied to a Tourism Transport ServicePublication . Ramos, Celia; Cardoso, Pedro; Fernandes, Hortênsio C. L.; Rodrigues, JoãoDue to the perishable nature of tourist products, which impacts supply and demand, the possibility of analysing the relationship between customers’ satisfaction and service quality can contribute to increased revenues. Machine learning techniques allow the analysis of how these services can be improved or developed and how to reach new markets, and look for the emergence of ideas to innovate and improve interaction with the customer. This paper presents a decision-support system for analysing consumer satisfaction, based on consumer feedback from the customer’s experience when transported by a transfer company, in the present case working in the Algarve region, Portugal. The results show how tourists perceive the service and which factors influence their level of satisfaction and sentiment. One of the results revealed that the first impression associated with good news is what creates the most value in the experience, i.e., “first impressions matter”..
- Cultural heritage visits supported on visitors' preferences and mobile devicesPublication . Cardoso, Pedro; Rodrigues, Joao; Pereira, Joao; Nogin, Sergey; Lessa, Joana; Ramos, Celia; Bajireanu, Roman; Gomes, Miguel; Bica, PauloMonuments, museums and cities are great places to feel and experience neat and interesting things. But cultural heritage is experienced differently by different visitors. The more erudite may know beforehand what they intend to explore, while the least literate usually know and are capable of expressing some of their preferences but do not exactly realize what to see and explore. This paper proposes the use of a mobile application to set an itinerary where you can move at your own pace and, at the same time, have all the complementary information you need about each of the points of interest. The application is designed in face of an adaptive user interface where the routing and augmented reality are connected to acknowledge the needs of different user categories, such as elders, kids, experts or general users
- A digital twin of charging stations for fleets of electric vehiclesPublication . Francisco, André; Monteiro, Jânio; Cardoso, PedroThe increasing concern over the environmental impact of fossil fuels and associated CO2 emissions created a growing interest on the use of electric vehicles (EVs) and green energy utilization. In this context, the widespread adoption of EVs should be accompanied by the introduction of generation from renewable energy sources (RES). That insertion, at the distribution level, presents challenges that result from their intermittent nature, requiring demand-response measures that can be addressed by adjusting the charging processes to match the available power. In the framework of EVs renting companies, it is essential to have an efficient charging management that allows achieving high levels of self-consumption and self-sufficiency, lower operational costs and lower payback periods for the investments made. The utilization of digital twins (DTs) can be key to achieve those goals, providing accurate simulations and predictions. Their use in the context of EV charging can offer valuable insights into optimizing charging scheduling and predicting energy demands, taking into consideration distinct scenarios. This paper presents the work done to implement DTs of a set of charging stations (CSs) and EVs, which allow the modeling and improved management of the charging processes of EV fleets, for a set of CSs, integrating RES. In this charging context, experimental results using the DT were applied considering a predicted mobility. The applied scenarios supported an effective and optimized managing performance, reaching low paybacks and high self-sufficiency values. The obtained results show that this method is a viable and cost-effective solution for companies renting EVs.
- Framework for a Hospitality Big Data Warehouse: The Implementation of an Efficient Hospitality Business Intelligence SystemPublication . Ramos, Celia; Martins, Daniel; Serra, Francisco; Lam, Roberto; Cardoso, Pedro; Correia, Marisol; Rodrigues, Joãoorder to increase the hotel's competitiveness, to maximize its revenue, to meliorate its online reputation and improve customer relationship, the information about the hotel's business has to be managed by adequate information systems (IS). Those IS should be capable of returning knowledge from a necessarily large quantity of information, anticipating and influencing the consumer's behaviour. One way to manage the information is to develop a Big Data Warehouse (BDW), which includes information from internal sources (e.g., Data Warehouse) and external sources (e.g., competitive set and customers' opinions). This paper presents a framework for a Hospitality Big Data Warehouse (HBDW). The framework includes a (1) Web crawler that periodically accesses targeted websites to automatically extract information from them, and a (2) data model to organize and consolidate the collected data into a HBDW. Additionally, the usefulness of this HBDW to the development of the business analytical tools is discussed, keeping in mind the implementation of the business intelligence (BI) concepts.
- Improving energy efficiency in smart-houses by optimizing electrical loads managementPublication . Cabrita, Cristiano Lourenço; Monteiro, Jânio; Cardoso, PedroIn this work, the Genetic Algorithm is explored for solving a predictive based demand side management problem (a combinatorial optimization problem) and the main measures lbr performance evaluation are evaluated. In this context, we propose a smart energy scheduling approach for household appliances in real-time to achieve minimum consumption costs and a reduction in peak load. We consider a scenario of selfconsumption where the surplus from local power generation can be sold to the grid, and the existence of appliances that can be shiftable from peak hours to off-peak hours. Results confirm the importance of the tuning procedure and the structure of the genome and algorithm's operators determine the performance of such type of meta-heuristics. This fact is more decisive when there are several operational constraints on the system, as for example short-term optimal scheduling decision, time constraints and power limitations. Details about the scheduling problem, comparison strategies, metrics, and results are provided.
- A computer vision based web application for tracking soccer playersPublication . Rodrigues, J. M. F.; Cardoso, Pedro; Vilas, Tiago; Mendes Da Silva, Bruno; Rodrigues, Pedro; Belguinha, António; Gomes, CarlosSoccer is a sport where everyone that is involved with it make all the efforts aiming for excellence. Not only the players need to show their skills on the pitch but also the coach, and the remaining staff, need to have their own tools so that they can perform at higher levels. Footdata is a project to build a new web application product for soccer (football), which integrates two fundamental components of this sport's world: the social and the professional. While the former is an enhanced social platform for soccer professionals and fans, the later can be considered as a Soccer Resource Planning, featuring a system for acquisition and processing information to meet all the soccer management needs. In this paper we focus only in a specific module of the professional component. We will describe the section of the web application that allows to analyse movements and tactics of the players using images directly taken from the pitch or from videos, we will show that it is possible to draw players and ball movements in a web application and detect if those movements occur during a game. © 2014 Springer International Publishing.
- Hybrid neural network based models for evapotranspiration prediction over limited weather parametersPublication . Vaz, Pedro J.; Schutz, G.; Guerrero, Carlos; Cardoso, PedroEvapotranspiration can be used to estimate the amount of water required by agriculture projects and green spaces, playing a key role in water management policies that combat the hydrological drought, which assumes a structural character in many countries. In this context, this work presents a study on reference evapotranspiration (ETo) estimation models, having as input a limited set of meteorological parameters, namely: temperature, humidity, and wind. Since solar radiation (SR) is an important parameter in the determination of ETo, SR estimation models are also developed. These ETo and SR estimation models compare the use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), and hybrid neural network models such as LSTM-ANN, RNN-ANN, and GRU-ANN. Two main approaches were taken for ET(o )estimation: (i) directly use those algorithms to estimate ETo, and (ii) estimate solar radiation first and then use that estimation together with other meteorological parameters in a method that predicts ETo. For the latter case, two variants were implemented: the use of the estimated solar radiation as (ii.1) a feature of the neural network regressors, and (ii.2) the use of the Penman-Monteith method (a.k.a. FAO-56PM method, adopted by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization) to compute ETo, which has solar radiation as one of the input parameters. Using experimental data collected from a weather station (WS) located in Vale do Lobo (Portugal), the later approach achieved the best result with a coefficient of determination (R-2) of 0.977. The developed model was then applied to data from eleven stations located in Colorado (USA), with very distinct climatic conditions, showing similar results to the ones for which the models were initially designed ((R2) > 0.95), proving a good generalization. As a final notice, the reduced-set features were carefully selected so that they are compatible with free online weather forecast services.