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- Minimalistic vision-based cognitive SLAMPublication . Saleiro, Mário; Rodrigues, J. M. F.; du Buf, J. M. H.The interest in cognitive robotics is still increasing, a major goal being to create a system which can adapt to dynamic environments and which can learn from its own experiences. We present a new cognitive SLAM architecture, but one which is minimalistic in terms of sensors and memory. It employs only one camera with pan and tilt control and three memories, without additional sensors nor any odometry. Short-term memory is an egocentric map which holds information at close range at the actual robot position. Long-term memory is used for mapping the environment and registration of encountered objects. Object memory holds features of learned objects which are used as navigation landmarks and task targets. Saliency maps are used to sequentially focus important areas for object and obstacle detection, but also for selecting directions of movements. Reinforcement learning is used to consolidate or enfeeble environmental information in long-term memory. The system is able to achieve complex tasks by executing sequences of visuomotor actions, decisions being taken by goal-detection and goal-completion tasks. Experimental results show that the system is capable of executing tasks like localizing specific objects while building a map, after which it manages to return to the start position even when new obstacles have appeared.
- Cortical multiscale line-edge disparity modelPublication . Rodrigues, J. M. F.; Martins, Jaime; Lam, Roberto; du Buf, J. M. H.Most biological approaches to disparity extraction rely on the disparity energy model (DEM). In this paper we present an alternative approach which can complement the DEM model. This approach is based on the multiscale coding of lines and edges, because surface structures are composed of lines and edges and contours of objects often cause edges against their background. We show that the line/edge approach can be used to create a 3D wireframe representation of a scene and the objects therein. It can also significantly improve the accuracy of the DEM model, such that our biological models can compete with some state-of-the-art algorithms from computer vision.
- A disparity energy model improved by line, edge and keypoint correspondencesPublication . Martins, J. C.; Farrajota, Miguel; Lam, Roberto; Rodrigues, J. M. F.; Terzic, Kasim; du Buf, J. M. H.Disparity energy models (DEMs) estimate local depth information on the basis ofVl complex cells. Our recent DEM (Martins et al, 2011 ISSPlT261-266) employs a population code. Once the population's cells have been trained with randorn-dot stereograms, it is applied at all retinotopic positions in the visual field. Despite producing good results in textured regions, the model needs to be made more precise, especially at depth transitions.
- Fast and accurate multi-scale keypoints based on end-stopped cellsPublication . Terzic, Kasim; Rodrigues, J. M. F.; du Buf, J. M. H.Increasingly more applications in computer vision employ interest points. Algorithms like SIFT and SURF are all based on partial derivatives of images smoothed with Gaussian filter kemels. These algorithrns are fast and therefore very popular.
- Disparity energy model using a trained neuronal populationPublication . Martins, Jaime; Rodrigues, J. M. F.; du Buf, J. M. H.Depth information using the biological Disparity Energy Model can be obtained by using a population of complex cells. This model explicitly involves cell parameters like their spatial frequency, orientation, binocular phase and position difference. However, this is a mathematical model. Our brain does not have access to such parameters, it can only exploit responses. Therefore, we use a new model for encoding disparity information implicitly by employing a trained binocular neuronal population. This model allows to decode disparity information in a way similar to how our visual system could have developed this ability, during evolution, in order to accurately estimate disparity of entire scenes