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Xavier, Maria João

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  • Effects of dietary curcumin in growth performance, oxidative status and gut morphometry and function of gilthead seabream postlarvae
    Publication . Xavier, Maria João; Navarro-Guillén, Carmen; Lopes, André; Colen, R.; Teodósio, Rita; Mendes, Rodrigo; Oliveira, Beatriz; Valente, Luisa M.P.; Conceição, Luís E.C.; Engrola, Sofia
    An imbalance in the production and detoxification of reactive oxygen species and other oxidants can disrupt a l l types of cellular compounds, and lead to a state of oxidative stress. Preventing this state is essential to improve growth and health in animal production. Therefore, the aim of this work was to assess i f the dieta r y supple-mentation of curcumin cou l d improve the antioxidant status and intestine structu r e and functionalit y of gilthead seabream postlarvae, with the global objective of improving fish growth performance and robustness. Two experimental diets supplemented with different doses of curcumin (LOW and HIGH diets), and a commercial diet were fed to quadruplicate groups of postlarvae, for 20 days. At the end of the feeding trial fish fed the supple-mented diets significantly improved their antioxidant status compared to CTRL fed fish. LOW and HIGH fed fish presented lower protein oxidative damage (P < 0.05) and higher total antioxidant capacity (P < 0.05). Moreover, postlarvae fed curcumin supplemented diets also presented an upregulation of nuclear factor erythroid 2 - related factor 2 (nrf2) and glutathione-disulfide reductase (gr) in HIGH (P < 0.05) and heat shock protein 70 (hsp70) in LOW treatments (P < 0.05). No differences were observed in growth performance, intestine morphome t r y , and digestive enzymes activities among treatments (P > 0.05). In conclusion, dieta r y curcumin supplementation was able to enhance gilthead seabream postlarvae robustness through a modulation of the oxidative status, increasing total antioxidant capacity and decreasing protein oxidative damage. This data pro-vide evidence that curcumin can be a suitable feed additive to promote heath status and robustness of fish at early stages of development, therefore contributing for the development and sustainabilit y of marine fish hatchery production.
  • Dietary natural plant extracts can promote growth and modulate oxidative status of Senegalese Sole Postlarvae under standard/challenge conditions
    Publication . Xavier, Maria João; Conceição, Luís E. C.; Valente, Luisa M. P.; Colen, R.; Rodrigues, Andreia C. M.; Rocha, Rui J. M.; L, Custódio; Carballo, Carlos; Manchado, Manuel; Engrola, Sofia
    Plant extracts are known for their high content and diversity of polyphenols, which can improve fish oxidative status. A growth trial with Senegalese sole postlarvae (45 days after hatching) fed with one of four experimental diets—control (CTRL), and supplemented with curcumin (CC), green tea (GT), and grape seed (GS) extracts—was performed to assess if supplementation could improve growth performance and oxidative status. At the end of the growth trial, postlarvae were submitted to a thermal stress to assess their robustness. Sole growth was improved by CC and GS diets when compared to those fed the CTRL. CC and CTRL postlarvae presented the lowest oxidative damage (lipid peroxidation and protein carbonylation values). Stress-related biomarkers (heat shock protein 70 and glutathione-S-transferase) decreased in CC fish compared to those fed the CTRL diet, which might be due to a direct antioxidant capacity. In contrast, oxidative damage increased in GT and GS sole reared in standard conditions. However, after a thermal stress, GT and GS diets prevented the increase of protein carbonylation content and the decrease of antioxidant glutathione, depending on exposure time. Overall, dietary supplementation with natural extracts modulated oxidative status and stress response after a short/long-term exposure to temperature.
  • Dietary curcumin promotes gilthead seabream larvae digestive capacity and modulates oxidative status
    Publication . Xavier, Maria João; Dardengo, Gian Marco; Navarro-Guillén, Carmen; Lopes, Andre D.; Colen, R.; Valente, Luisa M. P.; Conceição, Luís E. C.; Engrola, Sofia
    The larval stage is highly prone to stress due to the ontogenetic and metabolic alterations occurring in fish. Curcumin inclusion in diets has been shown to improve growth by modulating oxidative status, immune response, and/or feed digestibility in several fish species. The aim of the present work was to assess if dietary curcumin could promote marine fish larvae digestive maturation and improve robustness. Gilthead seabream larvae were fed a diet supplemented with curcumin at dose of 0 (CTRL), 1.5 (LOW), or 3.0 g/Kg feed for 27 days. From 4 to 24 days after hatching (DAH), no differences were observed in growth performance. At the end of the experiment (31 DAH) LOW larvae had a better condition factor than CTRL fish. Moreover, HIGH larvae showed higher trypsin and chymotrypsin activity when compared to CTRL fish. LOW and HIGH larvae were able to maintain the mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production during development, in contrast to CTRL larvae. In conclusion, curcumin supplementation seems to promote larvae digestive capacity and modulate the oxidative status during ontogeny. Furthermore, the present results provide new insights on the impacts of dietary antioxidants on marine larvae development and a possible improvement of robustness in the short and long term.