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  • Effect of storage time at low temperature on the volatile compound composition of Sevillana and Maravilla raspberries
    Publication . Morales, M. L.; Callejon, R. M.; Ubeda, C.; Guerreiro, Adriana; Gago, Custódia; Miguel, Maria Graça; Antunes, Maria Dulce
    In this study, the effect of storage time at low temperature on volatile compounds in two cultivars of raspberry, Rubus idaeus L. cv. Sevillana and Maravilla, was determined. A total of 28 compounds were identified in both cultivars and showed quantitative differences between the cultivars. The Sevillana cultivar was richer in volatile compounds than the Maravilla cultivar. beta-Ionone had the highest concentration in both cultivars. We observed opposing trends in the volatile compound composition for the cultivars during storage at low temperature, in which 'Sevillana' lost compounds and 'Maravilla' was enriched. Therefore, storage at low temperature causes important changes in the volatile compound profile of raspberry, particularly the Sevillana cultivar, with significant decreases in C-13-norisoprenoids and increases in terpenes. These changes are most likely responsible for the aromatic differences between the cultivars because of the presence of terpenes in 'Sevillana' and C-13-norisoprenoids in 'Maravilla'. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.): A medicinal plant with myriad biological properties - A short review
    Publication . Miguel, Maria Graça; Neves, M. A.; Antunes, Maria Dulce
    The pomegranate, Punica granatum L., which can be found throughout the Mediterranean region, in Southeast Asia, California and Arizona in USA was in ancient times referred as possessing powers of fertility, abundance and good luck (fruit). The biological properties of extracts (antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, among other properties) obtained from several parts of pomegranate is reported in the present work. Due to such properties, the extracts have been used in therapeutics, such as in the prevention of infection, inflammation, cancer, among other applications. However, other aspects are also referred in the present work such as the good practices of culture and fruit preservation, search of new compounds, selection of cultivars through biotechnological techniques for obtaining juice or fruits ready to eat. Such compilation of information was based on the search in the ISI Web of Knowledge (Thomson Reuters) from 2009 up to the beginning of October 2010.
  • Propolis volatiles characterisation from acaricide-treated and -untreated beehives maintained at Algarve (Portugal)
    Publication . Miguel, Maria Graça; Nunes, S.; Cruz, C.; Duarte, J.; Antunes, Maria Dulce; Cavaco, A. M.; Mendes, M. D.; Lima, A. S.; Pedro, L. G.; Barroso, J. G.; Figueiredo, A. C.
    The variability of the volatile profile of 70 propolis samples from acaricide-treated and -untreated beehives maintained at Algarve (Portugal) was evaluated. Propolis samples were collected in three regions of Algarve at three different periods. Cluster analysis based on the propolis volatiles' chemical composition defined two main clusters, not related to the time of year, collection site, altitude, temperature or humidity ranges, and was based mainly on the relative amounts of viridiflorol, n-tricosane and n-nonadecane for cluster I. Cluster II was mainly characterised by the high thymol content, followed by viridiflorol, n-tricosane and n-nonadecane. The presence of higher thymol levels in propolis samples from cluster II may reflect the long use of an acaricide with thymol as main active ingredient. All samples showed an intense rock-rose aroma supported by the presence of characteristic Cistus and labdanum oil volatile components. Given the nowadays frequent propolis household use, volatiles thorough characterisation may assist in its quality assessment.
  • Physicochemical Characterization and Antioxidant Activity of Commercial Portuguese Honeys
    Publication . AAZZA, Smail; Lyoussi, B.; Antunes, Maria Dulce; Miguel, Maria Graça
    The present study evaluated the physicochemical characteristics and antioxidant activity of 13 commercial honeys from diverse floral origin, produced in Portugal. The values of electrical conductivity of cardoon and pennyroyal honeys were superior to the maximum limits defined by European legislation. Citrus, strawberry tree, and 1 sample of lavender honeys had values of diastase activity below those determined by European legislation. Strawberry tree, pennyroyal, and cardoon honeys had the highest amounts of potassium that coincided with the highest electrical conductivity. Strawberry tree honey was the most effective as antioxidant along with cardoon and heather honeys. This ability was strongly correlated with the amounts of phenols and flavonoids and not with the levels of vitamin C or proline.
  • Effect of 1-Methylcyclopropene application prior to storage on fresh-cut kiwifruit quality
    Publication . Antunes, Maria Dulce; Miguel, Maria Graça; Metelo, S.; Dandlen, S. A.; Cavaco, A. M.
    Kiwifruit is commercially important as fresh-cut. The purpose of this work was to study the effect of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) applied after harvest, before storage, on the posterior behaviour of ripe fruit prepared as fresh-cut. Harvested fruit where treated with 1 mu l L(-1) 1-MCP for 20 hours at room temperature, then stored at 0 C. After 3 months, fruit were removed from storage, peeled and cut longitudinally in quarters, then stored at 2 C for 8 days. Measurements of flesh colour, firmness, soluble solids content (SSC), electrolyte leakage and ascorbic acid were performed after 0, 4 and 8 days. Kiwifruit treated with 1-MCP showed higher firmness and lower a* value, electrolyte leakage and SSC than the control, after 3 months storage. Values of a* and electrolyte leakage increased through fresh-cut storage and after 8 days differences between treatments become almost nil. SSC did not change in fruit treated with 1-MCP, while it increased after 4 days and decreased on 8(th) day in the control. Firmness decreased through fresh-cut storage, being higher in 1-MCP treated fruit than control except on 8(th) day. Ascorbic acid which was higher in control, showed a higher decrease on those fruit and after 8 days was similar in both treatments. Panellists did not find significant differences between treatments, except that 1-MCP treated fruit had better appearance. The application of 1-MCP immediately after harvest showed beneficial effects in keeping kiwifruit quality during 3 months storage, and its effect lasted through shelf-life of those fruit when used as fresh-cut.
  • Is propolis safe as an alternative medicine
    Publication . Miguel, Maria Graça; Antunes, Maria Dulce
    Propolis is a resinous substance produced by honeybees as defense against intruders. It has relevant therapeutic properties that have been used since ancient times. Nowadays, propolis is of increasing importance as a therapeutic, alone or included in many medicines and homeopathic products or in cosmetics. Propolis is produced worldwide and honeybees use the flora surrounding their beehives for its production. Therefore its chemical composition may change according to the flora. The phenolic and volatile fractions of propolis have been revised in the present study, as well as some of the biological properties attributed to this natural product. An alert is given about the need to standardize this product, with quality control. This has already been initiated by some authors, mainly in the propolis from the poplar-type. Only this product can constitute a good complementary and alternative medicine under internationally acceptable quality control.
  • The effect of alginate-based edible coatings enriched with essential oils constituents on Arbutus unedo L. fresh fruit storage
    Publication . Guerreiro, Adriana; Gago, Custódia; Faleiro, Leonor; Miguel, Maria Graça; Antunes, Maria Dulce
    The effect of coating Arbutus unedo fresh fruit with alginate-based edible coatings enriched with the essential oils compounds (EOC) eugenol (Eug) and citral (Cit) was studied. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) against the main postharvest pathogens were determined for Eug and Cit giving values of 0.10 and 0.15 (w/v), respectively. Twelve formulations of edible coatings were used: sodium alginate (AL) was tested at 1 and 2% (w/v) with incorporation of Eug and Cit at MIC and double MIC or their combination at MIC. Arbutus berries were dipped in those solutions for 2 min, and then stored at 0.5 degrees C. Control consisted of uncoated fruit. On days 0, 14 and 28, samples were taken to perform physicochemical and biochemical analysis [color CIE (L*, h degrees), firmness, soluble solids content (SSC), weight Loss, trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC), microbial growth and taste panels]. Results showed that edible coatings of 1% AL were the best to maintain most quality attributes of the commodity through storage at 0.5 degrees C. The incorporation of Cit and Eug into the alginate edible coatings improved the coatings in most cases, AL 1% + Eug 0.20% and AL 1% + Cit 0.15% + Eug 0.10% being those that better preserved sensory and nutritional attributes and reduced microbial spoilage. Thus, these coatings may be useful for improving postharvest quality and storage life of fresh arbutus fruit. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Innovative postharvest techniques for sustainable handling of horticultural products
    Publication . Antunes, Maria Dulce; Miguel, Maria Graça; Neves, Alcinda
    Fresh fruits and vegetables are important components of human food. However, horticultural products are highly perishable and losses can be of great importance if postharvest correct measures are not provided. There is a worldwide trend to explore new alternatives to increase storage life, giving priority to methods that reduce horticultural product decay avoiding negative effects to human heath and environment. The objective of our research was to apply environmental and human health friendly techniques to preserve fresh fruit quality through storage. Figs, apricots, oranges, pomegranates and kiwifruits were treated with sodium bicarbonate, calcium chloride, acetic acid or subjected to modified atmosphere packaging to increase their storage life with minimal quality loss, as well as damage to human health and environment. The use of these treatments and techniques gave a great performance in the reduction of fruit losses, weight loss and fruit softening. Postharvest techniques such as modified atmosphere and calcium, sodium bicarbonate and acetic acid treatments, when applied in adequate concentrations, help to keep fruit quality through storage, without damaging the environment and human health. The benefit of each treatment depends on the type of fruit.
  • Phenols and antioxidant activity of hydro-alcoholic extracts of propolis from Algarve, South of Portugal
    Publication . Miguel, Maria Graça; Nunes, S.; Dandlen, S. A.; Antunes, Maria Dulce
    Propolis is a natural honeybee product known to be beneficial for human health, with a complex chemical composition, highly dependent on the collection site. The objective of the present research was to evaluate phenols and antioxidant activity of propolis samples collected in three main areas of Algarve, South of Portugal. Water revealed to be less effective for extracting phenolic compounds from propolis than the methanol and water/ethanol. The last two were good extraction solvents of phenols. Nevertheless water/ethanol was the solvent chosen because it was able to extract phenols in considerable amounts being less toxic than methanol. In spring, higher amounts of phenols (total phenols, flavones, flavonols, flavanones and dihydroflavonols) were detected in hydro-alcoholic extracts of propolis than in winter. Among the three main areas of Algarve where samples were collected, those from Barrocal had the highest levels of polyphenols, independent on the season (winter or spring). Within each area, the levels of phenols changed according to the zone. Concerning antioxidant activity, samples from Barrocal presented better radical scavenging abilities than those from the remaining areas, independent on the antioxidant method and collection season. Such results correlated closely with the levels of total phenols, flavones and flavonols in samples. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Mineral and volatile composition of agua-mel from Portugal
    Publication . Miguel, Maria Graça; AAZZA, Smail; Antunes, Maria Dulce; Faleiro, Maria Leonor; Barroso, José G.; Pedro, Luis G.; Figueiredo, A. Cristina
    Agua-mel (honey-water) is a typical honey-based product produced by the Portuguese beekeepers, particularly in southern Portugal. Agua-mel was characterized by mineral content and volatiles contents. Mineral content evaluation was performed based on a random sampling of 14 samples from a total of 16 samples provided by local producers. Mineral content showed that potassium predominated in agua-mel samples (1270-4105 mg/kg). The concentration of aluminium in one sample was tenfold higher (5.8 mg/kg) than in the remaining samples (0.3-0.6 mg/kg). Agua-mel volatiles were isolated by hydrodistillation and analysed by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) from a subset of eight samples. Cluster analysis showed two poorly correlated clusters (S (corr) < 0.3). Cluster I only sample was dominated by trans-beta-ocimene (19 %), gamma-terpinene (15 %) and 2-furfural (9 %). Cluster II that included the remaining seven samples showed two moderately correlated subclusters (S (corr) < 0.5). The six samples with high correlation from subcluster IIa were dominated by 2-furfural (18-41 %) and benzene acetaldehyde (12-39 %). n-Nonadecane (14 %), n-heneicosane and 2-furfural (both 13 %) were the main components of subcluster IIb sample. Although the presence of some volatile compounds can help in the correlation between agua-mel and honey botanical source, the final product varies largely according to the preparation process even for the same producer, in different years. Agua-mel detailed characterization may assist in bringing added value to this typical Portuguese honey-based product.