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- ZFBONE: an ImageJ toolset for semi-automatic analysis of zebrafish bone structuresPublication . Tarasco, Marco; Cordelieres, Fabrice P.; Cancela, M. Leonor; Laizé, VincentThe last decade has seen an increased interest in the discovery of compounds with bone anabolic activity to treat skeletal disorders such as osteoporosis and increase the well-being of patients. Due to the many technical advantages over classical rodent systems, zebrafish (Danio rerio) has been increasingly used in screening pipelines, in particular those aiming at identifying osteoactive compounds with pharmacological potential. Because compound osteoactivity is mostly determined in zebrafish through the morphometric analysis of bone structures, image analysis, rather than screening assay implementation, molecule availability and image acquisition, represents a bottleneck to the screening throughput. The absence of auto/semi-automatic tools for image analysis of fish bone structures is also a limitation to a broader usage of zebrafish screening pipelines. We present here ZFBONE (for ZebraFish BONE), an open-source, freely available, user-friendly, rapid and reliable toolset, aiming at accelerating image analysis by automating the morphometric assessment of zebrafish bone structures, but also at increasing data accuracy by reducing operator bias. Tools included in ZFBONE allow users to assess, from 2D images, morphometric parameters of several bone structures (e.g. operculum, caudal fin rays and scales) but also the extent and the intensity of bone-specific colorations. ZFBONE has been developed using the open-source ImageJ software, to make it available to the whole zebrafish research community, but also to have it easily modifiable according to user demands. ZFBONE can also be used toward the standardization of zebrafish screening protocols in academia and industry.
- Antioxidant, mineralogenic and osteogenic activities of Spartina alterniflora and Salicornia fragilis extracts rich in polyphenolsPublication . Roberto, Vania Palma; Surget, Gwladys; Le Lann, Klervi; Mira, Sara; Tarasco, Marco; Guérard, Fabienne; Poupart, Nathalie; Laizé, Vincent; Stiger-Pouvreau, Valérie; Cancela, M. LeonorOsteoporosis is an aging-related disease and a worldwide health issue. Current therapeutics have failed to reduce the prevalence of osteoporosis in the human population, thus the discovery of compounds with bone anabolic properties that could be the basis of next generation drugs is a priority. Marine plants contain a wide range of bioactive compounds and the presence of osteoactive phytochemicals was investigated in two halophytes collected in Brittany (France): the invasive Spartina alterniflora and the native Salicornia fragilis. Two semi-purified fractions, prepared through liquid-liquid extraction, were assessed for phenolic and flavonoid contents, and for the presence of antioxidant, mineralogenic and osteogenic bioactivities. Ethyl acetate fraction (EAF) wasrich in phenolic compounds and exhibited the highest antioxidant activity. While S. fragilis EAF only triggered a weak proliferative effect in vitro, S. alterniflora EAF potently induced extracellular matrix mineralization (7-fold at 250µg/mL). A strong osteogenic effect was also observed in vivo using zebrafish operculum assay (2.5-fold at 10µg/mL in 9-dpf larvae). Results indicate that polyphenol rich EAF of S. alterniflora has both antioxidant and bone anabolic activities. As an invasive species, this marine plant may represent a sustainable source of molecules for therapeutic applications in bone disorders.
- Keutel Syndrome, a review of 50 years of literaturePublication . Cancela, M. Leonor; Laizé, Vincent; Conceição, Natércia; Kempf, Hervé; Murshed, MonzurKeutel syndrome (KS) is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder that was first identified in the beginning of the 1970s and nearly 30 years later attributed to loss-of-function mutations in the gene coding for the matrix Gla protein (MGP). Patients with KS are usually diagnosed during childhood (early onset of the disease), and the major traits include abnormal calcification of cartilaginous tissues resulting in or associated with malformations of skeletal tissues (e.g., midface hypoplasia and brachytelephalangism) and cardiovascular defects (e.g., congenital heart defect, peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis, and, in some cases, arterial calcification), and also hearing loss and mild developmental delay. While studies on Mgp-/- mouse, a faithful model of KS, show that pathologic mineral deposition (ectopic calcification) in cartilaginous and vascular tissues is the primary cause underlying many of these abnormalities, the mechanisms explaining how MGP prevents abnormal calcification remain poorly understood. This has negative implication for the development of a cure for KS. Indeed, at present, only symptomatic treatments are available to treat hypertension and respiratory complications occurring in the KS patients. In this review, we summarize the results published in the last 50 years on Keutel syndrome and present the current status of the knowledge on this rare pathology.
- Transcriptional regulation of human DUSP4 gene by cancer‐related transcription factorsPublication . Varela, Tatiana; Conceição, Natércia; Laizé, Vincent; Cancela, M. LeonorDual specificity phosphatase 4 (DUSP4), a member of the dual specificity phosphatase family, is responsible for the dephosphorylation and inactivation of ERK, JNK and p38, which are mitogen-activated protein kinases involved in cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis, but also in inflammation processes. Given its importance for cellular signalling, DUSP4 is subjected to a tight regulation and there is growing evidence that its expression is dysregulated in several tumours. However, the mechanisms underlying DUSP4 transcriptional regulation remain poorly understood. Here, we analysed the regulation of the human DUSP4 promoters 1 and 2, located upstream of exons 1 and 2, respectively, by the cancer-related transcription factors (TFs) STAT3, FOXA1, CTCF and YY1. The presence of binding sites for these TFs was predicted in both promoters through the in silico analysis of DUSP4, and their functionality was assessed through luciferase activity assays. Regulatory activity of the TFs tested was found to be promoter-specific. While CTCF stimulated the activity of promoter 2 that controls the transcription of variants 2 and X1, STAT3 stimulated the activity of promoter 1 that controls the transcription of variant 1. YY1 positively regulated both promoters, although to different extents. Through site-directed mutagenesis, the functionality of YY1 binding sites present in promoter 2 was confirmed. This study provides novel insights into the transcriptional regulation of DUSP4, contributing to a better comprehension of the mechanisms of its dysregulation observed in several types of cancer.
- Isolation, culture, and differentiation of Blastema cells from the regenerating caudal fin of zebrafishPublication . Vijayakumar, Parameswaran; Cancela, M. Leonor; Laizé, VincentThe caudal fin of teleost fish has become an excellent system for investigating the mechanisms of epimorphic regeneration. Upon amputation of the caudal fin, a mass of undi erentiated cells, called blastema, proliferate beneath the wound-epidermis and di erentiate into various cell types to faithfully restore the missing fin structures. Here we describe a protocol that can be used to isolate and culture blastema cells from zebrafish. Primary cultures were initiated from 36 h post-amputation (hpa) blastema and optimal cell growth was achieved using L-15 medium supplemented with 5% fetal bovine serum in plates either coated with fibronectin or uncoated. After seeding, zebrafish blastema cells formed a uniform culture and exhibited polygonal shapes with prominent nucleus, while various cell types were also observed after few days in culture indicating cell di erentiation. Upon treatment with all-trans retinoic acid, zebrafish blastema cells di erentiated into neuron-like and oligodendritic-like cells. Immunocytochemistry data also revealed the presence of mesenchymal and neuronal cells. The availability of blastema cell cultures could contribute to a better understanding of epimorphic regeneration by providing a mean to investigate the mechanisms underlying blastema cell di erentiation. Furthermore, this protocol is simple, rapid, and cost-e cient, and can be virtually applied to the development of any fish blastema cell culture.
- New insights into benzo[⍺]pyrene osteotoxicity in zebrafishPublication . Tarasco, Marco; Gavaia, Paulo; Bensimon-Brito, Anabela; Cardeira-da-Silva, João; Ramkumar, Srinath; Cordelières, Fabrice P.; Günther, Stefan; Bebianno, Maria J.; Stainier, Didier Y.R.; Cancela, M. Leonor; Laizé, VincentPersistent and ubiquitous organic pollutants, such as the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon benzo[⍺]pyrene (BaP), represent a major threat to aquatic organisms and human health. Beside some well-documented adverse effects on the development and reproduction of aquatic organisms, BaP was recently shown to affect fish bone formation and skeletal development through mechanisms that remain poorly understood. In this work, zebrafish bonerelated in vivo assays were used to evaluate the osteotoxic effects of BaP during bone development and regeneration. Acute exposure of zebrafish larvae to BaP from 3 to 6 days post-fertilization (dpf) induced a dosedependent reduction of the opercular bone size and a depletion of osteocalcin-positive cells, indicating an effect on osteoblast maturation. Chronic exposure of zebrafish larvae to BaP from 3 to 30 dpf affected the development of the axial skeleton and increased the incidence and severity of skeletal deformities. In young adults, BaP affected the mineralization of newly formed fin rays and scales, and impaired fin ray patterning and scale shape, through mechanisms that involve an imbalanced bone remodeling. Gene expression analyses indicated that BaP induced the activation of xenobiotic and metabolic pathways, while negatively impacting extracellular matrix formation and organization. Interestingly, BaP exposure positively regulated inflammation markers in larvae and increased the recruitment of neutrophils. A direct interaction between neutrophils and bone extracellular matrix or bone forming cells was observed in vivo, suggesting a role for neutrophils in the mechanisms underlying BaP osteotoxicity. Our work provides novel data on the cellular and molecular players involved in BaP osteotoxicity and brings new insights into a possible role for neutrophils in inflammatory bone reduction.
- The osteogenic and mineralogenic potential of the microalgae Skeletonema costatum and Tetraselmis striata CTP4 in fish modelsPublication . Carletti, Alessio; Rosa, Joana; Pes, Katia; Borges, Inês; Santos, Tamara; Barreira, Luísa; Varela, João; Pereira, Hugo; Cancela, M. Leonor; J. Gavaia, Paulo; Laizé, VincentSkeletal disorders are problematic aspects for the aquaculture industry as skeletal deformities, which affect most species of farmed fish, increase production costs and affect fish welfare. Following recent findings that show the presence of osteoactive compounds in marine organisms, we evaluated the osteogenic and mineralogenic potential of commercially available microalgae strains Skeletonema costatum and Tetraselmis striata CTP4 in several fish systems. Ethanolic extracts increased extracellular matrix mineralization in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) bone-derived cell cultures and promoted osteoblastic differentiation in zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae. Long-term dietary exposure to both extracts increased bone mineralization in zebrafish and upregulated the expression of genes involved in bone formation (sp7, col1a1a, oc1, and oc2), bone remodeling (acp5a), and antioxidant defenses (cat, sod1). Extracts also improved the skeletal status of zebrafish juveniles by reducing the incidence of skeletal anomalies. Our results indicate that both strains of microalgae contain osteogenic and mineralogenic compounds, and that ethanolic extracts have the potential for an application in the aquaculture sector as dietary supplements to support fish bone health. Future studies should also identify osteoactive compounds and establish whether they can be used in human health to broaden the therapeutic options for bone erosive disorders such as osteoporosis.
- Expression of DUSP4 transcript variants as a potential biomarker for colorectal cancerPublication . Varela, Tatiana; Laizé, Vincent; Conceição, Natércia; Caldeira, Paulo; Marreiros, Ana; Guerreiro, Horacio; Cancela, M. LeonorAim: To provide novel data on the expression of DUSP4 transcripts in colorectal cancer (CRC) tissues and to explore their potential as biomarkers. Materials & methods:DUSP4 transcripts expression was determined by quantitative real-time PCR in tissues from 28 CRC patients. Their association with clinicopathological factors and survival analysis was performed. Data from 380 CRC patients available at The Cancer Genome Atlas project were also analyzed. Results: All transcripts were overexpressed in CRC tissues. Variant X1 was the most upregulated and associated with KRAS mutations and poorly differentiated tumor. Overexpression of DUSP4 transcripts could distinguish all tumor stages from normal tissues. Similar results were found in The Cancer Genome Atlas cohort. Conclusion:DUSP4 transcripts have the potential to serve as diagnostic biomarkers for CRC, particularly variant X1.
- Development of an in vitro cell system from zebrafish suitable to study bone cell differentiation and extracellular matrix mineralizationPublication . Vijayakumar, Parameswaran; Laizé, Vincent; Cardeira Da Silva, João; Trindade, Marlene; Cancela, M. LeonorMechanisms of bone formation and skeletal development have been successfully investigated in zebrafish using a variety of in vivo approaches, but in vitro studies have been hindered due to a lack of homologous cell lines capable of producing an extracellular matrix (ECM) suitable for mineral deposition. Here we describe the development and characterization of a new cell line termed ZFB1, derived from zebrafish calcified tissues. ZFB1 cells have an epithelium-like phenotype, grow at 28 degrees C in a regular L-15 medium supplemented with 15% of fetal bovine serum, and are maintained and manipulated using standard methods (e.g., trypsinization, cryopreservation, and transfection). They can therefore be propagated and maintained easily in most cell culture facilities. ZFB1 cells show aneuploidy with 2n=78 chromosomes, indicative of cell transformation. Furthermore, because DNA can be efficiently delivered into their intracellular space by nucleofection, ZFB1 cells are suitable for gene targeting approaches and for assessing gene promoter activity. ZFB1 cells can also differentiate toward osteoblast or chondroblast lineages, as demonstrated by expression of osteoblast- and chondrocyte-specific markers, they exhibit an alkaline phosphatase activity, a marker of bone formation in vivo, and they can mineralize their ECM. Therefore, they represent a valuable zebrafish-derived in vitro system for investigating bone cell differentiation and extracellular matrix mineralization.
- Screening for osteogenic activity in extracts from Irish marine organisms: the potential of Ceramium pallidumPublication . Carson, Matthew A.; Nelson, John; Cancela, M. Leonor; Laizé, Vincent; Gavaia, Paulo; Rae, Margaret; Heesch, Svenja; Verzin, Eugene; Gilmore, Brendan F.; Clarke, Susan A.Extracts and compounds derived from marine organisms have reportedly shown some osteogenic potential. As such, these bioactives may aid in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions such as osteoporosis; helping to address inefficacies with current treatment options. In this study, 72 fractions were tested for their in vitro osteogenic activity using a human foetal osteoblast (hFOB) cell line and bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), focusing on their cytotoxic, proliferative and differentiation effects. Extracts dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide and ethanol showed no significant osteogenic potential. However, two extracts derived from powder residues (left over from original organic extractions) caused a significant promotion of MSC differentiation. Bioactivity from powder residues derived from the epiphytic red algae Ceramium pallidum is described in detail to highlight its treatment potential. In vitro, C. pallidum was shown to promote MSC differentiation and extracellular matrix mineralisation. In vivo, this extract caused a significant increase in opercular bone growth of zebrafish larvae and a significant increase in bone density of regenerated adult caudal fins. Our findings therefore show the importance of continued screening efforts, particularly of novel extract sources, and the presence of bioactive compounds in C. pallidum extract.