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  • Changes in plasma amino acid levels in a euryhaline fish exposed to different environmental salinities
    Publication . Aragão, C.; Costas, B.; Vargas-Chacoff, L.; Ruiz-Jarabo, I.; Dinis, Maria Teresa; Mancera, J. M.; Conceição, L. E. C.
    Previous studies have shown that Senegalese sole is partially euryhaline in the juvenile phase, being able to adapt to a wide range of salinities in a short-time period, due to changes at the osmoregulatory and metabolic level. This study aimed to assess the effects of acclimation of sole to a wide range of salinities, with a special emphasis on the role of plasma amino acids during this process. Sole juveniles were acclimated for 2 weeks to different salinities: 5, 15, 25, 38, and 55 g L−1. Plasma levels of cortisol, glucose, osmolality, and free amino acids were assessed at the end. Changes in plasma levels of cortisol, glucose, and amino acids indicate that fish reared at 5 and 55 g L−1 were facing extra energy costs. Amino acids seem to play an important role during salinity acclimation, either as energy sources or as important osmolytes for cell volume regulation.
  • High stocking density induces crowding stress and affects amino acid metabolism in Senegalese sole Solea senegalensis (Kaup 1858) juveniles
    Publication . Costas, B.; Aragão, C.; Mancera, J. M.; Dinis, Maria Teresa; Conceição, L. E. C.; Refojos, B. C.
    Fish held at high stocking densities are generally exposed to chronic stress situations that impose severe energy demands and may predispose the ¢sh to infection. Senegalese sole Solea senegalensis (Kaup) juveniles (78.8 18.9 g body weight) were maintained at low (LSD; 4 kg m2 at the end of the experiment), medium (MSD; 9 kg m2 ) and high (HSD;14 kg m2 ) stocking densities during a period of 63 days. Although disease outbreaks were observed in ¢sh reared at HSD, growth and food consumption did not vary among di¡erent treatments. Results from plasma cortisol and free amino acids (FAAs) showed signi¢- cant di¡erences among di¡erent rearing densities pointing to HSD as stressful rearing condition.
  • Stress response and changes in amino acid requirements in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis Kaup 1858)
    Publication . Aragão, C.; Corte-Real, Joana; Costas, B.; Dinis, Maria Teresa; Conceição, L. E. C.
    Fish in aquaculture are often exposed to various stressors that may change their ability to survive or limit growth. Amino acids are used for processes other than growth, including stress response. This study intended to analyse how repeated acute handling stress can affect growth and amino acid requirements in fish. Senegalese sole juveniles were weekly held in the air during 3min (Handling) for 9 weeks; Control groups were left undisturbed. Growth and plasma levels of stress indicators and of free amino acids were assessed at the end of the experiment. Plasma cortisol and osmolality levels showed that fish in the Handling treatment were stressed, but growth was unaffected. Plasma amino acid concentrations indicate that their requirements in stressed fish were altered, which probably reflects the synthesis of proteins or other specific compounds related to stress response.
  • Nutritional physiology during development of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis)
    Publication . Conceição, L. E. C.; Ribeiro, Laura; Engrola, S.; Aragão, C.; Morais, S.; Lacuisse, M.; Soares, Florbela; Dinis, Maria Teresa
    The Senegalese sole, a species with a complex metamorphosis, difficulties in weaning and with occasional problems of malpigmentation and skeletal deformities, is a good model species to study larval nutritional physiology. In addition, the early metamorphosis and acquisition of a peculiar non-proactive bottom-feeding behaviour make early weaning an important issue in sole hatcheries. The present work reviews recent findings in different aspects of nutritional physiology during the development of Senegalese sole, in an attempt to optimize the composition of sole diets and to understand what are the limiting factors for weaning sole. Both digestive enzymes activity and tracer studies using 14C-Artemia show that sole larvae, even at young stages, have a high capacity for digesting live preys. This is reflected in a high growth potential and low mortality rates for this species during the larval stage compared to other marine fish species. Based on the observation of the digestive enzymes profile, early introduction of inert microdiets in co-feeding with Artemia does not seem to affect intestinal function. However, when co-feeding is not provided, intestinal activity may be depressed. Furthermore, early introduction of microdiets in co-feeding with Artemia may have a positive effect on survival rates, but at the expense of lower growth rates and higher size dispersal. This may reflect variation in the adaptation capacity of individual larvae to inert diets. High dietary neutral lipid (soybean oil) content results in reduced growth and accumulation of lipid droplets in the enterocytes and affects the capacity of Senegalese sole larvae to absorb and metabolise dietary fatty acids (FA) and amino acids (AA). Through tube feeding of different 14C-lipids and free FA it has been shown that FA absorption efficiency increases with unsaturation and that sole larvae spare DHA from catabolism. In addition, it was demonstrated that absorption efficiency varies according to molecular form, being highest for free FA, lowest for triacylglycerols and intermediate for phospholipids. Live preys commonly used in larviculture do not seem to have a balanced AA profile for sole larvae. Furthermore, the ideal dietary AA composition probably changes during development. Rotifers and Artemia metanauplii are apparently deficient in one or more of the following AA depending on the larval development stage: histidine, sulphur AA, lysine, aromatic AA, threonine and arginine. It has also been demonstrated that balancing the dietary AA profile with dipeptides inArtemia-fed larvae increases AA retention and reduces AA catabolism. When supplementing larval diets with limiting AA it should also be considered that sole larvae have different absorption, and retention efficiencies for individual AA, and that they have the capacity to spare indispensable AA. In addition, the absorption of free AA is faster and more efficient than that of complex proteins. Improvements in biochemical composition of inert microdiets for sole are likely to contribute to the reproducible weaning success of Senegalese sole.
  • Feed deprivation in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis Kaup, 1858) juveniles: Effects on blood plasma metabolites and free amino acid levels
    Publication . Costas, B.; Aragão, C.; Ruiz-Jarabo, I.; Vargas-Chacoff, L.; Arjona, F. J.; Dinis, Maria Teresa; Mancera, J. M.; Conceição, L. E. C.
    The effects of prolonged feed deprivation were assessed on blood plasma metabolites and free amino acid levels in Solea senegalensis. Juvenile specimens were maintained at two experimental conditions (24 h fasted and 21 days feed-deprived). In feed-deprived fish, relative growth rate and hepatosomatic index as well as plasma triglycerides and proteins levels were significantly lower.
  • Lumpfish physiological response to chronic stress
    Publication . Lopes, Tiago da Santa; Costas, Benjamin; Ramos-Pinto, Lourenço; Reynolds, Patrick; Imsland, Albert K. D.; Fernandes, Jorge M. O.; Aragão, Cláudia
    In this study, we explored the effects of chronic stress on lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) physiological, immune response, health, and plasma free amino acids. 3 groups of lumpfish were exposed to 1-minute air exposure. 1 group was exposed to stress once per week, a second group exposed 2 times per week, and a third group exposed 4 times per week. The present study revealed significant alterations in immunity and increased nutritional demands, particularly the branched chain amino acids and lysine. Cortisol levels fluctuated, with significantly higher levels halfway through the experiment on the groups that were stressed more often. Though, by the end of the experiment, there were no significant differences in cortisol levels between groups. Regardless of stress exposure, cataract developed in virtually all sampled fish, pointing toward a potential dietary imbalance. A transient immunomodulation of stress was visible. While in early stages stress had an immune enhancing effect, as seen by the increase in plasma nitric oxide and peroxidase in the group most frequently exposed to stress, these differences were not apparent by the end of the experiment. Additionally, the worst health condition was found in this group. Our results underscore the complex interplay between stress, immunity and nutrition, highlighting the need for tailored dietary strategies and improved rearing practices.