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  • Population-level effects of clam harvesting on the seagrass Zostera noltii
    Publication . Cabaço, Susana; Alexandre, Ana; Santos, Rui
    Seagrass declines have been reported worldwide, mostly as a consequence of anthropogenic disturbance. In Ria Formosa lagoon, southern Portugal, the intertidal meadows of Zostera noltii are highly disturbed by clam harvesters. The most common technique used to collect the clams consists of digging and tilling the sediment with a modified knife with a large blade. Here we present both descriptive and experimental evidence of the negative effects of clam harvest on the Z. noltii populations of Ria Formosa. A comparison between disturbed and undisturbed meadows suggests that clam harvesting activities change the species population structure by significantly reducing shoot density and total biomass, particularly during August, when the harvest effort is higher. Experimental harvest revealed a short-term impact on shoot density, which rapidly recovered to control levels during the following month. An experimental manipulation of rhizome fragmentation revealed that plant survival is reduced only when fragmented rhizomes are left with 1 intact internode. Shoot production and rhizome elongation and production of fragmented rhizomes having 2 to 5 internodes were not significantly affected, even though growth and production were lower when only 2 internodes were left. Experimental shoot damage at different positions along the rhizome had a significant effect on plant survival, rhizome elongation, and production only when the apical shoot was removed. Our results show that clam harvest can adversely affect Z. noltii meadows of Ria Formosa while revealing a low modular integration that allows the species to rapidly recover from physical damage.
  • Timing and success of reproductive stages in the seagrass Zostera noltii
    Publication . Alexandre, Ana; Cabaço, Susana; Santos, Rui; Serrão, Ester
    The timing and success of sexual reproduction of the seagrass Zostera noltii was investigated at the Ria Formosa lagoon, Portugal. Thirty plants were tagged and monitored individually through time to determine in situ the development time of each maturation stage, from the emergence of the flowers to the production of seeds. The overall process of flowering and fruiting lasted 47 ± 4 days, during which formation and maturation of the fruits was the most time-consuming stage (27 ± 2 days). Spathe success, i.e. the percentage of spathes that produced seeds, was 22 ± 4% while spathe mortality was 34 ± 6%. A considerable percentage of spathes (37 ± 7%) was lost through leaf detachment, but some of these may still add to the reproductive success of the species by contributing to the species recruitment within the source meadow or elsewhere. Meadow seed production (MSP) of Z. noltii was estimated to be 312 ± 66 seeds m−2, whereas the potential seed production of the studied meadow was 2623 seeds m−2. Under laboratory conditions, 70% of Z. noltii seeds germinated within 26 days, but only 10% reached the seedling stage due to the high mortality of germlings. Fertility, defined as the probability of a seed to originate a new plant, was estimated to be 14 × 10−4, which is higher than what is expected for most seagrasses.