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  • Phase angle in osteoarthritis patients, relations with pain, muscular mass and strength
    Publication . Pais, Sandra; Guerreiro, Pedro; Guerreiro, Carla; Botelho, Marta
    Several researches have been carried out to see the relation between the Phase Angle (PhA), disease and several health risks factors. Ageing is associated with the loss of muscle mass and changes in body composition, which result in a decrease of the PhA. Malnutrition and inflammation have been reported to have a strong influence on PhA in diseased individuals. Subjects with Osteoarthritis (OA) have decreased muscular strength and pain. The aim of this study was to understand if the PhA was altered in patients with OA and if it's related with pain, muscular mass and strength.
  • Can osteoarthritis, sarcopenia and body composition predict loss of function?
    Publication . Pais, Sandra; Botelho, Marta; Moreira, Rita; Guerreiro, Carla
    Background: Elderly populations e growing in the majority of Countries in the World. Portugal in currently among the 5 most aged counties with 23,4% of it´s population over 65 and an ageing index of 182[1]. Osteoarthritis is the 3rd cause of responsible for severe disability in adults over 60 years in developed and developing countries[2]. Lack of data at a national or regional level in Portugal compromises the ability to prepare for both health and care need of aged population. Simultaneously the region of Algarve has particular geographic characteristics with 49% of the population living within 2 km from the cost (in 9% of the Algarve’s Territory). Objectives: Are aim was to study our regional population, namely the incidence of Osteoarthritis (OA) and the relation of function ability with OA, Sarcopenia and Body composition.
  • Determining the profile of people with fall risk in community-living older people in Algarve region: a cross-sectional, population-based study
    Publication . Guerreiro, Carla; Botelho, Marta; Fernández-Martínez, Elia; Marreiros, Ana; Pais, Sandra
    One in three people aged 65 years or older falls every year. Injuries associated with this event among the older population are a major cause of pain, disability, loss of functional autonomy and institutionalization. This study aimed to assess mobility and fall risk (FR) in community-living older people and to determine reliable and independent measures (health, social, environmental and risk factors) that can predict the mobility loss and FR. In total, 192 participants were included, with a mean age of 77.93 ± 8.38. FR was assessed by EASY-Care (EC) Standard 2010, the Tinetti Test and the Modified Falls Efficacy Scale (MFES). An exploratory analysis was conducted using the divisive non-hierarchical cluster method, aiming to identify a differentiator and homogeneous group of subjects (optimal group of variables) and to verify if that group shows differences in fall risk. Individually, the health, social, environmental and risk factor categories were not found to be an optimal group; they do not predict FR. The most significant predictor variables were a mix of the different categories, namely, the presence of pain, osteoarthritis (OA), and female gender. The finding of a profile that allows health professionals to be able to quickly identify people at FR will enable a reduction in injuries and fractures resulting from falls and, consequently, the associated costs.
  • Atividade física e envelhecimento: guia para uma prática segura e regular em casa
    Publication . Pais, Sandra; Guerreiro, Pedro; Santos, Joana; Guerreiro, Carla; Botelho, Marta
    A prática regular de atividade física está associada a um decréscimo da morbilidade e mortalidade, assim como, ao contrário, a inatividade física faz parte dos principais fatores de risco de mortalidade a nível global.
  • Does work per repetition and phase angle play a role in Sarcopenia?
    Publication . Pais, Sandra; Guerreiro, Pedro; Guerreiro, Carla; Botelho, Marta
    Aging is related to the increase of several chronic diseases, such as, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, hypertension and sarcopenia. Sarcopenia (progressive loss of muscle mass and physical performance) is related to difficulties in treating other comorbidities, whether pharmacologically or non-pharmacologically.
  • Nutritional condition of the Algarve population - a preliminary vision
    Publication . Braz, Nídia; Mateus, Maria Palma; Guerreiro, Carla; Cordeiro, Clara; Pais, Sandra
    Survey in Health and Ageing in the Region of Algarve (SHARA) is a Global Geriatric Evaluation, in course in the Algarve since 2013.
  • Guia para prevenção do risco de queda. Previna uma queda antes que ela aconteça!
    Publication . Pais, Sandra; Guerreiro, Carla; Guerreiro, Pedro; Botelho, Marta
    O envelhecimento é um processo natural, no qual a diminuição da força muscular, alterações no equilíbrio e limitações na mobilidade, podem colocar a pessoa em risco de cair e sofrer uma lesão. As quedas geralmente têm mais de uma causa. Este guia analisa as causas das quedas e faz algumas recomendações para ajudar a prevenir quedas, lesões e perda de independência.