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  • Prediction of short-term prognosis in elderly patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage
    Publication . Batista, António; Osório, Rui; Varela, Ana; Guilherme, Patrícia; Marreiros, Ana; Pais, Sandra; Nzwalo, Hipólito
    Aim The incidence of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (SICH) increases with age. Data on SICH mortality in the very old are sparse. We aimed to describe the predictors of 30-day SICH mortality in the very elderly in southern Portugal. Methods A total of 256 community representative SICH patients aged >= 75 years (2009-2016) were included. Multiple logistic regression was used to identify predictors of 30-day mortality. Results Mean age was 82.1 years; 57.4% males. The 30-day case fatality was 38.7%. The frequency of patients taking anticoagulants (29.3% vs. 11.5%); comatose (46.9% vs. 2.5%); with hematoma volume >= 30 mL (64.6% vs. 13.4%); intraventricular dissection (78.8% vs. 27.4%) was higher in deceased patients (p < 0.05). Survivors were more often admitted to stroke unit (SU) (68.2 vs. 31.3%) and had lower mean admission glycaemia values (p < 0.05). The likelihood of death was increased in patients with higher admission hematoma volume (>= 30 mL) (OR: 8.817, CI 1.753-44.340, p = 0.008) and with prior to SICH history of >= 2 hospitalizations OR = 1.022, CI 1.009-1.069, p = 0.031). Having higher Glasgow coma scale score, OR: 0.522, CI 0.394-0.692, p < 0.001, per unit was associated with reduced risk of death. Age was not an independent risk factor of short-term death. Conclusions The short-term mortality is high in very elderly SICH. Prior to SICH history of hospitalization, an indirect and gross marker of coexistent functional reserve, not age per se, increases the risk of short-term death. Other predictors of short-term death are potentially manageable reinforcing the message against any defeatist attitude toward elderly patients with SICH. Key summary pointsAim Identification of predictors of short-term death after spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (SICH) in the elderly. Findings The short-term case fatality (38.7%) after SICH is high in the elderly. Hematoma volume, decreased level of consciousness and functional reserve, but not age per se, increase the risk of short-term death. Message Age per se should not justify any decision of withholding best treatment in elderly SICH patients. Offering the best acute treatment can potentially improve the clinical outcome.
  • Determining the profile of people with fall risk in community-living older people in Algarve region: a cross-sectional, population-based study
    Publication . Guerreiro, Carla; Botelho, Marta; Fernández-Martínez, Elia; Marreiros, Ana; Pais, Sandra
    One in three people aged 65 years or older falls every year. Injuries associated with this event among the older population are a major cause of pain, disability, loss of functional autonomy and institutionalization. This study aimed to assess mobility and fall risk (FR) in community-living older people and to determine reliable and independent measures (health, social, environmental and risk factors) that can predict the mobility loss and FR. In total, 192 participants were included, with a mean age of 77.93 ± 8.38. FR was assessed by EASY-Care (EC) Standard 2010, the Tinetti Test and the Modified Falls Efficacy Scale (MFES). An exploratory analysis was conducted using the divisive non-hierarchical cluster method, aiming to identify a differentiator and homogeneous group of subjects (optimal group of variables) and to verify if that group shows differences in fall risk. Individually, the health, social, environmental and risk factor categories were not found to be an optimal group; they do not predict FR. The most significant predictor variables were a mix of the different categories, namely, the presence of pain, osteoarthritis (OA), and female gender. The finding of a profile that allows health professionals to be able to quickly identify people at FR will enable a reduction in injuries and fractures resulting from falls and, consequently, the associated costs.
  • Reprogramming iPSCs to study age-related diseases: models, therapeutics, and clinical trials
    Publication . Esteves, Filipa; Brito, David; Rajado, Ana Teresa; Silva, Nádia; Apolónio, Joana; Roberto, Vania Palma; Araújo, Inês Maria; Nóbrega, Clévio; Castelo-Branco, Pedro; Bragança, José; P. Andrade, Raquel; M. Calado, Sofia; Faleiro, L; Matos, Carlos A; Marques, Nuno; Marreiros, Ana; Nzwalo, Hipólito; Pais, Sandra; Palmeirim, Isabel; S, Simão; Joaquim, Natércia; Miranda, Rui; Pêgas, António; Raposo, Daniela Marques; Sardo, Ana
    The unprecedented rise in life expectancy observed in the last decades is leading to a global increase in the ageing population, and age-associated diseases became an increasing societal, economic, and medical burden. This has boosted major efforts in the scientific and medical research communities to develop and improve therapies to delay ageing and age-associated functional decline and diseases, and to expand health span. The establishment of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by reprogramming human somatic cells has revolutionised the modelling and understanding of human diseases. iPSCs have a major advantage relative to other human pluripotent stem cells as their obtention does not require the destruction of embryos like embryonic stem cells do, and do not have a limited proliferation or differentiation potential as adult stem cells. Besides, iPSCs can be generated from somatic cells from healthy individuals or patients, which makes iPSC technology a promising approach to model and decipher the mechanisms underlying the ageing process and age-associated diseases, study drug effects, and develop new therapeutic approaches. This review discusses the advances made in the last decade using iPSC technology to study the most common age-associated diseases, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD), neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases, brain stroke, cancer, diabetes, and osteoarthritis.
  • Impact of a mediterranean-inspired diet on cardiovascular disease risk factors: a randomized clinical trial
    Publication . Barbosa, Ana Rita; Pais, Sandra; Marreiros, Ana; Correia, Marta
    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide. This study focused on evaluating the impact of a Mediterranean-type diet combined with physical exercise on CVD risk factors of high-risk individuals. A randomized clinical trial (RCT) recruited individuals (≥50 years old) with no history of acute myocardial infarction, but with high CVD risk criteria according to the SCORE2/SCORE2 OP. Anthropometric and biochemical parameters were assessed at baseline and after 12 weeks of diet and exercise intervention. Participants were randomly assigned into 3 groups: no intervention group (Group 1a), physical exercise group (Group 1b), and physical exercise (±2 h/week) plus diet group (Group 2). Briefly, the dietary intervention was based on the principles of an isocaloric Mediterranean diet (MD), with seven main meals/week centered on plant-based foods (legumes and pulses). The combined effect of exercise and the diet showed significant decrease in WC (p = 0.002), BST (p < 0.001), visceral fat (p < 0.001), and TG (p = 0.029), compared with control groups. The intervention significantly increased legume intake (p < 0.001), as well as adherence to the MD, which associates with WC decrease (p = 0.024) and visceral fat (p = 0.017). A combined intervention of exercise and diet should be endorsed as an efficient modifier of cardiometabolic parameters.
  • Establishment of an induced pluripotent cell line (ABCRIi001-A) from an elderly female for ageing research
    Publication . Esteves, Filipa; Vilhena Catarino Brito, David; Rajado, Ana Teresa; Silva, Nádia; Apolónio, Joana; Roberto, Vânia; Andrade, Raquel; Calado, Sofia; Faleiro, Maria Leonor; Albuquerque Andrade de Matos, Carlos Adriano; Marques, Nuno; Marreiros, Ana; Nzwalo, Hipólito; Pais, Sandra; Palmeirim, Isabel; Simãoa, Sónia; Joaquim, Natércia; Miranda, Rui; Pêgas, António; Raposo, Daniela Marques; Sardo, Ana; Araújo, Inês; Nóbrega, Clévio; Castelo-Branco, Pedro; Bragança, José
    Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) hold promises to model and understand human diseases, including those associated with ageing. Here, we describe ABCRIi001-A, a hiPSC line generated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of a 79-year-old female enrolled in a study for development of an ageing score (ALFA Score). PBMCs were reprogrammed using three Sendai virus-based reprogramming vectors (hKOS, hc-Myc, and hKlf4). ABCRIi001-A showed normal morphology and karyotype, viral clearance, absence of genomic aberrations, and their pluripotency was confirmed by expression of pluripotency-related markers and their ability to differentiate into the three germ layers. ABCRIi001-A is valuable for ageing-related studies.