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- Building bridges for innovation in ageing: synergies between action groups of the EIP on AHAPublication . Bousquet, J.; Bewick, M.; Cano, A.; Eklund, P.; Fico, G.; Goswami, N.; Guldemond, N. A.; Henderson, D.; Hinkema, M. J.; Liotta, G.; Mair, A.; Van Ganse, E.; Nadif, R.; Vera-Munoz, C.; Nalin, M.; Navarro-Pardo, E.; Malva, J.; Nekam, K.; Ninot, G.; Bousquet, P. J.; Kuna, P.; Magnan, A.; Paccard, D.; Pais, Sandra; Palummeri, E.; Panzner, P.; Van Hage, M.; Avignon, A.; Papadopoulos, N. K.; Schmid-Grendelmeier, P.; Papanikolaou, C.; Visser, F.; D'Angelantonio, M.; Pavlickova, A.; Passalacqua, G.; Pastorino, M.; Pastor, E.; Perrot, M.; Plavec, D.; Popov, T. A.; Postma, D. S.; Van den Berge, M.; Schulz, H.; De Carlo, G.; Price, D.; Farrell, J.; Bachert, C.; Raffort, N.; Reuzeau, J. C.; Robalo-Cordeiro, C.; Robine, J. M.; Ventura, M. T.; Schunemann, H. J.; Serrano, E.; Cholley, D.; Fiocchi, A.; Macnee, W.; Correia-Da-Sousa, J.; Sheikh, A.; Bel, E.; Shields, M.; Siafakas, N.; Scichilone, N.; Siciliano, P.; Skrindo, I.; Chorin, F.; Ranberg, K. Andersen; Vergara, I.; Wagner, A.; Dedeu, T.; Smit, H. A.; Sruk, V.; Sourdet, S.; Sousa-Costa, E.; Spranger, O.; Benson, M.; Gouder, C.; Sooronbaev, T.; Carriazo, A. M.; Vezzani, G.; Vidal, D.; Ferrando, M.; Fletcher, M.; Koppelman, G. H.; Blasi, F.; Siciliano, P.; Viegi, G.; Combe, B.; Wagemann, M.; Whalley, B.; Wickman, M.; Wilson, N.; Yiallouros, P. K.; Ferri, M.; Zagar, M.; Fonseca, J.; Zaidi, A.; Crooks, G.; Compas, B.; Kotska, T.; Teixeira, A. M.; Zidarn, M.; Molloy, W.; Hoogerwerf, E. J.; Usero, J.; Bernard, P. L.; Zuffada, R.; Senn, A.; Marcucci, M.; Camuzat, T.; De Oliveira-Alves, B.; Gutter, Z.; Iaccarino, G.; Manuel De Keenoy, E.; Tsartara, S. I.; Kovac, M.; Moda, G.; Fokkens, W. J.; Rodriguez-Manas, L.; Barbara, C.; Baroni, I.; Vontetsianos, T.; Fougere, B.; Abreu, C.; Alonso, J.; Alonso-Bouzon, C.; Ankri, J.; Arredondo, M. T.; Valiulis, A.; Garcia-Lizana, F.; Avolio, F.; Bergmann, K. C.; Kull, I.; Bedbrook, A.; Bialoszewski, A. Z.; Gamkrelidze, A.; Blain, H.; Vasankari, T.; Guerin, O.; Hellings, P. W.; Rodenas, F.; Valero, A. L.; Costa, D. J.; Haahtela, T.; Kvedariene, V.; Illario, M.; Inzerilli, M. C.; Carlsen, K. C. Lodrup; Kardas, P.; Keil, T.; Bonini, S.; Vellas, B.; Robusto, F.; Costa, E.; Maggio, M.; Murray, R.; Mendez-Zorrilla, A.; Menditto, E.; Mercier, J.; Lepore, V.; Michel, J. P.; Branchini, B.; Vollenbroek-Hutten, M.; Wickman, M.; Coste, O.; Roche, N.; Sterk, P. J.; Roller-Wirnsberger, R. E.; Garces, G.; Yorgancioglu, A.; Zuberbier, T.; Barbagallo, M.; Canonica, G. W.; Klimek, L.; Maggi, S.; Coupet, A. -L.; Aberer, W.; Romano, A.; Akdis, C.; Brightling, C. E.; Todo-Bom, A.; Garcia-Aymeric, J.; Adcock, I. M.; Apostolo, J.; Agache, I.; Albera, C.; Majer, I.; Alonso-Trujillo, F.; Angel Guarcia, M.; Vandenplas, O.; Annesi-Maesano, I.; Bruguiere, V.; Bunu, C.; Bush, A.; Garcia-Zapirain, B.; Touchon, J.; Monaco, A.; Nizinska, A.; Caimmi, D. P.; Maggio, M.; Calderon, M. A.; Romano, V.; Canovas, G.; Cardona, V.; Carlsen, K. H.; Cesario, A.; Chkhartishvili, E.; Gemicioglu, B.; Crepaldi, G.; Chiron, R.; Tramontano, D.; Chivato, T.; Chung, K. F.; Rosado-Pinto, J.; Monsonis-Paya, I.; Hellquist-Dahl, B.; Custovic, A.; Dahl, R.; Bourret, R.; Samolinski, B.; Dahlen, S. E.; Triggiani, M.; Demoly, P.; Devillier, P.; Didier, A.; Dinh-Xuan, A. T.; Djukanovic, R.; Manning, P.; Hermosilla-Gimeno, I.; Cabrera-Umpierrez, M. F.; Dokic, D.; Emuzyte, R.; Papadopoulos, H.; Du Toit, G.; Dubakiene, R.; Tsartara, S. I.; Dupeyron, A.; Marti, T.; Heve, D.; Holland, C.; Catala, A.; Nogues, M.; Bescos, C.; Roubille, F.; Humbert, M.; Pecorelli, S.; Hyland, M.; Johnston, S. L.; Just, J.; Jutel, M.; Kaidashev, I. P.; O'Caoimh, R.; Khaitov, M.; Masoli, M.; O'Byrne-Maguire, I.; Ruiz, F.; Kalayci, O.; Kowalski, M.; Kalyoncu, A. F.; Keijser, W.; Kerstjens, H.; Prados-Torres, A.; Vandenplas, O.; Knezovic, J.; Melen, E.; Miculinic, N.; Mihaltan, F.; Ryan, D.; Pappa, D.; Arshad, S. H.; Somekh, D.; Valovirta, E.; Milenkovic, B.; Cesari, M.; Millot-Keurinck, J.; Mlinaric, H.; Momas, I.; Montefort, S.; Morais-Almeida, M.; Salcedo, T.; Moreno-Casbas, T.; Parent, A. S.; Moesges, R.; Mullol, J.; Chavannes, N. H.; Attalin, V.The Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) proposed six Action Groups. After almost three years of activity, many achievements have been obtained through commitments or collaborative work of the Action Groups. However, they have often worked in silos and, consequently, synergies between Action Groups have been proposed to strengthen the triple win of the EIP on AHA. The paper presents the methodology and current status of the Task Force on EIP on AHA synergies. Synergies are in line with the Action Groups' new Renovated Action Plan (2016-2018) to ensure that their future objectives are coherent and fully connected. The outcomes and impact of synergies are using the Monitoring and Assessment Framework for the EIP on AHA (MAFEIP). Eight proposals for synergies have been approved by the Task Force: Five cross-cutting synergies which can be used for all current and future synergies as they consider overarching domains (appropriate polypharmacy, citizen empowerment, teaching and coaching on AHA, deployment of synergies to EU regions, Responsible Research and Innovation), and three cross-cutting synergies focussing on current Action Group activities (falls, frailty, integrated care and chronic respiratory diseases).
- Global geriatric evaluation of the Algarve populationPublication . Braz, Nídia; Pais, Sandra; Cordeiro, Clara; Oliveira, Giovanna; Conde, MonserratThe ageing of population challenges communities to adapt and evolve to accommodate the needs of people that live longer (mostly out of work, either healthy, fragile or with chronic disease). Population ageing in the Algarve is higher than in overall Portugal. Studies on health conditions, frailty risk factors and elderly specific needs are undeveloped in Portugal and unknown in the Algarve. Objective To prepare a tool for Global Geriatric Evaluation, to be used in the “Survey of Health and Ageing in the Region of Algarve - SHARA”, a commitment to “European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing”. Methods A preliminary version of the screening tool, which includes well-known instruments to measure health condition (EASY-care), risk of fall (Tinetty), physical activity (Baecke’s modified questionnaire), nutritional condition (MNA), cognitive and depressive status (MMSE, Yesavage geriatric depression scale), together with socio-demographic characteristics, was applied to an independent sample of subjects from an elderly community centre - ARPI (“Associação de Reformados, Pensionistas e Idosos do Concelho de Faro”), with ages between 55 and 89. Results ARPI is mostly frequented by women, who either have risk of malnutrition or malnutrition incidence, a relevant risk of fall or are physically active. Those who live alone, show a higher risk of fall. Conclusions ARPI members are active, but with risk of malnutrition and fall, suggesting the relevance and importance of future interventions in these areas. The proposed screening tool showed to be adequate for the SHARA study, suitable to provide wider information on frailty.
- The influence of pain obesity and quadriceps strength on the gait of osteoarthritis patientsPublication . Pais, Sandra; Espanha, M.; Silva, C.Walking is a fundamental basic daily activity. Patients with osteoarthritis (OA) are known to have an altered walking pattern. Our goal was to contribute to the understanding of the influence of pain quadriceps strength and obesity on this gait pattern
- Nutrition. Dissemination and empowermentPublication . Braz, Nídia; Mateus, Maria Palma; Pais, Sandra1. Nutri&onal approach to frailty; 2. Nutritional status in the elderly; 3. Food quantity and quality; 4. Nutritional problems; 5. Information and training.
- Improving care for patients with osteoarthritis in five european countries: the jigsaw-e patient panelPublication . Blackburn, S.; Meesters, J.; De Wit, M.; Campbell, L.; Rhodes, C.; Schiphof, D.; Vlieland, T. Vliet; Bierma-Zeinstra, S.; Osteras, N.; Pais, Sandra; Roos, E.; Evans, N.; Dziedzic, K.
- Saúde e envelhecimento no AlgarvePublication . Braz, Nídia; Pais, SandraApresentam-se projetos desenvolvidos e em curso, na UAlg, com o objectivo de contribuir para o envelhecimento saudável e ativo da população algarvia
- Alimentação e nutrição na pessoa idosaPublication . Mateus, Maria; Popa, Cezara; Correia, Maria Marta; Pinto, Ezequiel; Meireles, Manuela; Braz, Nidia; Pais, SandraIntrodução: Com o aumento da esperança média de vida, aumenta a incidência e a prevalência de condições patológicas crónicas. Estas situações podem ser condicionadas pela alimentação e acarretam consequências no estado nutricional. Estas condições podem ser atenuadas com recurso a estratégias alimentares adequadas. Para melhorar a qualidade de vida da população idosa institucionalizada é fundamental a formação e a capacitação dos técnicos de instituições geriátricas sobre as principais condições que podem comprometer o estado nutricional dos seus utentes - desidratação, demência, disfagia e presença de doenças metabólicas crónicas, de forma a assegurar corretamente as suas necessidades nutricionais. Metodologia: A formação consistiu em sessões de 1h dinamizadas por nutricionistas com as seguintes temáticas: “Alimentação no idoso com demência, disfagia e hidratação” e “Doenças Metabólicas: Obesidade, Diabetes mellitus, Doenças cardiovasculares e Hipertensão arterial”. Abordaram-se as implicações destas situações no estado nutricional e apresentaram-se estratégias alimentares e nutricionais, para uma ingestão alimentar e hídrica adequadas. No final aplicaram-se questionários de avaliação dos conhecimentos adquiridos e da qualidade das formações. Resultados: A participação e aceitação nas 2 sessões realizadas (30 formandos) foi bastante positiva. A classificação global das sessões revelou resultados médios com 15,4% dos formandos a classificarem as formações como “Muito boa”, 76,9% “Boa” e 7,7%. “Suficiente”. Em média, 80% dos formandos atingiram os objetivos da sessão, conseguindo identificar, pelo menos, 4 estratégias para melhorar as situações apresentadas. Conclusão: Estas formações permitiram sensibilizar e capacitar os técnicos para a importância da alimentação como fator promotor de um envelhecimento com mais qualidade e vida.
- Mechanical and structural characterization of tibial prosthetic interfaces before and after aging under simulated service conditionsPublication . Cavaco, A; Ramalho, A.; Pais, Sandra; Duraes, L.Prosthesis interface is one of the most important components to promote individual's health and comfort, as it establishes direct contact with the skin and transfers loads generated during gait. The aim of this study was to mechanically characterize, three commercial interfaces (block copolymer, silicone gel and silicone elestomer), under static and dynamic conditions, before and after undergoing a process of chemical aging in synthetic sweat for periods up to 90 days. Static mechanical compression tests were performed on the materials, as well as fatigue tests to assess their static and dynamic mechanical behaviors, respectively. For the second, a sinusoidal load was applied with an appropriate range of deformation for each material. Several analytical techniques were also used to characterize the materials, namely Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and morphology characterization by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). All the tested materials have strong viscoelastic behavior, showing a linear response for small deformations, followed by a nonlinear behavior for higher deformation. The block copolymer and the silicone gel are affected by aging in synthetic sweat in a similar way, with a significant increase of their rigidity after 30 days, followed by a progressive reduction. The silicone elastomer displays a continuous increase of rigidity along the 90 days of storage, being the most sensitive to aging affects. It also exhibits the lowest stiffness value, being suitable for uses that require maximum comfort. All materials demonstrate chemical and structural stability under service simulated conditions. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
- Nutritional condition of the Algarve population - a preliminary visionPublication . Braz, Nídia; Mateus, Maria Palma; Guerreiro, Carla; Cordeiro, Clara; Pais, SandraSurvey in Health and Ageing in the Region of Algarve (SHARA) is a Global Geriatric Evaluation, in course in the Algarve since 2013.
- 2018 EULAR recommendations for physical activity in people with inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritisPublication . Osthoff, Anne-Kathrin Rausch; Niedermann, Karin; Braun, Juergen; Adams, Jo; Brodin, Nina; Dagfinrud, Hanne; Duruoz, Tuncay; Esbensen, Bente Appel; Guenther, Klaus-Peter; Hurkmans, Emailie; Juhl, Carsten Bogh; Kennedy, Norelee; Kiltz, Uta; Knittle, Keegan; Nurmohamed, Michael; Pais, Sandra; Severijns, Guy; Swinnen, Thijs Willem; Pitsillidou, Irene A.; Warburton, Louise; Yankov, Zhivko; Vlieland, Theodora P. M. VlietRegular physical activity (PA) is increasingly promoted for people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases as well as the general population. We evaluated if the public health recommendations for PA are applicable for people with inflammatory arthritis (iA; Rheumatoid Arthritis and Spondyloarthritis) and osteoarthritis (hip/knee OA) in order to develop evidence-based recommendations for advice and guidance on PA in clinical practice. The EULAR standardised operating procedures for the development of recommendations were followed. A task force (TF) (including rheumatologists, other medical specialists and physicians, health professionals, patient-representatives, methodologists) from 16 countries met twice. In the first TF meeting, 13 research questions to support a systematic literature review (SLR) were identified and defined. In the second meeting, the SLR evidence was presented and discussed before the recommendations, research agenda and education agenda were formulated. The TF developed and agreed on four overarching principles and 10 recommendations for PA in people with iA and OA. The mean level of agreement between the TF members ranged between 9.8 and 8.8. Given the evidence for its effectiveness, feasibility and safety, PA is advocated as integral part of standard care throughout the course of these diseases. Finally, the TF agreed on related research and education agendas. Evidence and expert opinion inform these recommendations to provide guidance in the development, conduct and evaluation of PA-interventions and promotion in people with iA and OA. It is advised that these recommendations should be implemented considering individual needs and national health systems.