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Guerreiro da Costa Guerreiro, Pedro Miguel

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  • Genetic and molecular analysis of phosphorus homeostasis regulatory genes. A key nutrient for aquaculture sustainability
    Publication . Suarez-Bregua, P.; Torres-Nunez, E.; Prober, D.; Cerda-Reverter, J. M.; Guerreiro, Pedro M; Du, S. J.; Canestro, C.; Rotllant, J.
  • Social organization and endocrine profiles of Australoheros facetus, an exotic freshwater fish in southern Portugal
    Publication . Baduy, F.; Silva, FBV; Guerreiro, Pedro M; Canario, A.V.M.; L. Saraiva, João
    Australoheros facetus is a neotropical cichlid and an exotic species in the Guadiana and Odelouca basins (Southern Portugal). In this research, we aimed to characterize the main behavioural patterns and circulating hormones, 17 beta-estradiol (E-2) for females, and testosterone, 11-ketotestosterone (11KT) and cortisol for both sexes, during the formation of social groups, a crucial step in the life-history of A. facetus. A pair-breeding strategy with territorial behaviour and aggressive interactions was found, with a positive correlation between dominance and size for both sexes. There were no significant differences between non-territorial and territorial individuals in the baseline levels of hormones, but 11KT was higher in males when they became territorial, as E-2 for territorial females, while there was no clear pattern for testosterone. In contrast, cortisol was higher in non-territorial males and correlated negatively with social dominance. These results suggest that size is the main driver for social dominance and that formation of stable hierarchies result in higher circulating 11KT and lowers stress in territorial males. Related to A. facetus' behaviour, aggressiveness and biparental care may be an advantage during the invasion process of A. facetus, facilitating colonization of new habitats.
  • Conservation physiology of marine fishes: state of the art and prospects for policy
    Publication . McKenzie, David J.; Axelsson, Michael; Chabot, Denis; Claireaux, Guy; Cooke, Steven J.; Corner, Richard A.; De Boeck, Gudrun; Domenici, Paolo; Guerreiro, Pedro M; Hamer, Bojan; Jørgensen, Christian; Killen, Shaun S.; Lefevre, Sjannie; Marras, Stefano; Michaelidis, Basile; Nilsson, Göran E.; Peck, Myron A.; Perez-Ruzafa, Angel; Rijnsdorp, Adriaan D.; Shiels, Holly A.; Steffensen, John F.; Svendsen, Jon C.; Svendsen, Morten B. S.; Teal, Lorna R.; van der Meer, Jaap; Wang, Tobias; Wilson, Jonathan M.; Wilson, Rod W.; Metcalfe, Julian D.
    The state of the art of research on the environmental physiology of marine fishes is reviewed from the perspective of how it can contribute to conservation of biodiversity and fishery resources. A major constraint to application of physiological knowledge for conservation of marine fishes is the limited knowledge base; international collaboration is needed to study the environmental physiology of a wider range of species. Multifactorial field and laboratory studies on biomarkers hold promise to relate ecophysiology directly to habitat quality and population status. The 'Fry paradigm' could have broad applications for conservation physiology research if it provides a universal mechanism to link physiological function with ecological performance and population dynamics of fishes, through effects of abiotic conditions on aerobic metabolic scope. The available data indicate, however, that the paradigm is not universal, so further research is required on a wide diversity of species. Fish physiologists should interact closely with researchers developing ecological models, in order to investigate how integrating physiological information improves confidence in projecting effects of global change; for example, with mechanistic models that define habitat suitability based upon potential for aerobic scope or outputs of a dynamic energy budget. One major challenge to upscaling from physiology of individuals to the level of species and communities is incorporating intraspecific variation, which could be a crucial component of species' resilience to global change. Understanding what fishes do in the wild is also a challenge, but techniques of biotelemetry and biologging are providing novel information towards effective conservation. Overall, fish physiologists must strive to render research outputs more applicable to management and decision-making. There are various potential avenues for information flow, in the shorter term directly through biomarker studies and in the longer term by collaborating with modellers and fishery biologists.
  • Transcriptomic down-regulation of immune system components in barrier and hematopoietic tissues after lipopolysaccharide injection in antarctic notothenia coriiceps
    Publication . Sousa, Carmen; Power, Deborah; Guerreiro, Pedro M; Louro, Bruno; Chen, Liangbiao; Canario, Adelino
    The environmental conditions and isolation in the Antarctic have driven the evolution of a unique biodiversity at a macro to microorganism scale. Here, we investigated the possible adaptation of the teleost Notothenia coriiceps immune system to the cold environment and unique microbial community of the Southern Ocean. The fish immune system was stimulated through an intraperitoneal injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS 0111:B4 from E. coli) and the tissue transcriptomic response and plasma biochemistry were analyzed 7 days later and compared to a sham injected control. Gene transcription in the head-kidney, intestine and skin was significantly modified by LPS, although tissues showed different responsiveness, with the duodenum most modified and the skin the least modified. The most modified processes in head-kidney, duodenum and skin were related to cell metabolism (up-regulated) and the immune system (comprising 30% of differentially expressed genes). The immune processes identified were mostly down-regulated, particularly interleukins and pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptors and mannose receptors, unlike the toll-like receptors response commonly described in other teleost fish. The modified transcriptional response was not mirrored by a modified systemic response, as the circulating levels of enzymes of innate immunity, lysozyme and antiproteases, were not significantly different from the untreated and sham control fish. In conclusion, while the N. coriiceps immune system shares many features with other teleosts there are also some specificities. Further studies should better characterize the PRRs and their role in Antarctic teleosts, as well as the importance of the LPS source and its consequences for immune activation in teleosts.
  • Cold-induced growth arrest in gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata: metabolic reorganisation and recovery
    Publication . Sánchez-Nuño, S.; Eroldogan, O. T.; Sanahuja, I.; Özşahniğlu, I.; Blasco, J.; Fernández-Borràs, J.; Fontanillas, R.; Guerreiro, Pedro M; Ibarz, A.
    There are currently no standard diets or practices to counteract or ameliorate the growth arrest and extremely poor feed conversion rates (FCR) in gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata caused by low water temperatures. The present study analysed the effects of reducing dietary lipid content from 18 to 14 % during a temperature fluctuation period. Temperature was gradually reduced from 22 degrees to 14 degrees C over a period of 5 d, and maintained at this low temperature for a further 45 d before gradual recovery over 7 d to 22 degrees C under controlled conditions, avoiding other stressors often present in cage culture conditions. Decreasing dietary lipid content at an elevated temperature (22 degrees C) did not significantly affect the standard growth rate or FCRs of the sea bream, indicating a possibility to reduce the dietary energy during the months before winter. Although cold-induced growth arrest and metabolic depression were unavoidable, a well-formulated, low-lipid diet adequately met the low energy demands at low temperatures. Analysis of plasma metabolites and liver enzyme activities demonstrated a reorganisation of liver metabolism, mainly in fish on a low-lipid diet. Recovery from low temperatures was delayed, with a higher dietary lipid content required for optimal liver condition, and mineral supplementation to maintain osmoregulation and bone formation. Our results provide useful information for fish producers and researchers, suggesting that dietary lipid contents should be reduced to allow fish to better cope with low temperatures, and that improved diets with higher lipid content are required for recovery from low temperatures.
  • Metabolic responses and resilience to environmental challenges in the sedentary Batrachoid Halobatrachus didactylus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801)
    Publication . Molina, Juan; Kunzmann, Andreas; Reis, João Pena; Guerreiro, Pedro M
    In the context of climate change, warming of the seas and expansion of hypoxic zones are challenges that most species of fish are, or will be subjected to. Understanding how different species cope with these changes in their environment at the individual level can shed light on how populations and ecosystems will be affected. We provide first-time estimates on the metabolic rates, thermal, and oxygen-related limits for Halobatrachus didactylus, a coastal sedentary fish that lives in intertidal environments of the Northeast Atlantic. Using respirometry in different experimental designs, we found that this species is highly resistant to acute thermal stress (CTmax: 34.82 ± 0.66 °C) and acute hypoxia (Pcrit: 0.59–1.97 mg O2 L−1). We found size-specific differences in this stress response, with smaller individuals being more sensitive. We also quantified its aerobic scope and daily activity patterns, finding this fish to be extremely sedentary, with one of the lowest standard metabolic rates found in temperate fish (SMR: 14.96 mg O2 kg−1h−1). H. didactylus activity increases at night, when its metabolic rate increases drastically (RMR: 36.01 mg O2 kg−1h−1). The maximum metabolic rate of H. didactylus was estimated to be 67.31 mg O2 kg−1h−1, producing an aerobic scope of 52.35 mg O2 kg−1h−1 (77.8% increase). The metrics obtained in this study prove that H. didactylus is remarkably resilient to acute environmental variations in temperature and oxygen content, which might enable it to adapt to the extreme abiotic conditions forecasted for the world’s oceans in the near future.
  • Proteomics in food: Quality, safety, microbes, and allergens
    Publication . Piras, Cristian; Roncada, Paola; Guerreiro, Pedro M; Bonizzi, Luigi; Soggiu, Alessio
    Food safety and quality and their associated risks pose a major concern worldwide regarding not only the relative economical losses but also the potential danger to consumer's health. Customer's confidence in the integrity of the food supply could be hampered by inappropriate food safety measures. A lack of measures and reliable assays to evaluate and maintain a good control of food characteristics may affect the food industry economy and shatter consumer confidence. It is imperative to create and to establish fast and reliable analytical methods that allow a good and rapid analysis of food products during the whole food chain. Proteomics can represent a powerful tool to address this issue, due to its proven excellent quantitative and qualitative drawbacks in protein analysis. This review illustrates the applications of proteomics in the past few years in food science focusing on food of animal origin with some brief hints on other types. Aim of this review is to highlight the importance of this science as a valuable tool to assess food quality and safety. Emphasis is also posed in food processing, allergies, and possible contaminants like bacteria, fungi, and other pathogens.
  • Modulation of pituitary response by dietary lipids and throughout a temperature fluctuation challenge in Gilthead Sea Bream
    Publication . Sánchez-Nuño, Sergio; Silva, Sandra; Guerreiro, Pedro M; Ordóñez-Grande, Borja; Sanahuja, Ignasi; Fernández-Alacid, Laura; Ibarz, Antoni
    Low temperatures provoke drastic reductions in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) activity and nourishment, leading to growth arrest and a halt in production. However, scarce data exist concerning the implications of central core control during the cold season. The aim of this work was to study the effects of low temperature and recovery from such exposure on the pituitary activity of sea bream juveniles fed 18% or 14% dietary lipid. A controlled indoor trial was performed to simulate natural temperature fluctuation (22 ◦C to 14 ◦C to 22 ◦C). Meanwhile, we determined the regulatory role of the pituitary by analyzing the gene expression of some pituitary hormones and hormone receptors via qPCR, as well as plasma levels of thyroidal hormones. In response to higher dietary lipids, hormone pituitary expressions were up-regulated. Induced low temperatures and lower ingesta modulated pituitary function up-regulating GH and TSH and thyroid and glucocorticoid receptors. All these findings demonstrate the capacity of the pituitary to recognize both external conditions and to modulate its response accordingly. However, growth, peripheral tissues and metabolism were not linked or connected to pituitary function at low temperatures, which opens an interesting field of study to interpret the hypothalamus–pituitary–target axis during temperature fluctuations in fish.
  • 16.P15. Branchial osmoregulatory response to salinity challenge in the Lusitanian toadfish
    Publication . Guerreiro, Pedro M; Laiz-Carrión, R.; Haond, Christophe; Modesto, Teresa; Fuentes, Juan; Mancera, J. M.; Canario, Adelino V. M.
    Halobatrachus didactylus, a marine teleost found in coastal lagoons and river estuaries is often exposed to important salinity changes. Despite its aglomerular kidney, it is able to survive in hypo-osmotic environments, likely via compensatory actions from gills and intestine. We aimed at evaluating the response of the branchial tissue of H. didactylus to salinity changes.
  • Stress, glucocorticoids and bone: A review from mammals and fish
    Publication . Suarez-Bregua, Paula; Guerreiro, Pedro M; Rotllant, Josep
    Glucocorticoids (GCs) are the final effector products of a neuroendocrine HPA/HPI axis governing energy balance and stress response in vertebrates. From a physiological point of view, basal GC levels are essential for intermediary metabolism and participate in the development and homeostasis of a wide range of body tissues, including the skeleton. Numerous mammalian studies have demonstrated that GC hormones exert a positive role during bone modeling and remodeling as they promote osteoblastogenesis to maintain the bone architecture. Although the pharmacological effect of the so-called stress hormones has been widely reported, the role of endogenous GCs on bone mineral metabolism as result of the endocrine stress response has been largely overlooked across vertebrates. In addition, stress responses are variable depending on the stressor (e.g., starvation, predation, and environmental change), life cycle events (e.g., migration and aging), and differ among vertebrate lineages, which react differently according to their biological, social and cognitive complexity (e.g., mineral demands, physical, and psychological stress). This review intends to summarize the endogenous GCs action on bone metabolism of mammals and fish under a variety of challenging circumstances. Particular emphasis will be given to the regulatory loop between GCs and the parathyroid hormone (PTH) family peptides, and other key regulators of mineral homeostasis and bone remodeling in vertebrates.