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Guerreiro da Costa Guerreiro, Pedro Miguel

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  • Freshening effect on the osmotic response of the Antarctic spiny plunderfish Harpagifer antarcticus
    Publication . Vargas-Chacoff, Luis; Dann, Francisco; Paschke, Kurt; Oyarzun-Salazar, Ricardo; Nualart, Daniela; Martinez, Danixa; Wilson, Jonathan M.; Guerreiro, Pedro; Navarro, Jorge M.
    Global warming is having a significant impact around the world, modifying environmental conditions in many areas, including in zones that have been thermally stable for thousands of years, such as Antarctica. Stenothermal sedentary intertidal fish species may suffer due to warming, notably if this causes water freshening from increased freshwater inputs. Acute decreases in salinity, from 33 down to 5, were used to assess osmotic responses to environmental salinity fluctuations in Antarctic spiny plunderfish Harpagifer antarcticus, in particular to evaluate if H. antarcticus is able to cope with freshening and to describe osmoregulatory responses at different levels (haematological variables, muscle water content, gene expression, NKA activity). H. antarcticus were acclimated to a range of salinities (33 as control, 20, 15, 10 and 5) for 1 week. At 5, plasma osmolality and calcium concentration were both at their lowest, while plasma cortisol and percentage muscle water content were at their highest. At the same salinity, gill and intestine Na+-K+-ATPase (NKA) activities were at their lowest and highest, respectively. In kidney, NKA activity was highest at intermediate salinities (15 and 10). The salinity-dependent NKA mRNA expression patterns differed depending on the tissue. Marked changes were also observed in the expression of genes coding membrane proteins associated with ion and water transport, such as NKCC2, CFTR and AQP8, and in the expression of mRNA for the regulatory hormone prolactin (PRL) and its receptor (PRLr). Our results demonstrate that freshening causes osmotic imbalances in H. antarcticus, apparently due to reduced capacity of both transport and regulatory mechanisms of key organs to maintain homeostasis. This has implications for fish species that have evolved in stable environmental conditions in the Antarctic, now threatened by climate change.
  • PRL and GH synthesis and release from the sea bream (Sparus auratus L.) pituitary gland in vitro in response to osmotic challenge
    Publication . Fuentes, J.; Brinca, Lilia; Guerreiro, P. M.; Power, Deborah
    The endocrine factors prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH) are believed to have counteracting effects in the adaption of fish to changes in environmental salinity. In order to further investigate this interaction sea bream were challenged with full seawater (SW) or freshwater (FW) for 7 days and the response of pituitary glands cultured in vitro to an osmotic challenge (230, 275 and 320 mOsm/kg) was assessed. In vitro PRL secretion from pituitaries of SW-adapted fish was unaltered in response to an osmotic challenge, while GH secretion increased in the lowest osmolality (230 mOsm/kg). In contrast, both GH and PRL secretion by pituitaries from FW challenged fish was significantly increased (p < 0.01) over that of pituitaries from SW fish at the highest osmolality (320 mOsm/kg). After FW challenge pituitary PRL content and de novo synthesised and released PRL were significantly increased (p < 0.01), while total PRL secretion was not different from SW animals. GH pituitary content decreased in FW animals while total secretion and secretion of de novo synthesised protein were significantly increased (p < 0.01). In addition, after transfer of fish to FW expression of PRL and GH increased 3- and 2-fold, respectively. Despite the increase in PRL expression, no increase in total PRL secretion occurred and although in gills a 2-fold increase in the osmoregulatory marker, Na+/K+-ATPase activity was detected, profound haemodilution and a cumulative mortality of 40% occurred in sea bream placed in FW. Taken together the results suggest that the sea bream pituitary gland fails to respond appropriately to the osmotic challenge caused by low salinity and the physiological response evoked in vivo is not enough to allow this species to withstand and adapt to FW.
  • Cold-induced growth arrest in gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata: metabolic reorganisation and recovery
    Publication . Sánchez-Nuño, S.; Eroldogan, O. T.; Sanahuja, I.; Özşahniğlu, I.; Blasco, J.; Fernández-Borràs, J.; Fontanillas, R.; Guerreiro, Pedro M; Ibarz, A.
    There are currently no standard diets or practices to counteract or ameliorate the growth arrest and extremely poor feed conversion rates (FCR) in gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata caused by low water temperatures. The present study analysed the effects of reducing dietary lipid content from 18 to 14 % during a temperature fluctuation period. Temperature was gradually reduced from 22 degrees to 14 degrees C over a period of 5 d, and maintained at this low temperature for a further 45 d before gradual recovery over 7 d to 22 degrees C under controlled conditions, avoiding other stressors often present in cage culture conditions. Decreasing dietary lipid content at an elevated temperature (22 degrees C) did not significantly affect the standard growth rate or FCRs of the sea bream, indicating a possibility to reduce the dietary energy during the months before winter. Although cold-induced growth arrest and metabolic depression were unavoidable, a well-formulated, low-lipid diet adequately met the low energy demands at low temperatures. Analysis of plasma metabolites and liver enzyme activities demonstrated a reorganisation of liver metabolism, mainly in fish on a low-lipid diet. Recovery from low temperatures was delayed, with a higher dietary lipid content required for optimal liver condition, and mineral supplementation to maintain osmoregulation and bone formation. Our results provide useful information for fish producers and researchers, suggesting that dietary lipid contents should be reduced to allow fish to better cope with low temperatures, and that improved diets with higher lipid content are required for recovery from low temperatures.
  • Environmental salinity modifies mucus exudation and energy use in European Sea Bass Juveniles
    Publication . Ordóñez-Grande, Borja; Guerreiro, Pedro M; Sanahuja, Ignasi; Fernández-Alacid, Laura; Ibarz, Antoni
    The European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is a euryhaline marine teleost that can often be found in brackish and freshwater or even in hypersaline environments. Here, we exposed sea bass juveniles to sustained salinity challenges for 15 days, simulating one hypoosmotic (3‰), one isosmotic (12‰) and one hyperosmotic (50‰) environment, in addition to control (35‰). We analyzed parameters of skin mucus exudation and mucus biomarkers, as a minimally invasive tool, and plasma biomarkers. Additionally, Na+/K+ -ATPase activity was measured, as well as the gill mucous cell distribution, type and shape. The volume of exuded mucus increased significantly under all the salinity challenges, increasing by 130% at 50‰ condition. Significantly greater amounts of soluble protein (3.9 ± 0.6 mg at 50‰ vs. 1.1 ± 0.2 mg at 35‰, p < 0.05) and lactate (4.0 ± 1.0 µg at 50‰ vs. 1.2 ± 0.3 µg at 35‰, p < 0.05) were released, with clear energy expenditure. Gill ATPase activity was significantly higher at the extreme salinities, and the gill mucous cell distribution was rearranged, with more acid and neutral mucin mucous cells at 50‰. Skin mucus osmolality suggested an osmoregulatory function as an ion-trap layer in hypoosmotic conditions, retaining osmosis-related ions. Overall, when sea bass cope with different salinities, the hyperosmotic condition (50‰) demanded more energy than the extreme hypoosmotic condition.