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  • Paleoenvironmental evolution of the Guadiana Estuary, Portugal, during the Holocene: a modern foraminifera analog approach
    Publication . Camacho, Sarita; Boski, T.; Moura, Delminda; Scott, David; Connor, Simon; Pereira, Laura
    In this paper, we reconstruct the Holocene paleoenvironmental evolution of the Guadiana Estuary, southwestern Iberian Peninsula. Two previously studied boreholes (CM3 and CM5) were revisited and analyzed in the light of a foraminifera modern analog approach. Cluster analyses define four assemblages with different biocenotic, taphonomic, elevation and distance-to-sea settings, which serve as a baseline for paleoassemblages interpretation. Faunal changes along the sedimentary sequences, together with previous sedimentological and chronological data, redefine the different phases of environmental evolution in the Guadiana Estuary since ca. 13 kyr cal. BP, with special emphasis on the Holocene marine highstand. Estuarine flooding began synchronously in both locations (ca. 9 kyr cal. BP) but manifested differently in each sedimentary sequence. The most seaward borehole records a more evident and longer highstand (ca. 8.8–3.8 kyr cal. BP), characterized by the occurrence of subtidal environments and by the presence of open marine species (Pararotalia cf. spinigera, planktic forms and a significant number of exotic/allochthonous tests), indicating warmer and more marine conditions than today. In the most landward borehole, the highstand is shorter (ca. 8–7.6 kyr cal. BP) and less intense, characterized by the presence of a diverse, mainly autochthonous, open estuary assemblage, dominated by Ammonia aberdoveyensis and Haynesina germanica. At 4.4 kyr cal. BP, during a long deceleration phase of regional sea-level rise, a short but well-defined pulse of marine influence is recorded in CM5, when open estuarine assemblages reappear and replace marsh agglutinated assemblages, suggesting a new submergence phase. This short event is not identified in the previous works carried out in the same area, thus further data are needed to understand whether it is consequent from a global, warming period or whether it resulted only from local and ephemeral forcing effects.
  • Geochemical characteristics of sediments along the margins of an atlantic-mediterranean estuary (the Guadiana, Southeast Portugal): spatial and seasonal variations
    Publication . Camacho, Sarita; Moura, Delminda; Connor, Simon; Boski, T.; Gomes, Ana
    The present work describes spatial and seasonal variability in grain-size, pH and elemental characteristics (TOC, TIC, TN and C/N) in superficial sediments, as well as salinity, temperature and oxygen in the water, within the intertidal range of the Guadiana Estuary, SW Iberian Peninsula, during the year 2010. The results indicate that environmental parameters in the estuary are strongly dependent on spatial patterns, which reflect seasonal oscillations in freshwater discharge. The sediment is generally poorly sorted, with a symmetrical to very finely skewed distribution, in accordance with the low-energy conditions typical of the deposition areas. During winter, heavy rains forced the continuous discharge of Europe’s largest reservoir, the Alqueva dam, creating exceptional hydrodynamic conditions and causing coarser sediment deposition in the estuary. High marsh areas are controlled by flood tides, promoting vertical accretion of muddy sediments, especially silts. The lower areas of the saltmarsh and-mud flat areas are controlled by the ebb, with more efficient export of fines toward the platform and retention of sands, sometimes with significant amounts of bioclasts. In winter (average Q = 654 m3 s -1), salinity remained low throughout the estuary with the highest values (< 3) recorded up to 3 km inland from the river mouth, except in the most confined environments subject to greater evaporation. In summer (average Q = 52 m3 s -1), the estuarine waters are better mixed and significant saltwater intrusion extends approximately 8 km inland. The seasonal variation in surface water temperature was very high, with a difference of ca 14 º C in the maximum temperature recorded in winter and summer. A clear relationship between elevation (in relation to mean sea level) and organic matter, pH and particle size was observed. In the higher areas of the marsh, where the hydrodynamics is attenuated, differential deposition of fine sediments promotes organic matter entrapment and low pH. Sedimentary organic matter derives from a mixture of native aquatic and terrestrial sources. The mid-upper estuary areas and higher zones of the saltmarsh in the lower estuary incorporate a greater terrestrial component, whereas the low-middle marsh areas of the lower estuary experience a substantial contribution from indigenous aquatic sources. The present data help to understand the present environmental condition of the Guadiana Estuary and contribute baseline data for future climatic and environmental management studies based on sediment-dependent proxies
  • Testate amoebae and tintinnids as spatial and seasonal indicators in the intertidal margins of Guadiana Estuary (southeastern Portugal)
    Publication . Camacho, Sarita; Connor, Simon; Asioli, Alessandra; Boski, T.; Scott, David
    The present study gathers pioneering taxonomical and community data on testate amoebae and agglutinated tintinnids, analyzing their seasonal and spatial distribution patterns in the mesotidal system of the Guadiana Estuary, southeastern Portugal. To evaluate both groups’ potential as bioindicators in climate monitoring and paleoenvironmental reconstructions, their abundance, diversity and living proportions were compared to elevation in relation to mean sea-level, marine influence and to periods of elevated water levels. The distributions of testate amoebae and tintinnid total assemblages were also related to major physicochemical variables by means of multivariate analysis. From 49 surface sediment samples collected in winter and summer 2010, 17 species (25 strains) of testate amoebae were identified (in the 63 m fraction). The Centropyxidae, mainly represented by Centropyxis aculeata, Centropyxis arcula and Centropyxis constricta, had the greatest density (71% of total individuals), while the Difflugidae represented the most species (82% of total species). Higher diversities and densities were observed in winter in the upper estuary, where salinity is negligible, and in the middle estuary where they are concentrated at the lower levels of the intertidal zone. Few or no individuals were observed in the highest marsh zones. In winter, dead testate amoebae were dominant, with empty tests accumulating in the sediments from post-mortem transport by high river discharge. In summer, an increase in the living fraction is observed, with living testate amoebae along the entire estuary, which could indicate that some species are able to live in the lower reaches of the estuary. Along with the testate amoebae, two species of agglutinated tintinnids (>63 m), Stenosemella ventricosa and Tintinnopsis cf. lata, were abundant in the sediments. Their highest abundances were observed in summer. Living individuals were only recorded in summer, mainly in the vicinities of freshwater and sewage outflows, where elevated nutrient concentrations may be expected. The present study demonstrates that both testate amoebae and tintinnids have well defined patterns in their temporal and spatial distribution, offering high bioindicator potential in environmental/climate monitoring studies as well as in paleoenvironmental reconstructions.
  • Taxonomy, ecology and biogeographical trends of dominant benthic foraminifera species from an Atlantic-Mediterranean estuary (the Guadiana, southeast Portugal)
    Publication . Camacho, Sarita; Moura, Delminda; Connor, Simon; Scott, David; Boski, T.
    This study analyses the taxonomy, ecology and biogeography of the species of benthic foraminifera living on the intertidal margins of the Guadiana Estuary (SE Portugal, SW Spain). Of the 54 taxa identified during sampling campaigns in winter and summer, 49 are systematically listed and illustrated by scanning electron microscope (SEM) photographs. Ammonia spp. were the most ubiquitous calcareous taxa in both seasons. Morphological analysis and SEM images suggested three distinct morphotypes of the genus Ammonia, two of which proved to be Ammonia aberdoveyensis on the basis of partial rRNA analyses. Jadammina macrescens and Miliammina fusca were the most ubiquitous agglutinated taxa in the estuary. Jadammina macrescens dominates the upper-marsh zones almost exclusively, occurring at very high densities. Ammonia spp. are the most abundant in the low-marsh and tidal-flats of the lower reaches of the Guadiana Estuary, but are widespread throughout the estuary, especially during summer when environmental conditions favor their proliferation. Miliammina fusca dominates the sparsely vegetated low-marsh and tidal-flat zones of the upper reaches, where it is associated with calcareous species. Due to its geographical position, the Guadiana system shares characteristics of both Atlantic and Mediterranean estuaries. This is reflected in the foraminiferal assemblages, with a dominance of thermophilous species and an ecological zonation typical of the Mediterranean climatic zone.
  • Ecological zonation of benthic foraminifera in the lower Guadiana Estuary (southeastern Portugal)
    Publication . Camacho, Sarita; Moura, Delminda; Connor, Simon; Scott, David; Boski, T.
    The present study analyzes the spatial distribution and seasonal distribution of live benthic foraminiferal communities in the estuary of Guadiana, the fourth largest river on the Iberian Peninsula, and establishes, through statistical analysis, their relationships with a series of environmental parameters. Forty-four superficial sediment samples were collected along distance-to-sea and elevation gradients in the winter and summer of 2010. Fifty-three foraminifera species were identified along the intertidal margins of the estuary. Foraminiferal distribution reflected seasonal variation of environmental factors, whose relative importance varied according to species tolerances. Elevation in relation to mean sea level appeared to be the most important parameter controlling foraminiferal distribution, probably because it combines the effects of a series of other variables (i.e. organic matter, sediment texture, pH and temperature). In the highest marsh areas, where environmental conditions approach survival thresholds, only some agglutinated species are able to survive. In the lower intertidal zone, where subaerial exposure is diminished and environmental conditions are generally less variable, more diverse faunas, mainly composed of calcareous species, prevail. During winter, when fluvial discharge peaks, agglutinated species represent more than 80% of the total individuals. In summer, when marine conditions prevail, calcareous species become more competitive, increase their densities and expand into higher marsh zones and estuarine upper reaches. In the estuary, three different foraminiferal assemblages are distinguished: i) Miliammina fusca assemblage, which dominates in unvegetated areas of the lower marsh and tidal flats of the mid-upper estuary; ii)Jadammina macrescens assemblage, which dominates in the highest marsh areas in the lower estuary; and iii) Ammonia aberdoveyensis assemblage, which dominates the areas of low marsh and tidal flats of the lower estuary. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.