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  • Dissolved oxygen dynamics in Ria Formosa Lagoon (South Portugal) - A real time monitoring station observatory
    Publication . Cravo, Alexandra; Rosa, Alexandra; Jacob, J.; Correia, Cátia
    Dissolved oxygen (DO) is considered one of the most important environmental variables of water quality. This work aimed to provide, for the first time, insights regarding DO dynamics on a representative site of the productive Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, south Europe, using a real time monitoring station observatory (acquiring data every 15 min) deployed for a period of two and a half years. This comprehensive data set represents an added value contributing to a better understanding of the DO variability throughout analyzing semidiurnal, daily, fortnightly tidal cycles (spring tide vs. neap tide), seasonal and interannual periods. This observational station was able to capture distinct temporal signatures, including episodic upwelling and meteorological events advancing the knowledge about the functioning of Ria Formosa. DO was highly variable presenting an evident seasonal distribution with the maximum concentration in spring and the minimum in summer night periods. Critical values < 5 mg/L were recorded only in 3% of the global data set with negligible hypoxia events, showing infrequent DO stressful conditions in the study area. In addition, the disclosure of its did dynamics over long periods, provided by this data set, allows to determine the impact of biological activity upon the DO variability and related ecosystem metabolism behavior (autotrophic vs. heterotrophic), through the metric estimation of Net Ecosystem Metabolism (NEM). NEM in the study area revealed to be slightly heterotrophic along one year of observation, reflecting the median percentage of DO saturation (93%). The acquired data set is highly valuable and can contribute to Ria Formosa management and protection, which is imperative for building knowledge-based societies.
  • Qual a importância das trocas entre a Ria Formosa e o oceano adjacente para a produtividade biológica destes sistemas?
    Publication . Cravo, Alexandra; Jacob, J.
    A Ria Formosa é a lagoa costeira mais importante do sul de Portugal, com grande influência nas trocas de água e de matéria com o oceano adjacente, as quais controlam a produtividade biológica destes ecossistemas intimamente ligados. Neste capítulo são apresentadas as características geomorfológicas da Ria Formosa e as características dinâmicas que a tornam um sistema bastante produtivo e peculiar, com forte impacto no oceano adjacente. São ainda apresentadas, pela primeira vez, as trocas através das três barras do setor oeste da Ria Formosa, em condições de maior produtividade biológica, típicas de Primavera, evidenciando a importância da interligação entre estes dois sistemas, particularmente num período sob afloramento costeiro.
  • Understanding the bioaccumulation of pharmaceutical active compounds by clams Ruditapes decussatus exposed to a UWWTP discharge
    Publication . Cravo, Alexandra; Silva, Sofia; Rodrigues, João; Cardoso, Vítor Vale; Benoliel, Maria João; Correia, Cátia; Coelho, Maria Rosário; Rosa, Maria João; Almeida, Cristina M.M.
    Twenty-four pharmaceutical active compounds (PhACs) were evaluated in the soft tissues of clams Ruditappes decussatus exposed along a 1.5-km dispersal gradient of the treated effluent from an urban wastewater treatment plant discharging in Ria Formosa, and compared with those in the marine waters and discharged effluents. The clams were exposed for 1 month, in June-July 2016, 2017 and 2018. PhACs were quantified by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry after the quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged and safe (QuEChERS) method (clams) or solid-phase extraction (water samples). The most representative PhACs in the effluents and receiving waters (regardless of the tidal dilution effect) were diclofenac, carbamazepine and caffeine (on average <= 2 mu g/L) and only caffeine exhibited significant inter-annual differences, with higher values in 2017. In turn, the most bioaccumulated PhACs in clams were caffeine (0.54-27 ng/g wet weight, significantly higher in 2016) and acetaminophen (0.37-3.7 ng/g wet weight, significant lower in 2016). A multivariate principal component analysis showed (i) PhAC bioaccumulation primarily depended on biotic factors (clams length and weight), (ii) PhAC physicochemical properties Log Kow, pKa and water solubility interplaying with water abiotic variables were more relevant for explaining data variability in water than the physical dilution/tidal mixing, (iii) this process, reflected by the salinity gradient, had a tertiary role in data variation, responsible for spatial discrimination of marine waters. This study provides a better understanding of PhACs bioaccumulation by clams Ruditapes decussatus in real environmental conditions, under the influence of urban treated effluent dispersal in Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, a major producer of bivalves, ultimately disentangling key factors of PhAC bioaccumulation.
  • Impacts of decommissioning and upgrading urban wastewater treatment plants on the water quality in a shellfish farming coastal lagoon (Ria Formosa, South Portugal)
    Publication . Jacob, J.; Correia, Cátia; Torres, Ana Flor; Xufre, Gustavo; Matos, André Filipe; Ferreira, Cristina; Reis, Margarida; Caetano, Sandra; Freitas, Carla; Barbosa, Ana B.; Cravo, Alexandra
    Ria Formosa is a productive coastal lagoon, located on the south coast of Portugal, and represents the largest national producer of shellfish bivalves (ca. 90% production). This ecosystem is subjected to various anthropogenic pressures, including the discharge of urban wastewater treatment plants (UWWTP), which impacts the lagoon water quality. This study aimed to assess the impact of alterations in the functioning of two UWWTP on the water quality of Ria Formosa, based on chemical variables, phytoplankton composition ( including potential harmful species) and faecal contamination. During the period September 2018 - October 2019, water sampling was conducted along dominant longitudinal gradients of the effluent dispersion from the discharge point (1-2 km), for two sites: a decommissioned (OP) and a modified (FO) UWWTP. After modification, the later started receiving a higher influent volume (ca. 40%), under an innovative technology system (biological treatment in aerobic granular sludge). Based on chemical water quality variables, phytoplankton and indicators of faecal contamination, a significant improvement along the longitudinal gradient from the discharge point was observed after OP decommissioning. This improvement was fast, being detected two months after decommissioning, positively affecting areas used as shellfish farming grounds. However, distribution patterns of bacteriological indicators and regular shellfish harvesting interdictions suggested an alternative source of faecal contamination after OP decommissioning. At FO, both chemical variables and bacteriological indicators of faecal contamination revealed a slower improvement, only six-months after the UWWTP alteration. Before that, increased and highly variable ammonium, chlorophyll a concentration, phytoplankton abundances and Escherichia coli densities, revealed an unstable phase. Overall, a lower water quality at FO in respect to OP reflected not only a higher effluent volume but also more restricted water circulation for the former.
  • Biomarker responses of the clam ruditapes decussatus exposed to a complex mixture of environmental stressors under the influence of an urban wastewater-treatment plant
    Publication . Silva, Sofia; Cravo, Alexandra; Ferreira, Cristina; Correia, Cátia; Almeida, Cristina M. M.
    To evaluate the potential impact of an urban wastewater-treatment plant on Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, a sentinel species, the clam Ruditapes decussatus, was exposed along a gradient of the effluent's dispersal for 1 mo. Three exposure sites were selected to study the responses of 3 biomarkers: electron transport system, acetylcholinesterase, and lipid peroxidation. As complementary data, morphometric measurements, condition index, and lipid and protein content were considered together with in situ physicochemical characterization of the sites (temperature, salinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen). Electron transport system activity levels were between 35.7 and 50.5 nmol O-2/min g protein, acetylcholinesterase activity levels ranged from 2.6 to 3.8 nmol/min g protein, and lipid peroxidation ranged from 174.7 to 246.4 nmol malondialdehyde/g protein. The exposure sites shaped the response not only of biomarkers but also of "health" parameters (protein, lipids, and condition index). Lipid peroxidation was the most responsive biomarker also associated with electron transport system, especially at the closest site to the urban wastewater-treatment plant. Because of the presence of complex mixtures of contaminants in urban effluents, biomarker responses can provide valuable information in environmental assessment. However, it is vital to identify all biological and ecological factors induced by the natural life cycle of clams. Abiotic factors can mask or overlap the response of biomarkers and should be considered in a multibiomarker approach. (C) 2020 SETAC
  • Unravelling the effects of treated wastewater discharges on the water quality in a coastal lagoon system (Ria Formosa, South Portugal): Relevance of hydrodynamic conditions
    Publication . Cravo, Alexandra; Barbosa, A.B.; Correia, C.; Matos, A.; Caetano, S.; Lima, M.J.; Jacob, J.
    This study aimed to assess the influence of treated wastewater disposal on Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (South Portugal), the largest national producer of bivalve mollusks. Water quality was evaluated at two areas under different wastewater loads and hydrodynamic conditions, using physico-chemical variables, bacterial indicators of contamination, chlorophyll-a concentration, phytoplankton abundance and composition. Samples were collected monthly, between October 2018 and September 2019. Minor influence of effluent discharge was detected at the eastern Olhao ˜ area, exposed to stronger hydrodynamics and higher wastewater load than the northwestern Faro area (ca. 2–4-fold total nitrogen and phosphorus). The lower load weakly flushed area showed a poorer water quality, up to 500 m from the discharge point, more marked during the spring-summer period. The intensity, persistence, and spatial extent of the wastewater footprint, lower for the highest-loading area, reflected the role of local hydrodynamic conditions, modulating the influence of wastewater discharge on lagoonal water quality.
  • Temporal assessment of the water quality along an urban estuary (Tagus estuary, Portugal)
    Publication . Rodrigues, Marta; Cravo, Alexandra; Freire, Paula; Rosa, Alexandra; Santos, Daniela
    Understanding the natural dynamics of estuaries and their response to changes in the human-related or climatic drivers is fundamental to guarantee their environmental quality. This study aims to contribute to a better understanding of the water quality dynamics in an urban estuary, the Tagus estuary (Portugal), across different temporal scales. This estuary supports diverse uses and activities and its ecological value is well recognized. Three field campaigns were performed covering distinct seasons (Spring, Summer and Autumn - 2018). Physical, chemical and biological data were measured along the estuary. The acquired data was then integrated into a set of indicators and compared with historical data, to assess the long-term evolution of the water quality in the estuary. Results showed marked spatial gradients, typically with larger concentrations of chlorophyll a, nitrate and silicate upstream. Silicate and nitrate presented a conservative behavior. Ammonium and phosphate were not conservative, which suggests an anthropogenic pressure along the estuary. Seasonally, the highest nutrients and suspended solids concentrations were found in Autumn, after a period of rainfall, pointing out to the relevance of land runoff for material supply into the estuary. These conditions were favorable for phytoplankton development upstream, once chlorophyll a was maximum during this campaign (24 mu g/L in the upper estuary). Regarding the nutrients classification, results suggest that the upper estuary is at risk with a "Medium" status. The middle and downstream areas presented a "High" status, with the exception of the middle-right margin that is also at risk ("Medium" status). The assessment of the historical data suggests that high loads of nutrients have been reaching the Tagus estuary over time, with a decreasing trend in recent years. The trophic index (TRIX) suggests a "Moderate" trophic status in the middle and upstream areas of the estuary. As for nutrients, a "Poor" classification was obtained in the middle-right margin of the estuary, mainly due to ammonium concentrations, confirming an intensification of anthropogenic pressure at this site. Similarly to the nutrients status, TRIX suggests some improvement of the water quality in the Tagus estuary in recent years compared to the 1980s. These results provide further insight regarding the water quality dynamics in the Tagus estuary and are useful to support management.
  • Patterns and predictors of phytoplankton assemblage structure in a Coastal Lagoon: Species-specific analysis needed to disentangle anthropogenic pressures from ocean processes
    Publication . Lima, Maria João; Barbosa, Ana B.; Correia, Cátia; Matos, André; Cravo, Alexandra
    Phytoplankton are dominant primary producers and key indicators in aquatic ecosystems. Understanding the controlling factors on the structure of phytoplankton assemblages is fundamental, but particularly challenging at the land–ocean interface. To identify the patterns and predictors of phytoplankton assemblage structure in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (south Portugal), this study combined phytoplankton abundance along a transect between the discharge point of a wastewater treatment plant and a lagoon inlet, over two years, with physico-chemical, hydrographic, and meteo-oceanographic variables. Our study identified 147 operational taxonomic units (OTUs), and planktonic diatoms (60–74%) and cryptophyceans (17–25%) dominated the phytoplankton in terms of abundance. Despite strong lagoon hydrodynamics, and the lack of spatial differences in the phytoplankton abundance and most diversity metrics, the multivariate analysis revealed differences in the assemblage structure between stations (p < 0.001) and seasons (p < 0.01). Indicator analysis identified cryptophyceans as lagoon generalists, and 11 station-specific specialist OTUs, including Kryptoperidinium foliaceum and Oscillatoriales (innermost stations) and potentially toxigenic species (Pseudo-nitzschia and Dinophysis; outer lagoon station, p < 0.05). Water temperature, pH, and nutrients emerged as the variables that best explained the changes in the phytoplankton assemblage structure (p < 0.001). Our findings provide insight into the relevance of local anthropogenic and natural forcings on the phytoplankton assemblage structure and can be used to support the management of RF and other coastal lagoons.
  • Effects of climate change and anthropogenic pressures in the water quality of a coastal lagoon (Ria Formosa, Portugal)
    Publication . Rodrigues, Marta; Rosa, Alexandra; Cravo, Alexandra; Jacob, J.; Fortunato, André B.
    Understanding how climatic and anthropogenic drivers will influence coastal lagoons is fundamental to guarantee their preservation and sustainability. The Ria Formosa (coastal lagoon, South coast of Portugal) is a very important ecosystem that supports diverse economic activities in the region. The 3D coupled hydrodynamic-biogeochemical model SCHISM was validated and used to assess the influence of climate change and anthropogenic pressures on the water quality of the Ria Formosa. Five scenarios were simulated: reference scenario (S0), mean sea level rise (SLR) of 0.5 m (S1), increase of the air temperature of 1.68 °C (S2), increase of the outflow from the wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) by 50% (S3) and a combined scenario (S4). Results suggest that SLR of 0.5 m promotes an increase of 0.5-3 in the salinity near the area of influence of the WWTP. SLR decreases the inorganic nutrient concentrations in these areas by about 40-60%, due to an increase of the dilution. In contrast, the increase of the outflow from the WWTP by 50% increases the nutrients concentrations by about 20-40%. The increase of the air temperature alone by 1.68 °C increases the water temperature by 0-1 °C. The combined scenario suggests antagonist effects in the nutrient concentrations. Overall, the trophic index (TRIX) of the lagoon calculated for the scenarios exhibits only minor differences relative to the reference scenario, except in some areas near the WWTP discharges. In these areas, TRIX tends to increase with the increase of the outflow from the WWTP in scenario S3. These results provide further insight into the response of coastal lagoons, and the Ria Formosa in particular, to future changes and contribute to support their management.
  • Export of dissolved and suspended matter from the main estuaries in South Portugal during winter conditions
    Publication . Correia, C.; Torres, A. F.; Rosa, A.; Cravo, Alexandra; Jacob, J.; de Oliveira Junior, L.; Garel, Erwan
    Estuaries are essential drivers of primary productivity in coastal waters through the export of dissolved and suspended material. This study aims at quantifying this fertilization process at the two main estuaries in South Portugal, where typical low river discharge conditions occur in winter due to strong flow regulation by upstream dams and seldom-local rain events. Data were collected across the channel of the lower Arade (10/01/2018) and Guadiana (04/02/2019) estuaries during a semi-diurnal tidal cycle with intermediate tidal ranges (1.5 m and 2.2 m, respectively). Current velocity records were completed with hourly water quality measurements (temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, suspended solids, chlorophyll a and nutrients) for determination of the along channel fluxes and residual mass transport of dissolved and suspended matter across the channel sections. The results show that the two estuaries were characterized by distinct water circulation patterns and tidal properties (e.g., standing wave at the Arade, mixed wave at the Guadiana). The concentration of dissolved and particulate matter displayed a general similar anti-phase pattern of variations with tidal height at both sites. The corresponding fluxes were generally strongest during the ebb phase. Thus, the residual mass transport was seaward, indicating that both estuaries contribute to fertilize adjacent coastal waters by exporting nutrients (order of kg), chlorophyll a (order of kg) and suspended solids (up to tons). Moreover, transport differences at both estuaries reflect specific discharge flow and environmental conditions as well as contamination sources close to the study areas. In particular, the signatures of a discharge event from a water treatment plant at the Arade and of coastal upwelling at the Guadiana were identified.