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- Molecular and cellular changes in skin and muscle during metamorphosis of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) are accompanied by changes in deiodinases expressionPublication . Campinho, Marco António; Galay-Burgos, M.; Silva, Nádia; Costa, R. A.; Alves, Ricardo N.; Sweeney, Glen E.; Power, DeborahFlatfish metamorphosis is the most dramatic postnatal developmental event in teleosts. Thyroid hormones (TH), thyroxine (T4) and 3,3′-5′-triiodothyronine (T3) are the necessary and sufficient factors that induce and regulate flatfish metamorphosis. Most of the cellular and molecular action of TH is directed through the binding of T3 to thyroid nuclear receptors bound to promoters with consequent changes in the expression of target genes. The conversion of T4 to T3 and nuclear availability of T3 depends on the expression and activity of a family of 3 selenocysteine deiodinases that activate T4 into T3 or degrade T4 and T3.
- A thyroid hormone regulated asymmetric responsive centre is correlated with eye migration during flatfish metamorphosisPublication . Campinho, Marco António; Silva, Nádia; Martins, Gabriel G.; Anjos, Liliana; Florindo, Claudia; Roman-Padilla, Javier; Garcia-Cegarra, Ana; Louro, Bruno; Manchado, Manuel; Power, DeborahFlatfish metamorphosis is a unique post-embryonic developmental event in which thyroid hormones (THs) drive the development of symmetric pelagic larva into asymmetric benthic juveniles. One of the eyes migrates to join the other eye on the opposite side of the head. Developmental mechanisms at the basis of the acquisition of flatfish anatomical asymmetry remain an open question. Here we demonstrate that an TH responsive asymmetric centre, determined by deiodinase 2 expression, ventrally juxtaposed to the migrating eye in sole (Solea senegalensis) correlates with asymmetric cranial ossification that in turn drives eye migration. Besides skin pigmentation that is asymmetric between dorsal and ventral sides, only the most anterior head region delimited by the eyes becomes asymmetric whereas the remainder of the head and organs therein stay symmetric. Sub-ocular ossification is common to all flatfish analysed to date, so we propose that this newly discovered mechanism is universal and is associated with eye migration in all flatfish.
- The molecular and endocrine basis of flatfish metamorphosisPublication . Power, Deborah; Einarsdóttir, Ingibjörg E.; Pittman, Karin; Sweeney, Glen E.; Hildahl, Jon; Campinho, Marco António; Silva, Nadia; Saele, Oystein; Galay-Burgos, M.; Smaàradóttir, Heiddis; Björnsson, Björn ThrandurA significant component of aquaculture is the production of good quality larvae, and, in the case of flatfish, this is tied up with the change from a symmetric larva to an asymmetric juvenile. Despite the pioneering work carried out on the metamorphosis of the Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) and summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus), the underlying molecular basis of flatfish metamorphosis is still relatively poorly characterized. It is a thyroid hormone (TH) driven process, and the role of other hormones in the regulation of the process along with the interplay of abiotic factors are still relatively poorly characterized as is the extent of tissue and organ remodeling, which underlie the profound structural and functional modifications that accompany the larval/juvenile transition. The isolation of genes for hormones, receptors, binding proteins, and other accessory factors has provided powerful tools with which to pursue this question. The application of molecular methodologies such as candidate gene approaches and microarray analysis coupled to functional genomics has started to contribute to understanding the complexity of tissue and organ modifications that accompany flatfish metamorphosis. A better understanding of the biology of normal metamorphosis is essential to identify factors contributing to abnormal metamorphosis.
- The goitrogenic efficiency of thioamides in a marine teleost, sea bream (Sparus auratus)Publication . Campinho, Marco António; Morgado, Isabel; Pinto, Patricia IS; Silva, Nádia; Power, DeborahStudies on the role of thyroid hormones (THs) in teleost fish physiology have deployed the synthetic goitrogens, methimazol (MMI), propilthiouracil (PTU) and thiourea (TU) that are used to treat human hyperthyroidism. However, the action of the goitrogens, MMI, PTU and TU at different levels of the hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid (HPT) axis in teleosts is largely unknown. The central importance of the hypothalamus and pituitary in a number of endocrine regulated systems and the cross-talk that occurs between different endocrine axes makes it pertinent to characterize the effects of MMI, PTU and TU, on several endpoints of the thyroid system. The marine teleost, sea bream (Sparus auratus) was exposed to MMI, PTU and TU (1 mg/kg wet weight per day), via the diet for 21 days. Radioimmunoassays (RIA) of plasma THs and ELISA of the TH carrier transthyretin (TTR) revealed that MMI was the only chemical that significantly reduced plasma TH levels (p < 0.05), although both MMI and PTU significantly (p < 0.05) reduced plasma levels of circulating TTR (p < 0.05). Histological analysis of the thyroid tissue revealed modifications in thyrocyte activity that explain the reduced circulating levels of THs. MMI also significantly (p < 0.05) up-regulated transcript abundance of liver deiodinase 1 and 2 while significantly (p < 0.05) decreasing TRb expression in the pituitary, all hallmarks of HPT axis action of goitrogens in vertebrates. The results indicate that in the sea bream MMI is the most effective goitrogen followed by PTU and that TU (1 mg/kg wet weight for 21 days) failed to have a goitrogenic effect. The study highlights the non-uniform effect of goitrogens on the thyroid axis of sea bream and provides the basis for future studies of thyroid disrupting pollutants.
- Temperature sensitivity of skeletal ontogeny in Oreochromis mossambicusPublication . Campinho, Marco António; Moutou, K. A.; Power, DeborahSensitivity of skeletal ontogenesis to temperature was assessed in Mozambican tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus and culture temperature manipulations (22, 27 and 32 C) were used to establish if age or length gave the most suitable metric for standardization. Oreochromis mossambicus larval growth was composed of two growth stanzas: an initialpe riod of rapid growth, followed by a slower growth phase. Irrespective of culture temperature chondrogenesis occurred during the first rapid growth phase and ossification was initiated during the second slower growth phase. The sequence of events and rate at which ossification occurred was much more sensitive to temperature than chondrogenesis. Cumulative counts provide a useful developmental index for skeletal ontogenesis; overall, age (effective days-degrees) gave the best estimation of developmental status during chondrogenesis and the initiation of ossification, although standard length (as log10LS) was a better metric for completion of ossification. The timing of development of functionally important structures, such asMeckel’s cartilage, the branchial arches, the centra and the cleithrum important for breathing, feeding and swimming, was well conserved at all temperatures and may be a good index of teleost developmental stages.
- Troponin T isoform expression is modulated during Atlantic Halibut metamorphosisPublication . Campinho, M. A.; Silva, Nadia; Nowell, Mari; Llewellyn, Lynda; Sweeney, Glen E.; Power, DeborahBackground: Flatfish metamorphosis is a thyroid hormone (TH) driven process which leads to a dramatic change from a symmetrical larva to an asymmetrical juvenile. The effect of THs on muscle and in particular muscle sarcomer protein genes is largely unexplored in fish. The change in Troponin T (TnT), a pivotal protein in the assembly of skeletal muscles sarcomeres and a modulator of calcium driven muscle contraction, during flatfish metamophosis is studied. Results: In the present study five cDNAs for halibut TnT genes were cloned; three were splice variants arising from a single fast TnT (fTnT) gene; a fourth encoded a novel teleost specific fTnTlike cDNA (AfTnT) expressed exclusively in slow muscle and the fifth encoded the teleost specific sTnT2. THs modified the expression of halibut fTnT isoforms which changed from predominantly basic to acidic isoforms during natural and T4 induced metamorphosis. In contrast, expression of red muscle specific genes, AfTnT and sTnT2, did not change during natural metamorphosis or after T4 treatment. Prior to and after metamorphosis no change in the dorso-ventral symmetry or temporal-spatial expression pattern of TnT genes and muscle fibre organization occurred in halibut musculature. Conclusion: Muscle organisation in halibut remains symmetrical even after metamorphosis suggesting TH driven changes are associated with molecular adaptations. We hypothesize that species specific differences in TnT gene expression in teleosts underlies different larval muscle developmental programs which better adapts them to the specific ecological constraints.
- Regulation of troponin T expression during muscle development in sea bream Sparus auratus Linnaeus: the potential role of thyroid hormonesPublication . Campinho, Marco António; Sweeney, Glen E.; Power, DeborahIn the sea bream Sparus auratus three stage-specific fast troponin T (fTnT) isoforms have been cloned and correspond to embryonic-, larval- and adult-specific isoforms. Characterisation, using database searches, of the putative genomic organisation of Fugu rubripes and Tetraodon nigroviridis fTnT indicates that alternative exon splicing in the 59 region of the gene generates the different isoforms. Moreover, comparison of teleost fTnTs suggests that alternative splicing of fTnT appears to be common in teleosts. A different temporal expression pattern for each fTnT splice variant is found during sea bream development and probably relates to differing functional demands, as a highly acidic embryonic form (pI 5.16) is substituted by a basic larval form (pI 9.57). Thyroid hormones (THs), which play an important regulatory role in muscle development in flatfish and tetrapods, appear also to influence TnT gene expression in the sea bream. However, THs have a divergent action on different sea bream TnT genes and although the slow isoform (sTnT1) is TH-responsive, fTnT, sTnT2 and the itronless isoform (iTnT) are unaffected. The present results taken together with those published for flatfish seem to suggest differences may exist in the regulation of larval muscle development in teleosts.
- Ioxynil and diethylstilbestrol disrupt vascular and heart development in zebrafishPublication . Li, Yi-Feng; Canario, Adelino; Power, Deborah; Campinho, Marco AntónioEndocrine disruption is one of the consequences of industrialization and chemicals released into the environment have a profound impact on organisms. Waterborne micromolar concentrations of ioxynil (IOX) and diethylstilbestrol (DES) in fish affect the development of the heart, vasculature and thyroid gland.
- Molecular, cellular and histological changes in skin from a larval to an adult phenotype during bony fish metamorphosisPublication . Campinho, Marco António; Silva, Nadia; Sweeney, Glen E.; Power, DeborahDevelopmental models for skin exist in terrestrial and amphibious vertebrates but there is a lack of information in aquatic vertebrates. We have analysed skin epidermal development of a bony fish (teleost), the most successful group of extant vertebrates. A specific epidermal type I keratin cDNA (hhKer1), which may be a bony-fishspecific adaptation associated with the divergence of skin development (scale formation) compared with other vertebrates, has been cloned and characterized. The expression of hhKer1 and collagen 1α1 in skin taken together with the presence or absence of keratin bundle-like structures have made it possible to distinguish between larval and adult epidermal cells during skin development. The use of a flatfish with a well-defined larval to juvenile transition as a model of skin development has revealed that epidermal larval basal cells differentiate directly to epidermal adult basal cells at the climax of metamorphosis. Moreover,hhKer1 expression is downregulated at the climax of metamorphosis and is inversely correlated with increasing thyroxin levels. We suggest that, whereas early mechanisms of skin development between aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates are conserved, later mechanisms diverge.
- Disruption of the thyroid system by diethylstilbestrol and ioxynil in the sea bream (Sparus aurata)Publication . Morgado, Isabel; Campinho, Marco António; Costa, Rita; Jacinto, R.; Power, DeborahSome environmental contaminants are thought to cause disruption of the thyroid system in vertebrates acting as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Such chemicals may affect synthesis, transport and metabolism of thyroid hormones (THs). Ioxynil (IOX) and diethylstilbestrol (DES) are potential EDCs with strong affinity in vitro for sea bream transthyretin (TTR), a TH distributor protein (THDP). The aim of the present study was to establish how such chemicals influence the thyroid axis in sea bream (Sparus aurata). DES, IOX and propilthyouracil (PTU, a goitrogen) were administered in the diet to sea bream juveniles at 1 mg/kg fish (n = 14/treatment) for 21 days. After exposure plasma TH levels, quantified by RIA, were similar to those of control fish (p > 0.05) in all treatment groups. Analysis by quantitative PCR revealed that all treatments down-regulated TSH gene transcription (p < 0.05) in the brain and pituitary and deiodinase II and III transcription in the brain (p < 0.001). In contrast, PTU caused DII up-regulation in the liver (p < 0.05). Thyroid receptor beta (TR ) transcription was down-regulated in the pituitary by PTU (p < 0.001) and DES (p < 0.05). TTR plasma levels, quantified by ELISA, were elevated by all the chemicals including PTU (p < 0.001) which also increased TTR gene transcription in the liver (p < 0.05). Thyroid histology indicated follicular hyperstimulation in all treatments with marked hyperplasia, hypertrophy and colloid depletion in the PTU group. It appears therefore, that in vitro TTR-binders, IOX and DES, can strongly influence several components of the fish thyroid system in vivo but that the thyroid axis may have the ability to maintain or re-establish plasma TH homeostasis.