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  • Colorectal cancer prevention: strategies for promoting literacy
    Publication . Espírito-Santo, Margarida; Gomes, Tânia; Nascimento, Tânia
    Background Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the most frequent and deadly cancer in Portugal, prevention and early detection with screening are key factors for decreasing the incidence of CRC and improving survival rates. CRC screenings allow the detection of benign situations and their remotion, preventing the development of a malignant condition. Thus, this study aimed to identify strategies that could promote CRC literacy in order to also increase the number of screenings. Methods A systematic review (SR) was performed using PICOS methodology to define study goals and then PRISMA methodology to collect data for the review, including intervention studies published from 2010. Results A final number of 11 articles were included in this SR, which used several strategies to promote literacy. These studies included patients mostly within the age range of 50–75 years. The different strategies identified contained delivering pamphlets, seminars, using technological solutions, among others. All of these educational strategies led to the breaking down of some barriers that might exist about screening and bowel preparation, which conduced to an increase in adherence to CRC screening. Since most of the studies were performed in populations presenting low health literacy or belonging to ethnic minorities, strategies such as verbal information sessions showed better results. Conclusions Several strategies seems to be effective, since the results of different interventions have translated into increased CCR literacy and also the number of screenings. Portuguese pharmacy professionals, given easy access and user confidence can contribute directly, as a future perspective, in the education of patients with CCR.
  • Diabetes self-care and disease knowledge
    Publication . Espírito-Santo, Margarida; Nascimento, Tânia; Gomes, Eurico
    Diabetes mellitus (DM), presenting as a chronic metabolic pathology, is multifactorial and factors such as self-care can positively contribute to the glycemic control. Allied with patient’s behaviour, the knowledge about this disease may empower patient´s to achieve appropriate disease management including treatment adherence and avoidance of complications.
  • Self-medication habits during the COVID-19 pandemic
    Publication . Espírito-Santo, Margarida; Campos, Erica; Nascimento, Tânia
    Background Self-medication is a common practice worldwide. During COVID-19 pandemic, the constant fear of going outside and to use health services may have had an impact in the number of visits to Community Pharmacies. This research aimed to study self-medication habits of the Portuguese population during the current pandemic, more specifically, to understand which non-prescription drugs and food supplements were taken and the situations that conduced to the use of self-medication. Methods An online structured survey was conducted, with data obtained anonymously and included 170 participants (≥18 years). Data were processed using SPSS v26. Results Participants in this study were mainly female (81.2%), with a mean age of 38.01 ± 1.16 years old and most (84.7%) over 12 years of schooling. Answers allowed to verify that the current pandemic didn’t affect that much the frequency of visits to Pharmacy and the situations where people used self-medication were mainly minor, such as headaches (54.1%) and muscle pains (26.5%). The medications used more often were analgesics (60.0%) and anti-inflammatory (40.0%). However, many people indicated that they didńt seek for more information about medicines (49.4%) and/or supplements (7.6%) used during this period. In general, people visited the Pharmacy with a similar frequency and purpose as the previous year. Conclusions Despite all the changes, the current pandemic has not negatively affected the practice of self-medication. The role of Pharmacy professionals in the rational use of the drugs, particularly those used in self medicated situations is essential, especially when the population shows low health literacy regarding the use of medicines.
  • Knowledge assessment during the medication process use by older patients on clinical routine: A pilot study
    Publication . Espírito-Santo, Margarida; Pinto, Ezequiel; Estêvão, M. Dulce; Nascimento, Tânia
    Objectives: The consumption of medicines has been increasing over the last decades. The lack of medication knowledge (MK) may affect the process of medication use and, consequently, may lead to negative health outcomes. This study carried out a pilot study using a new tool to assess MK in older patients in a daily clinical practice. Materials and Methods: An exploratory cross-sectional study was conducted, including older patients (>= 65 years), taking two or more medicines, followed in a regional clinic. Data were collected during a structured interview, which included an algorithm for assessing MK regarding the identification of the medicines and its use and storage conditions. Health literacy and treatment adherence were also assessed.Results: The study enrolled 49 patients, mainly between 65 and 75 years (n: 33; 67.3%) and polymedicated (n: 40; 81.6%), taking a mean of 6.9 +/- 2.8 medicines per day. A lack of MK (score <50%) was observed in 15 (30.6%) participant patients. "Drug strength" and "storage conditions" were the items which presented the lowest score. MK was positively correlated with higher scores for health literacy and treatment adherence. Younger patients (age <65 years old) also had a higher MK score.Conclusion: This study showed that the applied tool could evaluate the MK of the participants and identified specific gaps regarding MK within the process of medicine use. Further studies, with more participants, will allow the confirmation of these findings and will stimulate the development of specific strategies to improve MK, thus contributing to better health outcomes.
  • Patient information leaflets of drugs used in cardiometabolic disorders: Suitability for use by older persons
    Publication . Espírito-Santo, Margarida; Pinto, Ezequiel; Estêvão, M. Dulce; Nascimento, Tânia
    In the European Union, all medicines must include appropriate labelling and the respective patient information leaflet (PIL), which is the most reachable source of medicine’s information for patients. This document includes a set of information understandable by their potential users and complementary to the information provided by health professionals. The ageing of the Portuguese population raises the need for the appropriateness of medicine’s information for older consumers, taking into account their specific needs arising from physiological changes impacting drug action. This project aimed to analyse the content of medicines’ PILs, specifically directed at older persons. A sample of medicines was selected considering the 100 active substances more consumed in Portugal by patients with chronic pathologies such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and dyslipidaemia. The analysis included readability, legibility, and content (directly and indirectly related to the use of medicines by older persons). A total of 69 PILs were analysed, and it was observed that the information provided about the drugs was included in most of these PILs (95.7%; n = 66) but without any specific information for patients belonging to different age groups. Signalling-specific warnings for older persons were only available in less than half of the PILs (46.4%; n = 32). The presence of relevant information on the appropriate use of the drug such as the recommended dose was only specified for older persons in 28% (n = 19) of the analysed PILs. The information available in PILs which can be considered as specifically directed to older persons is relatively scarce, even in areas as critical as the instructions for use. Hopefully, these results will contribute to increasing awareness regarding the need to adapt PILs’ content to specific consumers and to test them to guarantee that they are adequate for all potential consumers.
  • Viver bem com mais idade - projeto multidisciplinar na área da alimentação, medicação e psicologia
    Publication . Meireles, Manuela; Mateus, Maria; Correia, Maria Marta; Pinto, Ezequiel; Espírito-Santo, Margarida; Braz, Nidia; Pais, Sandra; Nascimento, Tânia; Gonçalves, Gabriela
    A interação social, atividade física e a alimentação são cruciais para a qualidade de vida. No envelhecimento, há que adaptar atitudes e relações sociais. Com o avanço da idade surgem patologias crónicas e consequentemente a polimedicação, assumindo os cuidados com os medicamentos uma maior relevância. O objetivo é dinamizar formação de proximidade, em áreas urbanas e rurais do Algarve, de modo a melhorar a qualidade de vida da população com mais idade. Metodologia A formação consiste em sessões de 2,5h dinamizadas por formadores especializados em: alimentação, farmácia e psicologia, que abordam a importância da alimentação saudável, dos cuidados com a medicação e da gestão psicológica, de forma a manter bem-estar físico e psíquico, para dar mais vida aos anos. O contacto com as autarquias, universidades sénior e instituições de apoio sénior da região do Algarve conduziu à calendarização das ações de acordo com o interesse manifestado, em diferentes áreas da região algarvia entre setembro 2018 e dezembro de 2019. Resultados Este projeto atingiu idosos alunos de universidades sénior, membros de grupos desportivos, e frequentadores de atividades comunitárias, em áreas urbanas e também a grupos de áreas rurais. A participação e aceitação foi bastante positiva. Com as 5 sessões realizadas atingiram-se 80 formandos e há 4 novas sessões previstas em diferentes concelhos (Fig.1). Conclusão Este projeto permitiu uma maior compreensão das realidades vividas pela população idosa da região algarvia, urbana e rural, ao mesmo tempo que contribuiu para a promoção de estratégias adequadas para um envelhecimento saudável e ativo.