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  • New food frequency questionnaire to estimate vitamin K intake in a Mediterranean population
    Publication . Pinto, Ezequiel; Viegas, Carla; Martins, Paula Ventura; Nascimento, Tânia; Schurgers, Leon; Simes, Dina
    Vitamin K is a multifunctional micronutrient essential for human health, and deficiency has been linked to multiple pathological conditions. In this study, we aimed to develop and validate a new food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) to estimate total vitamin K intake, over the course of a 30-day interval, in a Portuguese, Mediterranean-based, population. We conducted a prospective study in a non-random sample of 38 healthy adult volunteers. The FFQ was designed based on a validated Portuguese FFQ used in nationally representative studies and on literature reviews, to include foods containing ≥5 μg of vitamin K/100 g and foods with a lower vitamin K content, yet commonly included in a Mediterranean diet. Vitamin K intake was estimated from 24 h recalls and six days of food records. The final FFQ included 54 food items which, according to regression analyses, explains 90% of vitamin K intake. Mean differences in vitamin K intake based on food records (80 ± 47.7 μg/day) and on FFQ (96.5 ± 64.3 μg/day) were statistically non-significant. Further, we found a strong correlation between both methods (r = 0.7; p = 0.003). Our results suggest that our new FFQ is a valid instrument to assess the last 30 days of vitamin K intake in the Portuguese Mediterranean population.
  • Mediterranean Diet favors Vitamin K intake: A descriptive study in a Mediterranean population
    Publication . Pinto, Ezequiel; Viegas, Carla; Ventura Martins, Paula; Marreiros, Catarina; Nascimento, Tânia; Schurgers, Leon; Simes, Dina
    The Mediterranean diet (MD) is associated with improved longevity and the prevention and management of chronic inflammatory diseases (CIDs). Vitamin K, which is present in MD core components such as leafy green vegetables, is also known as a protective factor for CIDs. Estimates of vitamin K intake in Mediterranean settings are still scarce, and the association between MD and vitamin K intake is yet to be established. This study analyzed vitamin K intake and MD adherence in the Algarve region, in Portugal. We conducted a cross-sectional study in a nonrandom sample of adults using an online questionnaire which included a validated food-frequency questionnaire and a screener for MD adherence. A total of 238 participants were recruited (68% women and 32% men). Adherence to the MD was low (11%). Only 10% of the participants had vitamin K intake below the adequate intake. Adherence to the MD was positively correlated with vitamin K intake (r = 0.463; p < 0.001) and age (r = 0.223; p < 0.001). Our findings underscore the importance of promoting adherence to the MD for optimal vitamin K intake, and future research should focus on developing effective interventions to promote this dietary pattern, particularly among younger individuals and men.