Rodrigues, J. M. F.Lam, Robertodu Buf, J. M. H.2013-01-162013-01-162012Rodrigues, João; Lam, Roberto; du Buf, Hans. Cortical 3D Face and Object Recognition Using 2D Projections, International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics, 3, 1, 45-62, 2012.1947-3117AUT: JRO00913; RLA01073; DUB00865; studies concerning face recognition suggest that faces may be stored in memory by a few canonical representations. In cortical area V1 exist double-opponent colour blobs, also simple, complex and end-stopped cells which provide input for a multiscale line/edge representation, keypoints for dynamic feature routine, and saliency maps for Focus-of-Attention.engVisão computacionalFace recognitionVisual cortexObject recognitionCortical 3D face and object recognition using 2D projectionsjournal article2012-12-27