Badu-Baiden, FrankCorreia, AntóniaKim, Seongseop (Sam)2023-02-102023-02-1020221054-8408 study aims to analyse how memorable local gastronomic experiences and tourists' gastronomy-related traits influence destination loyalty and future intentions. A fuzzy set model is used to examine these intricate relationships using samples of US tourists who visited Europe and Asia. The findings reveal that dimensions of memorable local gastronomic experience and their influence on destination loyalty differ based on tourists' personal gastronomic traits. Hospitality explained destination loyalty well when combined with social interaction, neophilia, and local gastronomy tourism-induced wellbeing. Theoretical and practical insights are provided to aid destination planning and local food marketing efforts.engGastronomyFuzzy setTraitDestinationLoyaltyMemorableExperienceIntentionWellbeingHospitalityHow do tourists’ memorable local gastronomy experiences and their personal gastronomic traits influence destination loyalty? A fuzzy set approachjournal article10.1080/10548408.2022.2148041