Litran, S. P.Duran, E.Ferrera, M. B.Semiao, J.Barroso, R. S.2020-07-242020-07-242019978-1-7281-4878-61553-572X paper presents a DC-DC converter of one input and one bipolar output. The converter has been obtained from the combination of two basic converters of one input and one output. Thus, the proposed configuration is the result of the combination of a CSC (Canonical Switching Cell) converter and a Zeta converter. A common feature of these converters is they have the same conversion relation. The input stage formed by the switching device and an inductance is shared by both converters. On the other hand, the output of the CSC converter is inverted with respect to its input and the output of Zeta converter is non-inverted, so this combination results in a bipolar type output. With the proposed topology it is possible to reduce the number of components and eliminate the need for synchronization of several switching devices. The converter has been analyzed in a steady state and the most significant operating equations have been deduced. A simulation platform has been developed in the MATLAB-Simulink, which has allowed the behavior of the converter to be verified.engA Zeta-CSC converter combination for single-input and bipolar outputconference object