Liu, XiaojieBogaert, KennyEngelen, Aschwin H.Leliaert, FrederikRoleda, Michael Y.De Clerck, Olivier2018-12-072018-12-072017-040006-80551437-4323 of life cycle progression and reproduction of seaweeds transcends pure academic interest. Successful and sustainable seaweed exploitation and domestication will indeed require excellent control of the factors controlling growth and reproduction. The relative dominance of the ploidy-phases and their respective morphologies, however, display tremendous diversity. Consequently, the ecological and endogenous factors controlling life cycles are likely to be equally varied. A vast number of research papers addressing theoretical, ecological and physiological aspects of reproduction have been published over the years. Here, we review the current knowledge on reproductive strategies, trade-offs of reproductive effort in natural populations, and the environmental and endogenous factors controlling reproduction. Given that the majority of ecophysiological studies predate the "-omics" era, we examine the extent to which this knowledge of reproduction has been, or can be, applied to further our knowledge of life cycle control in seaweeds.engBrown Alga EctocarpusGlossophora-Kunthii PhaeophytaUlva-Mutabilis ChlorophytaBiphasic life-cyclesFucus-Spiralis LChlamydomonas-ReinhardtiiSexual reproductionGamete releaseAbscisic-acidLaminaria-SaccharinaSeaweed reproductive biology: environmental and genetic controlsjournal article10.1515/bot-2016-0091