Loureiro, C.Boski, T.Albardeiro, L.Moura, DelmindaTerefenko, P.Camacho, SaritaVeiga-Pires, C.2013-09-052013-09-052006-09Loureiro, C.; Boski, T.; Albardeiro, L.; MOURA D.; Terefenko, P.; CAMACHO S.; Veiga-Pires, C. Palaeosurface Reconstruction Based on Sedimentary Record and in Sea Level Evolution in the Guadiana Estuary (Southern Iberia), Trabalho apresentado em Seal'Aix06 -Sea Level Changes: Records, Processes and Modeling Giens, 2006AUT: TBO00513; DMO00293; CVP01371;http://hdl.handle.net/10400.1/2865The sedimentary infilling of the Guadiana estuary, in the Southern Iberian Peninsula, has been extensively studied using a variety of laboratory methods, namely geochemical and sedimentological analyses, foraminifera assemblages and palynological profiles, supported by 14C dating [1-3](...)engPalaeosurface reconstruction based on sedimentary record and in sea level evolution in the Guadiana Estuary (Southern Iberia)conference object2013-08-30