Reia-Baptista, Vítor2017-03-312017-03-31200691-89471-39-3AUT: VRE00048; observing some of the new environments of media exposure, such as the internet, the mobile communication devices and situa- tions, or the console games’ interaction pat- terns, we discern that there is a great need for research into, and development of, the field. In order to gather better knowledge about our individual and social situation in the private and public spheres of daily life, the emergent new media usage, or their ap- propriations, and the levels of credibility sur- rounding the information sources connected to those environments available everywhere, on-line and off-line, need to be studied in a multi-disciplinary approach.engMedia literacyInternetNew environments of media exposure. Internet and narrative structures: From media education to media pedagogy and media literacybook part