São José, JoséSipilä, JormaRepo, KatjaZechnner, MinnaMartin, ClaudeDebroise, A.Le Bihan, B.Wall, KarinCorreia, SóniaBaldock, J.Hadlow, JanVion, A.Larsen, TrineKröger, Teppo2014-03-122014-03-12200392-894-8453-5AUT: JSJ02103;http://hdl.handle.net/10400.1/3621The SOCCARE Project studied social care arrangements of European families in five different socio-economic and cultural environments that represent the variety of European welfare states (Finland, France, Italy, Portugal and the UK). It focused on four key family types that all are heavily affected by the ongoing demographic, socio-economic and structural changes within European societies: 1) lone parent families, 2) dual-career families, 3) immigrant families and, 4) “double front carer” families (that have young children and, at the same time, elderly family members in need of care).engSocial careReconciliation of workFamily lifeFamilies, work and social care in Europe. A qualitative study of care arrangements in Finland, France, Italy, Portugal and the UKbook