OLIVERO, LUCAS FABIAN2024-09-192024-09-192023-11-28979-8-4007-0872-5http://hdl.handle.net/10400.1/25908This article presents Spheri, the latest version of the artefact formerly known as "I'm Watching You/Me" (IMWYM). Spheri explores the use of Hybrid Immersive Models (HIMs) for artistic applications of immersive environments, created from handmade spherical perspective drawings. The development is framed within the ongoing investigation of Handmade Immersive Art (HIA). The article discusses the artistic and technical implications of utilizing body tracking for navigating a VR environment and analyses user experiences, and their engagement with immersive environments. Spheri is the first web-based and independently coded version of the artefact, and it represents a significant improvement with new features such as an illustrator-centred navigation system, smoother navigation, and enhanced stability. The article contributes to the field of handmade created immersive environments, and it highlights the potential implications for artists, designers, illustrators, and educators.engSpherical perspectivesDigital media artHybrid immersive artVirtual realityInteractive installationSpheri v1: a body tracking artefact to interact with spherical perspective drawings made on-the-flyconference object10.1145/3632776.3632824