Vilas, TiagoRodrigues, J. M. F.Cardoso, Pedro J. S.2014-01-292014-01-292013-11Vilas, Tiago; Rodrigues, J.M.F.; Cardoso, Pedro. Detection, classification and localisation of football players and ball from Handycam videos, Trabalho apresentado em 19th Portuguese Conf. on Pattern Recognition, In 19th Portuguese Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Lisboa, Portugal, 2013AUT: PCA01382; JRO00913; current performance requirements in football make imperative the use of new technologies for game observation and analysis, providing detailed information about the team's actions. This paper presents in resume an algorithm to collect information from Handycam videos, namely, the football pitch, player and ball detection, player classification within the team, the tracking and localisation of players and ball, being the main contribution the determination of the exact localisation of players and ball in the pitch.engDetection, classification and localisation of football players and ball from handycam videosreview2014-01-27