Zemke, John2012-08-092012-08-09200384-88544-79-0http://hdl.handle.net/10400.1/1603Tribute is paid to the late lamented scholar of French literature (Tlemcen, September 19, 1908 - Paris, May 14, 2001), whose crucial work on oral tradition analyzed creativity in the romance, with this splendid volume of articles, discussions, and status quo reports on the Peninsular and Sephardic romances.engPedro M. Piñero Ramírez (ed.), La eterna agonía del romancero. Homenaje a Paul Bénichou. Actas del Encuentro Internacional sobre el Romancero (Sevilla, 25-27 October, 1999), Sevilla, Fundación Machado, 2001. 510 pags.La eterna agonía del romanceroHomenaje a Paul BénichouActas del Encuentro Internacional sobre el Romancero (Sevilla, 25-27 October, 1999)review