Piedade, RitaSchaeffeler, ElkeWinter, StefanAsimus, SaraSchwab, MatthiasAshton, MichaelBurk, OliverGil, José Pedro2018-12-072018-12-072012-040066-4804http://hdl.handle.net/10400.1/11104Artemisinins induce drug metabolism through the activation of the pregnane X receptor (PXR) in vitro. Here, we report the re-sequencing and genotyping of PXR variants in 75 Vietnamese individuals previously characterized for CYP3A enzyme activity after artemisinin exposure. We identified a total of 31 PXR variants, including 5 novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and we identified significantly different allele frequencies relative to other ethnic groups. A trend of significance was observed between the level of CYP3A4 induction by artemisinin and two PXR variants, the 8118C -> T (Y328Y) and 10719A -> G variants.engPregnane-X-receptorSingle-nucleotide polymorphismsConstitutive-androstane-receptorInflammatory-bowel-diseaseFalciparum-malariaGeneAssociationPharmacokineticsPharmacogeneticsCytochrome-P450PXR variants and artemisinin use in vietnamese subjects: frequency distribution and impact on the interindividual variability of CYP3A induction by artemisininjournal article10.1128/AAC.06009-11