Cardoso, PedroLam, RobertoPereira, Rui PenhaRodrigues, NunoHerdeiro, Cláudia2020-03-052020-03-052019Cardoso P.J.S., Lam R., Pereira R.P., Rodrigues N., Herdeiro C., H. C. (2019). A Flexible Assessment Platform for Middle School, Supported on Students Goals. In A. M. & S. C. (Eds.), Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Theory, Methods and Tools. HCII 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11572. Springer, Cham.)978-3-030-23559-8 in many education system, assessment by written exams in a live only time evaluation is a traditional way to judge the student learnings. This live only time evaluation method leads to dys- functionalities such as high levels of stress and the assumption, by the students and by some teachers, that exams re ect the educational goals. This paper presents the Assessment Centers in Schools (ACiSs) project which aims to mitigate some of the identi ed problems. The nal goal of the ACiSs system is a web platform which allows students to have an out of class assessment system, reducing factor like stress by granting the possibility to complete more than one examination and consequent approval per module of the studied subjects. The ACiSs system is com- prised by a dataset of questions, properly categorized, which allows the automatic generation of exams wordings for summative and formative as- sessment. In the latter case, exams can be generated in order to mitigate individual weaknesses in the subject's curricular goals.engAssessment centers in schoolsCurricular goalsExams generationA Flexible assessment platform for middle school, supported on students goalsbook part