Pinto, BernardoMachado, André M.Cordeiro, J. MiguelKolbadinezhad, Salman MalakpourFonseca, ElzaAndrade, JosePalma, JorgeRuivo, RaquelMonteiro, NunoWilson, Jonathan M.Castro, L. Filipe C.2023-12-182023-12-1820230960-9822 eccentric seahorses, seadragons, pipehorses and pipefishes (Syngnathidae) have an aglomerular kidney1. Here, we show that nephron genes2 conserved in Bilateria are secondarily eroded/deleted in Syngnathidae genomes. A transcriptome enrichment analysis suggests the predominance of excretion processes in the Syngnathidae kidney. In a lineage where crypsis and idleness are tightly associated, we propose that aglomerulism evolved as an energy-saving strategy.engBiochemistry & Molecular BiologyBiologyCell BiologyExtensive gene loss parallels kidney aglomerulism in Syngnathidaejournal article10.1016/j.cub.2023.08.045