Terzic, KasimLobato, D.Saleiro, MárioMartins, JaimeFarrajota, MiguelRodrigues, J. M. F.du Buf, J. M. H.2014-01-302014-01-302013Terzic, Kasim; Lobato, David; Saleiro, Mário; Martins, Jaime; Farrajota, Miguel; Rodrigues, J. M. F.; Buf, J. M. H.Biological Models for Active Vision: Towards a Unified Architecture, In Computer Vision Systems, 113-122, ISBN: 978-3-642-39401-0. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.978-3-642-39401-0AUT: DUB00865; JRO00913;http://hdl.handle.net/10400.1/3395Building a general-purpose, real-time active vision system completely based on biological models is a great challenge. We apply a number of biologically plausible algorithms which address different aspects of vision, such as edge and keypoint detection, feature extraction,optical flow and disparity, shape detection, object recognition and scene modelling into a complete system. We present some of the experiments from our ongoing work, where our system leverages a combination of algorithms to solve complex tasks.engBiological models for active vision: towards a unified architecturebook part2014-01-27http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-39402-7_12