Oliveira, Tiago C. A.Lin, Ying-TsongKushida, NoriyukiJesus, SergioNielsen, Peter2022-01-102022-01-102021-12http://hdl.handle.net/10400.1/17451An Mw7.4 submarine earthquake occurred in the Kermadec Trench, northeast of New Zealand, on 18 June, 2020. This powerful earthquake triggered energetic tertiary waves (T-waves) that propagated through the South Pacific Ocean into the South Atlantic Ocean, where the T-waves were recorded by a hydrophone station near Ascension Island, 15 127 km away from the epicenter. Different T-wave arrivals were identified during the earthquake period with arrival angles deviating from the geodesic path. A three-dimensional sound propagation model has been utilized to investigate the cause of the deviation and confirm the horizontal diffraction of the T-waves at the Drake Passage. VC 2021 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). [Editor: Gopu R Potty]engDifraçãoT-wave propagation from the Pacific to the Atlantic: The 2020 Mw7.4 Kermadec Trench earthquake casePropagação de ondas T do Pacífico para o Atlântico: O caso do terremoto da Trincheira Kermadec 2020journal article10.1121/10.00089392691-1191