Esteves, FilipaVilhena Catarino Brito, DavidRajado, Ana TeresaSilva, NádiaApolónio, JoanaRoberto, VâniaAndrade, RaquelCalado, SofiaFaleiro, Maria LeonorAlbuquerque Andrade de Matos, Carlos AdrianoMarques, NunoMarreiros, AnaNzwalo, HipólitoPais, SandraPalmeirim, IsabelSimãoa, SóniaJoaquim, NatérciaMiranda, RuiPêgas, AntónioRaposo, Daniela MarquesSardo, AnaAraújo, InêsNóbrega, ClévioCastelo-Branco, PedroBragança, José2024-12-162024-12-162024-121873-5061 induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) hold promises to model and understand human diseases, including those associated with ageing. Here, we describe ABCRIi001-A, a hiPSC line generated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of a 79-year-old female enrolled in a study for development of an ageing score (ALFA Score). PBMCs were reprogrammed using three Sendai virus-based reprogramming vectors (hKOS, hc-Myc, and hKlf4). ABCRIi001-A showed normal morphology and karyotype, viral clearance, absence of genomic aberrations, and their pluripotency was confirmed by expression of pluripotency-related markers and their ability to differentiate into the three germ layers. ABCRIi001-A is valuable for ageing-related studies.engEstablishment of an induced pluripotent cell line (ABCRIi001-A) from an elderly female for ageing researchjournal article10.1016/j.scr.2024.103576