Litran, S. P.Duran, E.Barroso, R. S.Semiao, J.Ferrera, M. B.2021-06-242021-06-242020978-1-7281-4218-02166-9546 DC networks have been shown as a suitable solution for low voltage (LV) energy distribution. This paper presents the advantages and disadvantages that they have with respect to other topologies, from the point of view of their implementation, efficiency in the use of energy and its ability to connect large loads. On the other hand, for this type of networks the use of DC-DC converters is required to connect the different sources of distributed generation with guarantees so that the network as a whole can be managed automatically (Smartgrid), both in isolated mode and connected to the conventional AC network. In this line, three configurations of non-isolated DC-DC converters, of a bipolar input and output are presented. That allows connecting DC sources to the network in a controlled way. The behaviour of the converters is verified through a simulation platform based on MATLAB-Simulink and the experimental results will be presented.engDC microgridsDC BipolarDC-DC convertersEnergy & Fuels; EngineeringAnalysis of converters with bipolar output for DC microgridconference object