Pittman, K.Rønnestad, I.Gavaia, Paulo J.Cancela, LeonorGuerreiro, P. M.Ribeiro, LauraAragão, C.Hamre, K.Moren, M.Yúfera, M.Conceição, L. E. C.2014-06-042014-06-042007K. Pittman; I. Ronnestad; Gavaia, Paulo Jorge Travessa; Leonor Cancela; P.M. Guerreiro; L. Ribeiro; C. Aragão; K. Hamre; M. Moren; M. Yufera; Luis E.C. Conceição. Fish Larval Research: a tool for sustainable food production and understanding environmental impacts on developing organisms, Aquaculture Europe, 32, 4, 5-10, 2007.AUT: LCA00739; PJG02219;http://hdl.handle.net/10400.1/4182Reliable juvenile production or recruitment requires high numbers of healthy fish larvae. Despite considerable progress in marine fish farming in the past 20 years, juvenile fish production is still fraught with problems which arise during the larval phase. In fisheries, juvenile recruitment in some populations has not recovered despite long-term moratoria on captures and protection of the broodstock. These issues highlight the growing importance of multidisciplinary fish larval research.engFish Larval Research: a tool for sustainable food production and understanding environmental impacts on developing organismsconference object2014-05-30