Soares, C.Jesus, S. M.Silva, A.Coelho, E.2014-10-032014-10-032004C. SOARES, S.M. JESUS, A.J. SILVA and E. COELHO, Acoustic Oceanographic Buoy testing during the Maritime Rapid Environmental Assessment 2003 sea trial'' in Proc. of ECUA'04, Delft, The NetherlandsAUT: SJE00662; ASI00912; paper proposes an innovative concept that responds to the requirements of acoustic REA as the integration between a network of sophisticated Acoustic-Oceanographic Buoys (AOB) and online ocean properties inversion algorithms. A prototype of the system, in- cluding one sonobuoy and a preliminary version of the inversion code, was tested at sea during the MREA'03 sea trial. The AOB is a light acoustic receiving device that in- corporates last generation technology for acquiring, storing and processing acoustic and non-acoustic signals received in various channels along a vertical line array. During the MREA'03 the AOB was deployed on a free drifting con guration. Source/receiver geom- etry was estimated from the buoy's GPS. Online processing was made possible by wireless transfer of the data and inversion was done in a range-dependent environment. Temper- ature pro les inverted from acoustic signals in two frequency bands on nearengAcoustic oceanographicAcoustic Oceanographic Buoy testing during the Maritime Rapid Environmental Assessment 2003 sea trialjournal article