Briones-Peñalver, Antonio-JuanOlmo Fernandez, Ignacio delFernández Cañavate, Francisco-JoséSantos, José António C.2024-11-082024-11-082024-07-232071-1050 paper analyses the effect of institutional legitimacy on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability in police forces through their methods and procedures (procedural justice) that determine citizens’ trust in the police, which theoretically influences organised coexistence in human communities (social effectiveness). CSR can increase collective well-being through legitimacy, sustained by police action. An anonymous citizen survey was carried out to verify the theoretical proposal to inquire about their opinions on the legitimacy, methods, and community relations between Spanish police forces and the community. The hypotheses were analysed with a structural equation system. The practical implications aspire to know the citizens’ opinions about the methods and procedures used by the Spanish police and their relations with Spanish civilians. Finally, citizens consider that police actions and procedures are institutionally and legally regulated competencies, and, therefore, citizens cannot influence them.engCorporate social responsibilitySustainabilitySustainable Development Goals (SDGs)Procedural justicesocial effectivenessPolice forcesStructural equationsCorporate social responsibility and sustainability through Institutional legitimacy in police forcesjournal article10.3390/su16156300