Gran, MarinoRodelo, DianaNguefeu, Idriss Tchoffo2021-06-242022-03-012020-100022-4049 give new characterisations of regular Mal'tsev categories with distributive lattice of equivalence relations through variations of the so-called Triangular Lemma and Trapezoid Lemma in universal algebra. We then give new characterisations of equivalence distributive Goursat categories (which extend 3-permutable varieties) through variations of the Triangular and Trapezoid Lemmas involving reflexive and positive relations. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.engMal'tsev categoriesGoursat categoriesCongruence distributive varietiesShifting LemmaTriangular LemmaTrapezoid LemmaMathematicsFacets of congruence distributivity in Goursat categoriesjournal article10.1016/j.jpaa.2020.106380