Coelho, RuiDomingo, AndrésCarlson, JohnNatanson, LisaCortés, EnricMiller, Philip2019-06-062019-06-062017Coelho, R., Domingo, A., Carlson, J., Natanson, L., Cortés, E., Miller, P., 2017. Satellite tagging of shortfin mako for habitat use and post-release survival: progress report for SRDCP. Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 74(4): 1601-16121021-5212 paper provides an update of two projects developed within the ICCAT Shark Research and Data Collection Program (SRDCP) using satellite telemetry, specifically a study on habitat use and another on post-release survival. Currently, all phase 1 (2015-2016) tags (23 tags: 9 miniPATs and 14 sPAT) have been deployed by observers on Portuguese, Uruguayan and US vessels in the temperate NE, temperate NW and SW Atlantic. A total of 668 tracking days have been recorded. In terms of post-release survivorship, data from 19 tags/specimens is available. From those, 6 specimens died (31.6%) while the remaining 13 (68.4%) survived the first 30 days after tagging. All planned project milestones and deliverables have been achieved and delivered in due time. For the 2nd phase of the project (2016-2017) 12 miniPATS were acquired and will be deployed during 2017 in various regions of the Atlantic, including temperate, tropical and equatorial waters.engHabitat usePost-release survivalSharks research programSatellite taggingShortfin makoSatellite tagging of shortfin mako for habitat use and post-release survival: progress report for SRDCPjournal article