Fejes, AndreasAlmeida, António Fragoso deJütte, WolfgangKurantowicz, EwaMerrill, BarbaraSalling Olesen, HenningWildemeersch, Danny2019-04-082019-04-0820192000-7426http://hdl.handle.net/10400.1/12460The first issue of RELA was published in 2010, so with this issue we enter the 10-year anniversary. In this editorial, we will firstly elaborate on what we as editors find that RELA has accomplished. Secondly, we introduce changes that are taking place while entering 2019, and lastly, we introduce the papers which are included in this issue.engEditorial: RELAs 10-year anniversary: what have we accomplished?other10.3384/rela.2000-7426.relae17