Inmaculada Lopez-Nunez, MaNeves de Jesus, SaulViseu, JoãoSantana-Cardenas, Soraya2018-12-072018-12-072018-092183-6051 The concept of positive psychological capital draws from the study of positive organizational behavior and refers to a psychological state characterized by self-efficacy, hope, resilience, and optimism that can be developed and related to job performance. Methods: This paper analyzed the reliability and factorial structure of the Psychological Capital Questionnaire-12 (PCQ-12) in a sample composed by Spanish workers (N = 339), from different professional sectors, through a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Results: The analysis assessed a model with four-correlated factors competing with a second-order model proposed by the authors of this instrument. The results of the adjustment and reliability values of the dimensions are discussed in light of various studies which differ from our model or support it along with its limitations and contributes. Conclusion: Our results indicate the need to contemplate this instrument's sensitivity towards cultural differences, both geographical and organizational.spaPositive Organizational-BehaviorSelf-EfficacyPsychometric PropertiesMeasurement InvarianceFit IndexesPerformanceAttitudesImpactSatisfactionHealthPsychological Capital of Spanish Workers: Confirmatory Factor Analysis of PCQ-12journal article10.21865/RIDEP48.3.06