Tavares, AnaMakhoul, CalilMonteiro, MarioCurate, Francisco2019-11-202019-11-202017-091879-98171879-9825http://hdl.handle.net/10400.1/13013The skeletal remains of seven individuals (five non-adults and two adults) were recovered during an archeological intervention in the township of Carnide (Lisbon, Portugal). Funerary anthropology strongly suggests that the sample is from the Medieval Islamic period (8th -12th centuries AD). This report presents a case of chronic osteomyelitis in a non-adult individual. The diagnostic is substantiated by the presence of pathognomonic signs of osteomyelitis, including the presence of cloacae and a sequestrum in the left tibia. The bone infection is discussed in the context of inadequate socioeconomic conditions. This case from a relatively unfamiliar chronology and cultural context supplements the uncommon paleopathological descriptions of osteomyelitis in non-adults from historical populations.engChildrenSkeletalSurgeryPediatric chronic osteomyelitis in the outskirts of Al-Ushbuna (Carnide, Lisboa, Portugal)journal article10.1016/j.ijpp.2017.06.003