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- Digital marketing actions that achieve a better attraction and loyalty of users: an analytical studyPublication . Ramos, Celia; Matos, Nelson; López García, Juan José; Lizcano, DavidCurrently, the digital economy contributes decisively to an increase in competitiveness, especially as a digital transformation involves migrating to new technological models where digital marketing is a key part of growth and user loyalty strategies. Internet and Digital Marketing have become important factors in campaigns, which attract and retain Internet users. This study aims to identify the main ways in which users can be gained and retained by using Digital Marketing. The Delphi method with in-depth interviews was the methodology used in this study. The results of the research show the most important actions for achieving user recruitment and loyalty with Digital Marketing from the opinions of consulted experts. The limitations of this study are those related to the number of experts included in the study, and the number of research papers consulted in the literature review. The literature review and the results of this research are used to propose new solid research with a consolidated critical methodology. This research deals with a new approach that will optimize web technologies for the evolution of user trends, and therefore, will be of academic and professional use for marketing managers and web solution developers. The conclusions of the investigation show the key factors, discarding others that do not affect the optimization of conversions in B2C businesses such as the duration of the session and the rebound percentage. Likewise, the results of the research identify the specific actions that must be carried out to attract and retain users in B2C companies that use the Digital Marketing ecosystem on the Internet. The requirements for companies that wish to implement a model to optimize conversions using the current digital economy are also shown.
- Mobile five senses augmented reality system: technology acceptance studyPublication . Rodrigues, João; Ramos, Celia; Pereira, Joao A. R.; Sardo, Joao D. P.; Cardoso, PedroThe application of the most recent technologies is fundamental to add value to tourism experiences, as well as in other economic sectors. Mobile Five Senses Augmented Reality (M5SAR) system is a mobile guide instrument for cultural, historical, and museum events. In order to realize the proclaimed five senses, the system has two main modules: a (i) mobile application which deals mainly with the senses of sight and hearing, using for that the mobile device camera to recognize and track on-the-fly (museum's) objects and give related information about them; and a (ii) portable device capable of enhancing the augmented reality (AR) experience to the full five senses through the stimulus of touch, taste, and smell, by associating itself to the users' smartphone or tablet. This paper briefly presents the system's architecture but, the main focus is on the analysis of the users' acceptance for this technology, namely the AR (software) application, and its integration with the (hardware) device to achieve the five senses AR. Results show that social influence, effort expectancy, and facilitating conditions are the key constructs that drive the users to accept and M5SAR's technology.
- Sistemas de informação no planeamento turísticoPublication . Ramos, Célia M. Q.O ambiente é actualmente uma das maiores preocupações da humanidade. As actividades que o melhoram /degradam precisam ser avaliadas e controladas através de meios eficientes de forma a permitir o controlo dos impactos ambientais provocados pelo desenvolvimento dessas actividades. Este artigo apresenta a tecnologia associada aos sistemas de informação, que possibilita a criação de um Sistema de Apoio à Decisão o qual permite ao Decisor avaliar, prever e controlar os futuros impactos do turismo através da consulta, gestão e construção de cenários de decisão como resultado da aplicação de medidas definidas no planeamento e ordenamento turístico de uma região.
- A decision-support system to Analyse Customer Satisfaction Applied to a Tourism Transport ServicePublication . Ramos, Celia; Cardoso, Pedro; Fernandes, Hortênsio C. L.; Rodrigues, JoãoDue to the perishable nature of tourist products, which impacts supply and demand, the possibility of analysing the relationship between customers’ satisfaction and service quality can contribute to increased revenues. Machine learning techniques allow the analysis of how these services can be improved or developed and how to reach new markets, and look for the emergence of ideas to innovate and improve interaction with the customer. This paper presents a decision-support system for analysing consumer satisfaction, based on consumer feedback from the customer’s experience when transported by a transfer company, in the present case working in the Algarve region, Portugal. The results show how tourists perceive the service and which factors influence their level of satisfaction and sentiment. One of the results revealed that the first impression associated with good news is what creates the most value in the experience, i.e., “first impressions matter”..
- Information system for tourism activity monitoring and forecasting indicators as an experience for PortugalPublication . Ramos, Célia M. Q.; Perna, FernandoIn view of presenting the development of an information system (IS) associated with a real world case and an economic sector, namely tourism, the present article is the result of the methodological development of the scientific research study known as IMPACTUR - Tourism Activity Monitoring and Forecasting Indicators. The system that is the object of the current article is directed at tourism as an emerging sector of the economy geared towards excellence in some regions, thus requiring proper tools that allow decision-makers to acquire all possible slight advantages that are so essential to being the best. The IS formulated for IMPACTUR is one of these tools, innovative in Portugal and abroad, providing statistical information online related to tourism. It should be pointed out that it stores updated and timely information that is processed and made available in an electronic format via a website to all tourism professionals and researchers.
- GIS on tourism planning: preventing the impacts caused by the developing tourism activity in a specific sitePublication . Ramos, Célia M. Q.; Gomes, Mário Rui Fonseca dos SantosThe environment is one of the greatest concerns of humankind. Nowadays, the activities which improve or destroy it must be assessed and controlled by efficient means which should permit the control of environmental impact caused by the development of these activities. This document presents an information system implementation, as a Decision Support system, allowing the Decision Maker to evaluate, foresee and control the future environmental impact of Tourism through consultation, the management and the presentation of decision schemes based on defined measures of a regional tourism planning.
- Sistemas e tecnologias de informação no sector turísticoPublication . Ramos, Célia M. Q.; Rodrigues, Paulo M. M.; Perna, FernandoO desenvolvimento tecnológico tem sido um dos principais motores para as transformações sentidas pelo sector económico relacionado com a actividade turística. No contexto das novas Tecnologias de Informação e de Comunicação (TIC), a Internet revolucionou a forma de actuação e de posicionamento dos intervenientes dentro do canal da distribuição turística. A distribuição turística viu surgir a obrigatoriedade de se aliar a sistemas que possibilitassem o tratamento, armazenamento, a gestão e a comunicação de informação turística como garantia de sobrevivência das organizações e aumento da competitividade dos destinos. O presente artigo pretende mostrar que os sistemas e as tecnologias de informação e de comunicação têm um papel essencial para as organizações turísticas. Para além da comunicação, a Internet permitiu o desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação, específicos para a criação de pacotes dinâmicos (Dynamic Packaging), os quais permitem aos destinos definirem o seu posicionamento numa sociedade onde todos os dias emergem novas funcionalidades tecnológicas e novos conceitos.
- Measuring air and terrestrial transport company reputation: tourism intangibles expressed in the digital environmentPublication . Ramos, Celia; Casado-Molina, Ana M.; Pelaez, Jose I.The reputation of companies within the transport industry is influenced by competitive dynamics within the sector: low-cost flights, the attractiveness of destinations, online user-generated content about users' experiences, and more. At the same time, social media provides a means for companies to manage issues of tourism intangibles. Thus, it is relevant to analyse transport reputation in the digital environment, taking into consideration the resources for managing these intangibles. This paper presents a method for measuring transport reputation based on an analysis of tourism consumers' digital opinions and passengers' comments about their experiences with these firms. The use of social media, such as TripAdvisor and Facebook, conjugated with business intelligence tools and complemented by data mining techniques, can contribute to the development of metrics that consider intangibles like emotions and experiences, with the aim of measuring, analysing, and visualizing the complex relationships between these intangibles and transport companies' reputations. The results present the impacts of these intangibles through clusters and positioning maps focusing on these issues. This investigation contributes to our knowledge about airlines and terrestrial transport companies that seek to differentiate their positioning in tourism markets through their reputations.
- Tourism experiences and experiential image: Algarve, a safe and joyful destination in EuropePublication . Manuela Guerreiro, Maria; Pinto, Patrícia; de Matos, Nelson; Pereira, Luís; Sequeira, Bernardete; Ramos, Celia; Wikesjö, Magda; Agapito, Dora; Martins, Rafaela; Bender, Ana; Lampreia, FatimaTurExperience is a project within the scope of the Regional Intelligent Specialization Strategy of the Algarve (RIES3 Algarve),and the Intelligent Algarve Region – RIA,contributing to the promotion of research and development (R&D) of the tourism industry in the Algarve. Funded by Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional(FEDER) and the Programa Operacional CRESC Algarve 2020, Portugal2020, and Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER), the project involves several stakeholders, namely the ResearchCenter for Tourism, Sustainability, and Well-being (CinTurs) and the Economics Faculty the University of Algarve, Aeroporto Gago Coutinho at Faro, Algarve Tourism Board, hotel units, among other entities. The project addresses the followingresearch question: How is the Algarve tourism destination experienced and perceived by tourists? Overall, it aims to identify and measure the touristic experiences and their impacts on the experiential image of the Algarve as a tourism destination. The project results are expected to contribute to the future Observatory for Sustainable Tourism in the Algarve (a partnership between regionalentities [RTA and CCDR] and theUniversity of Algarve). A mix-methodapproach was performed using triangulation involving three studies. First,a survey-based questionnaire encompassing the high and low seasons of the Algarve tourism experience.
- A integração dos sistemas de informação e do turismo, o caso IMPACTURPublication . Ramos, Célia M. Q.Os SI e o turismo formam uma aliança bem conseguida e com inegáveis potencialidades para os agentes de decisão e investigadores. O objectivo deste artigo é o de apresentar um caso concreto e real desta aliança, o Sistema de Informação para apoio ao IMPACTUR (Indicadores de Monitorização e Previsão da Actividade Turística), que se encontra em funcionamento e disponível através da Internet, onde se pode verificar e analisar os benefícios obtidos pela conjugação entre os conceitos associados à actividade turística e às tecnologias de informação e de comunicação. O presente artigo resulta do desenvolvimento metodológico de uma componente do projecto de investigação científica denominado IMPACTUR - Indicadores de Monitorização e Previsão da Actividade Turística, sendo este beneficiário da parceria estabelecida entre o Instituto de Turismo de Portugal e a Universidade do Algarve / Centro Internacional de Investigação em Território e Turismo, aos quais a autora agradece o apoio concedido.