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  • A criterion for reflectiveness of normal extensions
    Publication . Montoli, Andrea; Rodelo, Diana; Van der Linden, Tim
    We give a new sufficient condition for the normal extensions in an admissible Galois structure to be reflective. We then show that this condition is indeed fulfilled when X is the (protomodular) reflective subcategory of S-special objects of a Barr-exact S-protomodular category C, where S is the class of split epimorphic trivial extensions in C. Next to some concrete examples where the criterion may be applied, we also study the adjunction between a Barr-exact unital category and its abelian core, which we prove to be admissible.
  • Intrinsic Schreier split extensions
    Publication . Montoli, Andrea; Rodelo, Diana; Van der Linden, Tim
    In the context of regular unital categories we introduce an intrinsic version of the notion of a Schreier split epimorphism, originally considered for monoids. We show that such split epimorphisms satisfy the same homological properties as Schreier split epimorphisms of monoids do. This gives rise to new examples of S-protomodular categories, and allows us to better understand the homological behaviour of monoids from a categorical perspective.
  • On lax protomodularity for Ord-enriched categories
    Publication . Clementino, Maria Manuel; Montoli, Andrea; Rodelo, Diana
    Our main focus concerns a possible lax version of the algebraic property of protomodularity for Ord -enriched categories. Having in mind the role of comma objects in the enriched context, we consider some of the characteristic properties of protomodularity with respect to comma objects instead of pullbacks. We show that the equivalence between protomodularity and certain properties on pullbacks also holds when replacing conveniently pullbacks by comma objects in any finitely complete category enriched in Ord, and propose to call lax protomodular such Ord -enriched categories. We conclude by studying this sort of lax protomodularity for the category OrdAb of preordered abelian groups, equipped with a suitable Ord -enrichment, and show that OrdAb fulfills the equivalent lax protomodular properties with respect to the weaker notion of precomma object; we call such categories lax preprotomodular. (c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http:// creativecommons .org /licenses /by -nc -nd /4 .0/).