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- A estabilidade estrutural e a vulnerabilidade dos edifícios em centros históricos face ao risco sísmicoPublication . Vicente, Romeu; Ferreira, Tiago Miguel; Maio, Rui; Estêvão, João M. C.; Rodrigues, HugoPresentemente os países europeus estão a despertar para uma cultura da gestão de risco integrado, quer a nível nacional quer em termos municipais. A gestão de risco é um processo que engloba uma série de ações que apoiam a implementação de medidas que reduzam o potencial de perda na ocorrência de um evento, por exemplo, de natureza sísmica. Porém, a avaliação do risco sísmico é apenas uma das tarefas da teia complexa da gestão de risco e definição de estratégias de intervenção e controlo de um sistema urbano. De entre muitos objetivos que se perspetivam no âmbito do planeamento e gestão urbana, com este artigo abordar a avaliação de risco no domínio específico da segurança estrutural, com enfoque na avaliação do risco sísmico, cujas graves consequências fazem parte da nossa memória coletiva e, infelizmente, em alguns casos, da memória viva de diversas comunidades. A gravidade dos danos que deles decorrem é motivo suficiente para uma forte valorização das estratégias de prevenção, planeamento e mitigação que diminuam a sua probabilidade, limitem as suas consequências e permitam uma ação continuada de melhoria, já que só utopicamente se poderá considerar a possibilidade de transformação integral e imediata das realidades urbanas em situações de risco “zero”.
- Casting a new light on the seismic risk assessment of stone masonry buildings located within historic centresPublication . Maio, Rui; Estêvão, João M. C.; Ferreira, Tiago Miguel; Vicente, RomeuIn light of the new legal framework in force in Portugal, which defines the terms for reporting the seismic vulnerability assessment and the need for seismic strengthening of existing buildings, this paper aims at investigating the correlation between two well-known approaches for the seismic risk assessment of stone masonry buildings located within historic centres: the vulnerability index method and nonlinear static seismic analyses. The latter were carried out by using a new three-dimensional macroelement model to numerically represent the considered sample of prototype buildings, together with the application of the N2 Method. In this paper, the original purpose of the vulnerability index method, that of ranking the seismic vulnerability of existing urban cultural heritage (UCH) assets within the same building typology, was numerically validated. However, when reverting the use of the vulnerability index method by replacing the Macroseismic Intensity with a response spectrum, the results were not as interesting as envisaged, since the correlations between the vulnerability index and the main properties of the capacity curves derived from numerical models, presented, in general, a poor fitting. Finally, the possible causes for such poor fitting and future lines of investigation are discussed. Despite these results must be understood with due care and diligence, the authors believe that this exercise might encourage new investigations on this topic that could lead to the development of a new code-oriented methodology for the seismic risk assessment of UCH assets within historic centres.
- An approach for the estimation of the magnitude of historical earthquakes: a sensitivity study of the 1980 and 1998 earthquakes in AzoresPublication . De Azevedo Charters Fuentes Morais, Eduardo José; Ferreira, Tiago Miguel; Estêvão, João M. C.; Oliveira, Carlos SousaIn regions with low-to-moderate seismicity, the return-period of seismic events with large magnitudes is relatively high. Nevertheless, historical seismic events are relevant for the evaluation of seismic hazard in those regions. Thus, seismologists study the records of the effects of historical earthquakes to map the distribution intensity points, using an Intensity Scale. Afterwards, the maximum intensity point is identified as well as the probable epicentral location and magnitude. Another method, introduced by earthquake engineers, incorporates the knowledge of the behaviour of structures into posterior distributions of magnitude using fragility functions and the damage reported in historical documents. The method uses the total probability theorem to combine the uncertainty in the structural behaviour, ground motion intensity, site-to-source distance. Then, the Bayes’s theorem is employed to update a prior magnitude model into a posterior magnitude distribution. Thus, the reduction of the uncertainty in the final estimates requires the preliminary application of the method to instrumental events in order to validate the appropriate framework to address historical seismicity, namely ground motion and structural response. This paper investigates the earthquakes of January 1st 1980 with Mw=6.8-7.2 and of July 9th 1998 with Mw=5.9-6.2 in Azores Islands (Portugal) as study cases to test the sensitivity to different attenuation models Ambraseys et al. (2005) and Akkar et al. (2014). A single set of fragility functions, derived from a detailed vulnerability assessment in Faial, is assumed to model the structural response in both events. The results show that, for both events, the attenuation model from Akkar et al. (2014) and the fault source model presented results closer to those of detailed methods. Discrepancies can also be explained by differences in the prior distance model resulting from source models assumptions. The intervals Mw=5.96±0.53 and Mw=6.91±0.42 have been estimated for the 1998 and the 1980 earthquake, respectively.